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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

The Merchant Of Venice
Words: 4600 / Pages: 17

.... one side or the other. Its brilliant portrayal of capitalism, feminism and racism are issues that stir something inside everyone and its characters are real people that anyone can relate to, even in these modern times. Interested? Read on. Written in 1596 or 1597 The Merchant of Venice has some remarkably cool characters. Three of who are described here. Antonio A merchant of Venice, who was a well-respected businessman and whose whole fortune was tied up in ships. Although, not actually a member of the aristocracy his wealth allowed him .....

Death Of A Salesman: Willy's Life
Words: 1095 / Pages: 4

.... I don’t know if that is a symptom of Alzheimer’s or not, but I believe the author was trying to show that he wasn’t in a right state of mind. The author explains this as too many years on the road and too much pressure to succeed. His family and friends keep referring to him as a good man, but I don’t see that. As they flashback to the past and show him with his sons he is still the obsessive man that he is in the present, it’s just in the past his sons are successful in school. The Qualities Willy tries to instill in his kids are to be well liked, and have a strong mind for business. In the past he was a great dad, but that’s because hi .....

Creon's Role Of King And His Responsibilities
Words: 1237 / Pages: 5

.... between his position and the king's is that of the accompanying action to ruling. In both positions, one is a ruler who holds great power over the state. However, the king is placed in a greater place of accountability to the people. This accountability is what Creon says inspires "fear" in the king, for if affairs of state or of the people fall into decline, the king is the first person whom the citizenry look to blame. This is analogous to executive leaders throughout history, as one can see in looking at American presidents and the correlation between the present conditions and events of the nation to the public's opinion of the president, .....

The Setting In "A Doll's House"
Words: 162 / Pages: 1

.... play takes place in Europe in the nineteenth-century. During this time women were discriminated. against. This simple fact affects the whole play's outcome. A young woman by the name of Nora is under the control of her husband. He feels that he must rule her for he is the head of the family. He would place small stipulations on her such as not being able to eat macaroons. When she would make mistakes, he would refer to her by some little name like, "Lark" or "Squirrel." All of these things mentioned ar due to the setting. This caused Nora to want to leave more and more. I believe Ibsen picked this setting to tell of how women were tr .....

Is There Evil In Lady Macbeth And Edmund?
Words: 1057 / Pages: 4

.... Duncan. Lady Macbeth would prepare the plan and then encourage Macbeth to go through with it. Macbeth did the actual murdering; he was also the first person who thought about killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth did not have any involvement in these cases. The first murder in this story was committed on Duncan. This crime was planned by both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth just talked about committing the crime, but she never actually went through with it nor would she ever. Her talk and persuasion put the ideas in Macbeth's head and made him think it was the right thing to do. She urged him into doing it which makes her part of this crime, .....

The Direct And Indirect Impact Of Rhetoric In The Color Purple
Words: 722 / Pages: 3

.... attitude. The rhetoric that she expresses to him, of innocence and always complying to his orders, forces her to live a large portion of her life sheltered and overshadowed by Albert, who continuously beats her into submission. Celie also passes on what she learned from “Mister” to his son Harpo, the rhetoric of “the importance of a man giving his wife a good beating.” Albert Johnson does not even realize how important Celie is to him until she is gone. At that point he returns some of the love that is shown to him by helping Nettie and her family to return to the United States in order to see Celie. This action shows the impact of M .....

Hamlet: Method In The Madness
Words: 616 / Pages: 3

.... idea to use the plea of insanity to work out his plan. The important fact is that the ghost does not change form, but rather remains as the King and speaks to Hamlet rationally. There is also good reason for the ghost not to want the guards to know what he tells Hamlet, because the play could not proceed as it does if the guards heard what the ghost told Hamlet. It is the ghost of Hamlet's father who tells him, "but howsomever thou pursues this act, / Taint not thy mind. (Act 1, Scene 5, 84-5)" Later, when Hamlet sees the ghost again in his mothers room, her amazement at his madness is very convincing. But you must take into consideration the car .....

Animal Farm: Comparison Between Book And Movie
Words: 621 / Pages: 3

.... was no Mollie, you did not even have a feeling of suspense for what was going to happen later on. In the book, there was many surprises that shocked me. One of those surprises was that Napoleon wanted Snowball ousted. Though Napoleon did not like Snowball, the wasn't really any evidence that he would try to kill Snowball. In the movie, Napoleon, had a bad image already. He had a mean look and shoved his way in front when Old Major gave his speech. There was also gloomy music when they had scenes of him. When the book showed of Napoleon as a bad guy, I was surprised but I expected it in the movie because the movie showed him as a bad person fro .....

Macebth: Power Of Knowledge
Words: 1405 / Pages: 6

.... prophecies, the prodding of his wife, and his own ambition, therefore this will decide if Macbeth is a tragic hero the audience can show emotion towards. The power from knowledge causes discomfort. As often been said, ignorance is bliss. After Macbeth is promised the throne, Banquo asks why Macbeth is less than ecstatic. "Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair?" (Act I, Sciii, L. 54-55) Macbeth's new knowledge makes him uncomfortable, as he realizes the implications. His first thoughts considering murdering Duncan appear, and he is scared. After he commits the murder, Macbeth says, "To know my deed, 'twere .....

The Crucible: Struggle For Conformity
Words: 449 / Pages: 2

.... by the rules of the church was considered offensive and heretical, and was not tolerated. Hence, when Abigail Williams and her friends are caught practicing witchcraft in the woods, their actions are seen as acts of the devil, and unfortunately are not forgotten. Strange things started occurring within the village and witchcraft is deemed culpable. This galvanized quite a disturbance in the village and the girls start making accusations about who is practicing witchcraft. The girls claim in court that they have all been witnesses to these terrible acts and can see the devil inside individuals. The culpability of these devilish occurrences fluct .....

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