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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Harper Lee
Words: 388 / Pages: 2

.... expand on. She then quit her job with the airlines to turn all of her energy to her writing. This short story expanded into perhaps one of the most popular novels, and screenplays, in the world. The surprise is, she submitted the work for publication in 1957, and it was rejected. She spent the next 2 years in the rewriting and revising the book, which was eventually published in July, 1960. Later that year, the book that was originally rejected for publication, it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished fiction by an American author. This marked the first time in nearly twenty years that a female author recieved the award. The book also .....

Albert Einstein
Words: 658 / Pages: 3

.... from the University of Zurich in 1905. In 1908 he became a lecturer at the University of Bern, the following year becoming professor of physics at the University of Zurich. By 1909 Einstein was recognized as a leading scientific thinker. After holding chairs in Prague and Zurich he advanced (1914) to a prestigious post at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft in Berlin. From this time he never taught a university courses. Einstein remained on the staff at Berlin until 1933, from which time until his death he held a research position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In the first of three papers (1905) Einstein examined the phenome .....

Pablo Picasso
Words: 2855 / Pages: 11

.... was here that he discovered the posters of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, which inspired him into creating one of his great paintings, the "Mouilin de la Galette". It was here, in Paris, that most of his success was accomplished. Three months later, Picasso returned to Spain and co-founded the short-lived magazine "Arte Joven" (first issue March 31, 1901 - "Young Art"), in Paris. On a second trip to Paris, in the summer of 1901, he exhibited his works at Ambroise Vollard's gallery in the Rue Lafitte and became good friends with the avant-garde poet Max Jacob. It was during this visit that he discovered Vincent Van Gogh, who inspired him to create "The a .....

Thomas Edison
Words: 2330 / Pages: 9

.... When he was only seven years old his teacher, the Reverend G.B. Engle considered Thomas to be a dull student, and was terrible in math. After three months of school his teacher called him "addled," which means confused or mixed up. Thomas stormed home.(minot, pg1) The next day, Nancy Edison brought Thomas back to school to talk to Reverend Engle. He told her that Thomas couldn’t learn. His mother became so angry at the strict Reverend that she decided to home-school him.(minot 1) After a while his mother, a former teacher herself, recognized his un usual abilities to reason. She quickly got him interested in History and Classic books. Thoma .....

Donald Barthelme
Words: 1065 / Pages: 4

.... Back, Dr. Caligari” (1964); “Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts” (1968); “ City Life” (1971); “Sadness” (1972); “Great Days” (1978); “Overnight to Many Distant Cities” (1983); and “Paradise” (1986). He also wrote Snow White, a parody of the popular children’s fairy tale, the novel. He won the National Book Award for Children’s literature for the book titled “The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine: or, the Hithering, Thithering, Djinn” (1971) (Marowski and Matuz, 3?). In 1976 he received the Jesse H. Jones Award from the Texas Institute of L .....

Napoleon 5
Words: 1995 / Pages: 8

.... by the French Revolution and he supported the Jacobins. Soon after he joined Abbe Sieyes in a successful coup d’ etat to overthrow the Directory. In overthrowing the Directory, Napoleon issued the Constitution of the Year VIII. The new constitution was established universal male suffrage that suggested democratic principles, a complicated system of checks and balances that appealed to republican theory, and a Council of State the evoked memories of Louis XIV. The new constitution in fact established the rule of one man—the First Consul, Bonaparte. He was elected the First Consul, he was the first modern political figure to use the rhetoric .....

J.D. Salinger
Words: 1537 / Pages: 6

.... Perfect Day for Bananafish" in 1948. Many critics have considered a very controversial writer because of the subject matters he wrote about. For example Salinger wrote about religion, intellectuals, emotional struggles of adolescents, loneliness and symbolism (Jones). Some critics feel his writing was inappropriate because of the topics he wrote about. The main characters were considered misfits of society. The characters generally did not fit in with traditional American culture. They could not adjust to the real world. However, Salinger’s most successful stories are the ones about people who could not adjust. The super-intelligent humans .....

Booker T Washington
Words: 429 / Pages: 2

.... every night class. In school he called himself Booker Washington. Later his mother told him his name was Booker Taliaferro. Soon Booker changed his name to Booker Taliaferro Washington. His friends called him Booker T for short. Booker T was told and knew education would lead to success. At age 16, Booker T went to Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. This had been established the Freedman’s Bureau’s chief to educate former slaves. Booker T earned money by sweeping and dusting classrooms. After he graduated he became a teacher. Booker taught in Malden, W. VA and at Hampton. When the board of commissioners asked the head of Ha .....

George Washington
Words: 2481 / Pages: 10

.... by clarity and force. Tall, strong, and fond of action, he was a superb horseman and enjoyed the robust sports and social occasions of the Virginia planter society. At the age of 16 he was invited to join a party to survey lands owned by the Fairfax family (to which he was related by marriage) west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. His journey led him to take a lifelong interest in the development of western lands. In the summer of 1749 he was appointed official surveyor for Culpeper County, and during the next two years he made many surveys for landowners on the Virginia frontier. In 1753 he was appointed adjutant of one of the districts into which .....

Andrew Jackson
Words: 438 / Pages: 2

.... educated and only interested in warlike activities. Other factors contributed to his irritability, such as "the big itch" (a skin disease he had in youth). Also, he tended to slobber, which made him humiliated and extremely sensitive to criticism. All these childhood factors added up and left Andrew Jackson as a touchy, irascible man. As the oldest man ever elected to the presidency, he was sixty-one and perhaps the most unhealthy. He had two bullets permanently lodged in him, and often spat up blood because of them. Many missions of Andrew Jackson's were self-righteous and stubborn. By his victory at the Battle of New Orleans, where he killed m .....

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