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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Sir Sandford Fleming
Words: 383 / Pages: 2

.... He was in charge of the major surveys across the p rairies and through the Rocky Mountains. He proposed constructing the ra ilway along a northerly route through Edmonton and the Yellowhead Pass and then turning S to Burrard Inlet on the Pacific. Altrough his spe cific recommendations regarding the route were not followed, his extens ive survey work of various routes, including the Kicking Horse Pass t hrough which the Canadian Pacific main line was built , greatly facilita ted Canadian railway construction. In the early years of the 20th ce ntury the Canadian Northern railway work. He was a strong advocate of a telecommunication cab .....

Leonard Bernstein
Words: 1365 / Pages: 5

.... rose fever, and hay fever. This pathetic child grew to be a very shy person. Leonard always had a heart for music, even as a young boy. As an eight year old, one morning, when he was sitting in the synagogue, the religious music of the choir and organ overwhelmed him by it's beauty and caused him to burst into tears. When Leonard and his family would visit their friends, Leonard would sneak over to the piano and experiment. When he was eleven, his aunt sent her piano to his house for his family to keep for storage. “I made love to it right away” he recalled (Musicians p. 65). He could escape from all his frustrations and sa .....

The Rule Of Julius Caesar And How The Leap Year Was Started
Words: 332 / Pages: 2

.... have citizenship, therefore, Caesar gave citizenship to them. Obviously, Caesar wanted his people to be happy, not to take control and power and use it all for him. Caesar also added representatives from the provinces to the Senate to enable everyone to have a part in the government. Caesar wanted order, law, and peace. He believed that of course, there should be order and laws but to use the power for peace. He wanted to stop chaos and for his people to be fortunate and feel all equal. Besides everything else he contributed to the less fortunate, he also gave grain to the poor. Many people believed that Julius Caesar was a tyrant who meant t .....

Timothy Leary
Words: 1002 / Pages: 4

.... the meaning of the phrase he responded, " ‘Turn on’ means to contact the ancient energies and wisdoms that are built into your nervous system. They provide unspeakable pleasure and revelation. ‘Tune in’ means to harness and communicate these new perspectives in a harmonious dance with the external world. ‘Drop out’ means to detach yourself from the tribal game." (Marwick 312). This was not the first time his methods were questioned. Leary was first publicly noticed, and criticized by then fellow Harvard professors, for his interest in LSD when he and friend, Robert Alpert, wrote an article for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist .....

Juliette Low: Founder Of The Girl Scouts
Words: 679 / Pages: 3

.... Georgia. She also went to Stuart Hall in Virginia to become a lady. It wasn’t very fun there. Daisy loved to climb trees, race through the woods, and swim. At Stuart Hall Daisy couldn’t do any of these things, instead she had to walk slowly and quietly every where she went. For her birthday one year, Juliette’s parents sent her a Bible. When she read it, it made her feel closer to them. Another school Juliette went to was Edge Hill School, which was also in Virginia. Juliette thought that Edge Hill School was more fun than Stuart Hall. Daisy joined the Theta Taus Club. They held secret meetings, and had special feasts. Daisy always g .....

Irene Joliot-curie
Words: 2581 / Pages: 10

.... Curie, she was considered by colleagues with less familiar advantages to be the "Crown Princess" of science. Many were taken aback by her imperturbable calm, which they mistook for coldness, and by her direct manner in answering questions, which was misconstrued as haughtiness. She had a powerful personality, simple, direct, and self-reliant. She knew her mind and spoke it, sometimes perhaps with devastating frankness: but her remarks were informed with such regard for scientific truth and with such conspicuous sincerity that they commanded the greatest respect in all circumstances. She was finally recognized for her genius, and not her social .....

Sergei Grinkov And Ekaterina Gordeeva
Words: 1610 / Pages: 6

.... study of dance moves). He also appreciated weight-training and gymnastics. But Skating still proved to be his greatest interest. However, because of his high height at age 15, it was very difficult for him to perform high maneuvers, and twists. So in 1982 Sergei's coach and mother decided to pair him with Ekaterina Gordeeva, who at the time was 10 years of age. Ekaterina was born on March 20, 1972 to Alexander and Elena Gordeeva. Ekaterina's mother Elena was a computer specialist and a swimmer, and her father, Alexander was a member of the military- dance theater ensemble. As a child Ekaterina showed the same interest in figure skating as Sergei .....

Margaret Laurence
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... in the Neepewa United Church. She then worked for a time as a reporter for the Winnipeg Citizen. In 1950, after living for a year in England, Margaret and her husband moved to British Somaliland. While there, she wrote a translation of Somali prose and poetry, "A Tree for Poetry." A travel book, "The Prophet’s Camel Bell," written some years later, describes the Laurences’ experience in Somaliland. They moved to Accra, Ghana in 1952, with their 2-month-old daughter Jocelyn. During their five years in Africa, Margaret produced her first novel, "This Side Jordan," which won the 1961 Beta Sigma Phi Award for the bes .....

The Life And Times Of Edgar ALlan Poe
Words: 12179 / Pages: 45

.... fifteen or sixteen he swam six miles in the James River under a hot June sun, partly against a strong tide. Edgar obviously made a good impression on other people. Thomas Ellis, the son of John Allan's business partner once said: "No boy ever had a greater influence over me than he had." At the age of fifteen he became a lieutenant in the Junior Morgan Riflemen. As second-in-command he was reviewed by the popular Marquis de Lafayette whom two weeks earlier had praised Edgar's grandfather, General David Poe, for his good work. Edgar was, when he returned to Richmond, known as Edgar Poe rather than Edgar Allan, to emphasize that he was not formally .....

Generation X
Words: 303 / Pages: 2

.... different tastes to choose from. .eco-conscious. CFC’s, smog, water poisoning, Oil spills, sexually transmitted diseases. Gen-Xers have grown up with a strong sense of responsibility for the environment and their own health. .fun-seeking. No other generation can be compared to the X Generation in terms of spending money on recreation. Recreation has become a culture of its own. Rollerblading, paintballing, jetskiing, video games, snowboarding, bungee jumping, and of course the mall. .X-treme. X-treme sports and pastimes is a X Generation phenomena. Always looking for new thrills, the Gen-Xers have been watching as technology impr .....

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