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Biographies Essay Writing Help

George Washington: Biography
Words: 1897 / Pages: 7

.... (now Alexandria) in 1749 and was appointed surveyor for Culpeper County. George accompanied his brother to Barbados in an effort to cure Lawrence of tuberculo sis, but Lawrence died in 1752 after returning to America. George inherited the Mount Vernon estate. Washington first gained public notice in October 1753 when he was dispatched by Gov. Robert Dinwiddie to warn the French commander at Fort Le Boeuf against further encroachment on territory claimed by Britain. Washington at the age of 22, was promoted to lieutenant colonel. Although he lacked experience, he learned quickly, and dealt with the problems of recruitment, supply, and dese .....

Saint Francis Of Assisi
Words: 1670 / Pages: 7

.... church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. He held mass there for the outcasts that were not allowed in the other churche! s. one day, during mass, Francis heard a voice telling him to go into the world and to possess nothing, but do good everywhere. Doing just that, Francis found himself preaching in Assisi later in the year. He gathered about him twelve disciples who became the brothers of the First Order of Franciscans, with Francis as their superior. Francis later accepted a young woman, Clare, into The Franciscan Order. She went on to establish the Order of the Poor Ladies, which later became known as the Second Order of Franciscans. Francis atte .....

Andrew Carnegie
Words: 936 / Pages: 4

.... his fortune from the steel business, he decided to give back to the world. As stated in “Andy Did It” by Harry Schwalb (ARTnews, June 1997), Carnegie gave the world thousands of libraries. Many communities gratefully accepted Carnegie’s generosity, but his actions were met with mixed reviews. The book, Carnegie Libraries: Their History and Impact on American Public Library Development by George S. Bobinski shows the impact of his philanthropy and the reaction it received. lived by his philosophy that “The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced.” He not only wrote these words, but lived by them. “Money can only be the usefu .....

William Faulkner
Words: 1226 / Pages: 5

.... about the relationship between father and son, the story presents itself through the use of symbolism. The most vital sign being fire. The fire is much like the main character in the story, Abner. Both Abner and the fire are uncontrollable and destroy anything in its way, having respect for nothing. Sarty, Abner’s son, dislikes what his father does out of acts of hate and tries to stop it (Faulkner “Barn” 23). He attempts to put out the “fire” inside his father. He is sick of his family’s way of life and is ready for a change no matter what it takes, even if it means going against his own blood. No matter w .....

JFK: Was His Assassination Ine
Words: 2442 / Pages: 9

.... Extremists), and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex). Each group had its own motives for killing John F. Kennedy. Many of these groups that wanted JFK dead are very closely intertwined, so in order to understand each group, they will each be analyzed seperately. In order to better understand the relationship between JFK, the Cubans and Russians, several important events must be mentioned and discussed. Two of the most important foreign affairs in Kennedy's presidency were the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. During Eisenhower's administration, Cuba was torn apart by revolution. The Cuban dictator, Batista, was an extremely corrupt man. .....

Leonardo Da Vinci
Words: 2266 / Pages: 9

.... took the boy to live with him and his wife in Florence (Why did). This was the start of the boy’s education and his quest for knowledge. Leonardo was recognized by many to be a “Renaissance child” because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo was apprenticed as a garzone (stu .....

Adolf Hitler: Ruthless Leader Of Germany
Words: 1341 / Pages: 5

.... where the academy of arts was located. Adolf failed to be accepted to the academy in 1906. In 1907 he tried again and was confident that he would make it in. To his surprise he failed again to be accepted into the academy. The dean of the academy told Adolf that he could never be a painter (Smith 29). This rejection crushed him, as he now had nowhere else to go. I like to speculate what would have happened if he had been accepted into the academy. Would the world have been spared World War II? While living in Vienna Adolf made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. He wasn’t successful and didn .....

Albert Camus
Words: 563 / Pages: 3

.... absurdity of human existence: Humans are not absurd, and the world is not absurd, but for humans to be in the world is absurd. In his opinion, humans cannot feel at home in the world because they yearn for order, clarity, meaning, and eternal life, while the world is chaotic, obscure, and indifferent and offers only suffering and death. Thus human beings are alienated from the world. Integrity and dignity require them to face and accept the human condition as it is and to find purely human solutions to their plight. He used a simple and clear but elegant form of writing to convey his ideas about morality, justice and love. In 1957, Camus received the .....

Words: 1402 / Pages: 6

.... southern woman, who was kind and compassionate to others, (Anderson 5). Both of his parents would inspire Clemens¹s writings. Significantly so when his father died, around when he was 12. It was then that Clemens decided to leave his small river town and his ailing scholastic career, and head of by himself. Clemens soon become a printer's apprentice. Interesting enough, it was working around the printing press that helped push Clemens into publishing his first works. His earliest writings were skits for his brother Orion's Hannibal newspaper. A sketch, "The Dandy Frightening the Squatter," published in The Carpet Bag (Boston) in 185 .....

Theodore Roosevelt
Words: 1669 / Pages: 7

.... His name is . Theodore was a born leader, raised in the spirit of America, who succeeded immensely in every position of authority that he ever held. During his presidency Roosevelt contributed more to the modernization of America than any president before or since him. Roosevelt was an adventurous man with a captivating personality that embodied the essence of Americans at the turn of the century as well as those of today. led the way for America’s path to greatness and showed us what it means to live life to its fullest. was born into a wealthy New York home while the nation was at the brink of civil war. His father was a Northern advoca .....

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