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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Harriet Stowe
Words: 3684 / Pages: 14

.... when Harriet was four years old, was a woman of prayer, asking the Lord to call her six sons into the ministry. All eventually preached; Henry Ward Beecher, the youngest son became the most prominent. After her mother’s death, Harriet grew close to her sister, Catherine, teaching in her school and writing books with her soon after she turned thirteen. Harriet was brilliant and bookish, and idolized the poetry of Lord Byron. When her father became president of Lane Theological Seminary in Ohio, she moved with him and met Calvin Stowe -- a professor and clergyman who fervently opposed slavery. He was nine years her senior and the widower of a d .....

John Paul Jones: The Undaunted Sailor
Words: 2818 / Pages: 11

.... courage in the greatest times of hopelessness would never be forgotten. Benjamin Franklin once considered John Paul Jones as the "chief weapon of American forces in Europe and Thomas Jefferson had described him as the principal hope of American in their struggle for independence." His commerce raiding and naval battles against the HMS Drake and the Serapis clearly support their statements. John Paul Jones's victories were made possible through a combination of strategy, training, and preparation. Jones was notorious for maintaining professionalism and discipline among his crewmembers. Jones's crew consisted of 380 men which only 60 were America .....

Albert Einstein
Words: 1598 / Pages: 6

.... and literature, and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, and hey could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einstein’s sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy of his was his father’s compass, and he often marvelled at his uncle’s explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some teachersto believe he .....

The Literary Contributions Of King Alfred The Great
Words: 1280 / Pages: 5

.... holding a fine manuscript book in her hand, said to Alfred and his elder brothers, 'I will give this book to whichever of you can learn it most quickly.' Although he could not read, Alfred was greatly attracted to the book and was determined to own it. Forestalling his brothers, he took it to his teacher who read it to him. He then went back to his mother and repeated the entire book from memory to her (Fadiman 14, Keynes 75). This talent was the foundation of Alfred's later reputation as a scholar, translator, and patron of learning. As Alfred's role as king and patron began, he solemnly noted on several occasions his disappointment in the sta .....

Words: 932 / Pages: 4

.... in his life. and his mother continued moving and never stayed in one place longer than six months. His mother worked very hard and many jobs to provide for herself and Marshall. When was in school, he used to get beat up every day. There wasn’t one day when he didn’t get beat up by the same group of kids, just for being himself. One day those kids almost killed him, and went into a coma. The day after he got out of the hospital, they moved again. continued to move back and forth from his mothers to his grandmothers, until the age of 11, when he and his mother settled in Detroit for good. Marshall first started to get into rap when he was 14. .....

Significant Woman - Cleopatra
Words: 957 / Pages: 4

.... 305 BC, when Ptolemy I declared himself King of Egypt sometime after Alexander the Great’s death. The Ptolemy family was of Macedonian decent, not Egyptian. Cleopatra, more precisely, Cleopatra VII, was the third daughter of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos “Auletes”, who began his rule of Egypt in 80 BC. Cleopatra VII’s mother could possibly have been Cleopatra V Tryphaena, who either died or disappeared in 68 BC, right after Cleopatra VII’s birth in 69 BC. Cleopatra VII had two older sisters, Cleopatra VI and Berenice IV, and one younger sister, Arsinoe IV. She also had two younger brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV. Ptolemy XII ruled .....

Immanuel Kant
Words: 2238 / Pages: 9

.... his studies, received his doctorate, and taught for the next 15 years. Kant was an amazing orator and was internationally famous for his lectures. He was appointed to a regular chair of philosophy at the University at the age of 46 in 1770. He was made the professor of logics and metaphysics. He was the first great philosopher to be a professional academic. He came into conflict with Prussia's government due to his unorthodox religious teachings. In 1792, the king of Prussia, Frederick William II, forbade Kant to teach or write on religious teachings. He obeyed the king's order until William II died. In 1798, the year following his retiremen .....

Benjamin Banneker
Words: 984 / Pages: 4

.... Springs” because of the fresh water springs on the land. Bannaky used ditches and little dams to control the water from the springs for irrigation. His work was so reliable that the Bannaky’s crops flourished even in dry spells. The family of free blacks raised good tobacco crops all the time. There was no school in the valley for the boys to attend. Then one summer, a Quaker school teacher came to live in the valley and he set up school for the boys. The schoolmaster changed the spelling of Benjamin’s last name to Banneker. He had the equivalent of an eighth-grade education by the time he was fifteen, with much of what he knew coming from .....

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Words: 1744 / Pages: 7

.... own hands, because his father was either too sick or drunk to fulfill his daily work at home. Doyle's mother, Mary Foley, was a homemaker who took care of her son Arthur and his brothers and sisters, and also worked and cleaned the house everyday.2 Doyle's early education started when he was about seven years old. His mother spent lots of time reading with him and tutoring him, because this is what she thought he needed to become a cultured gentleman. When Doyle was ten years old he left home and went to the Jesuit Preparatory school named Hodder House. This was a boarding school for young boys. Arthur hated this school. Doyle once stated that Hodde .....

Lillian Hellman
Words: 2045 / Pages: 8

.... never remarry. Hellman did not begin to write plays until the 1930s, her dramas are well known for focusing on various forms of evil ("Hellman," 1999). Her work has not escaped criticism however. She has been criticized at various times for her doctrinaire views but she nevertheless kept her characters from becoming social points of view by including credible dialogue and a realistic intensity which put her a step above her peers ("Hellman," 1999). Indeed, Hellman wrote with the skill of a professional but the emotions of a child. I feel she was able to capture the innermost fears and thoughts of people, drawing on their most hideous features .....

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