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Biographies Essay Writing Help

HG Wells
Words: 351 / Pages: 2

.... Wells also wrote novels devoted to character delineation. Among these are Kipps and The History of Mr. Polly, which depict members of the lower middle class and their aspirations. Both recall the world of Wells's youth; the first tells the story of a struggling teacher, the second portrays a draper's assistant. Many of Wells's other books can be categorized as thesis novels. Among these are Ann Veronica, promoting women's rights; Tono-Bungay, attacking irresponsible capitalists; and Mr. Britling Sees It Through, depicting the average Englishman's reaction to war. After World War I Wells wrote an immensely popular historical work, The Outline of Hist .....

Martin Luther King Jr.
Words: 515 / Pages: 2

.... listener not to give up under pressure but to persevere because the day will come when King's dream is recognized. Dr. King's dream is "…a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers." In his speech Dr. King hopes to persuade the "Great America" to abolish all racial prejudice. Dr. King uses many different but effective methods to convince the reader of his point. King uses the words from an old Negro spiritual, the famous line, "Free at last! free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!" (505) This phrase serves as an .....

Henry David Thoreau
Words: 670 / Pages: 3

.... to the perfection of his art. And third, he and Emerson had asserted that one can most easily experience the Ideal, or the Divine, through nature; at Walden Pond, Thoreau was able to test continually the validity of this thoety by living closely, day-to-day, with nature. Solitude was a noble thing in his experiment. His experiment was based on him leaving the town to find a place where he can’t be bothered by outsiders and by the industrial revolution of America. He wanted to be alone and being able to concentrate on nature and his spiritual side. “I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best .....

Harry Shippe Truman
Words: 1714 / Pages: 7

.... books 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn'. He had to read mostly adult books. Another one of his favorite books were biographies of the U.S. presidents. Harry read most of the three- thousand books that were in a nearby library. Harry was very good in school because of reading all the books. His mom wanted Harry, his brother Vivian, and Their little sister Mary Jane to enrich their lives so she bought them a piano. She gave the children lessons and noticed that Harry was especially gifted with the piano. So, she sent him to get professional lessons with a woman named Mrs. Edwin C. White. Everyone in his family thought that Harry would becom .....

Freud 2
Words: 1287 / Pages: 5

.... Wilhelm von Brücke. Neurological research was so engrossing that Freud neglected the prescribed courses and as a result remained in medical school three years longer than was required normally to qualify as a physician. In 1881, after completing a year of compulsory military service, he received his medical degree. Unwilling to give up his experimental work, however, he remained at the university as a demonstrator in the physiological laboratory. In 1883, at Brücke's urging, he reluctantly abandoned theoretical research to gain practical experience. Freud spent three years at the General Hospital of Vienna, devoting himself successively to psychi .....

Katherine Anne Porter
Words: 1030 / Pages: 4

.... from Mexico to Germany on the eve of World War II. Collected Essays and Occasional Writings of also appeared in 1970. Many of Porter's works portray a rejected individual. The short story "The Circus" tells about a large family's first visit to the circus. The main character, a young girl named Miranda, gets very upset when she sees a clown, with a horrid expression on his face, almost fall off a thin wire high in the air. Dicey, Miranda's older relative, is ordered by Miranda's father to take Miranda home. Dicey is very upset about missing the circus. Later that evening, Miranda's family returns joyfully. Miranda and Dicey have to hear .....

Thomas Jefferson: A Product Of His Times Or A Hypocrite?
Words: 676 / Pages: 3

.... Jefferson compared the Native Americans to the Afro-Americans. Jefferson had many views on both the Native Americans and Afro-Americans. Jefferson did not fear the Native Americans in the way he feared black slaves. Jefferson believed that the Native Americans had higher order of intelligence and imagination than he found in Afro-Americans. The Native Americans seemed to Jefferson to be happier than the oppressed and degraded peasantry of Europe. Jefferson compared the studies of Native American languages and came to a conclusion that there were twenty basic languages and that the Native Americans had lived in the New World for a far longer period .....

Upton Sinclair
Words: 1278 / Pages: 5

.... out up to two novels per week. This was unheard of at this point in time. During these years he wrote Clif Faraday stories such as "Ensign Clarke Fitch." He was also writing Mark Mallory Stories like "Lieutenant Frederick Garrison" for boys’ weekly magazine. His writing was on the right track, but he still didn’t have that one book to put him over the top. In 1900 Sinclair married his first wife. This was a start of a whole new era of writing for him. By 1904 Sinclair was moving toward a realistic fiction type of writing. He had become a regular reader of the "Appeal to Reason", which was a popular socialist-populist weekly magazine .....

Shannon Lucid
Words: 656 / Pages: 3

.... dream though, because the United States didn't even have a space program. After graduating from Bethany High School in 1960 she got her pilot's license. In regard to her dream she said, "the Baptists wouldn't let women preach, so I had to become an astronaut to get closer to God than my father." By this time America already had a space program. She could not believe that of the first seven Mercury astronauts, none were females. This is just one more instance she complained of discrimination of women in traditionally male held occupations. She experienced the same thing when she tried unsuccessfully to become a commercial pilot. So from Å’66-'6 .....

Sigmund Freud
Words: 816 / Pages: 3

.... in those days unless you were independently wealthy. Freud was engaged and needed to be able to support a family before he could marry, and so he determined to go into private practice with a specialty in neurology. During his training he befriended Josef Breuer, another physician and physiologist. They often discussed medical cases together and one of Breuer's would have a lasting effect on Freud. Known as Anna O., this patient was a young woman suffering from what was then called hysteria. She had temporary paralysis, could not speak her native German but could speak French and English, couldn't drink water even when thirsty, and so on. Breuer .....

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