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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Words: 1060 / Pages: 4

.... own school, the Lyceum.Since a lot of the lessons happened when teachers and students were walking, it was nicknamed the Peripatetic school (Peripatetic means walking). When Alexander died in 323 BC, strong anti-Macedonian feeling was felt in Athens, and went to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year. , like Plato, used his dialogue in his beginning years at the Academy. Apart from a few fragments in the works of later writers, his dialogues have been wholly lost. also wrote some short technical writings, including a dictionary of philosophic terms and a summary of the "doctrines of Pythagoras" (the guy from the Pythagorean .....

Simon Bolivar
Words: 573 / Pages: 3

.... conquered Spain and chose his brother Joseph as the King of Spain. This created a large revolt in Spain known as the Peninsular Wars. In Spain many small groups were formed to fight against the new king. On the other hand in S. America the groups were formed to fight against the Spanish King and Joseph Bonaparte. That year Caracas, Bolivar hometown, declared independence from Spain. BACK IN S. AMERICA In 1808 Bolivar, Bello and Mendez were sent to England on a diplomatic mission. It was a failed attempt to gain an alliance. He returned to Venezuela in 1811 and won a battle in Valencia. Quickly he looses the port of Puerto Cabello to the R .....

Words: 1058 / Pages: 4

.... college scholarship in high school. This was the main reason she continued onto college. In the beginning of her college education, she enjoyed going to school on a daily basis. In addition, she enjoyed learning and meeting new friends. However, she began to get bored with her college education and her stay in college was brief. Within the next two years she dropped out of the University of Michigan and decided to pursue a career elsewhere. She knew that she wanted to either continue in the field of dance or somewhere in the music industry. She believed that she had greater opportunities in these careers in a large, diversified metropolitan c .....

Stephen Crane
Words: 700 / Pages: 3

.... Helen Peck ("Stephen" n.p.). Being a minister, his father greatly influenced his ideas and attitudes towards writing. His father was a kind minister, but his mother believed that God was a God of wrath. The effects of his preoccupation with faith are evident in most of Crane’s work, Throughout his writings he tried to shake the thought that God was wrathful (Colvert, 12:101). began his formal education at a military school where he studied the Civil War and military training ("Stephen" n.p.). After military school he proceeded to attend Lafayette College in the fall of 1890 where he played baseball. Eventually, he was f .....

Words: 937 / Pages: 4

.... These would be the governing laws of all his people. People then knew all the punishments and consequences for breaking the laws, and they knew what they must due when accusing a criminal. (We know what we must do on Saturday to Woodstock, don’t we?) created a set of moral codes that was to be copied and used by other civilizations. The Codes of Law were broken into certain categories. These categories are not definitely known, but the majority of historians believe them to be: family, labor, personal property, real estate, trade and business. Many think the codes were too strict and the punishments too harsh. just believed that the punishment .....

Booker T. Washington
Words: 1404 / Pages: 6

.... did not know his own father, which sounds very terrible, but was nothing unusual to young children of enslaved mothers. However Booker’s thoughts and feelings were different from what you’d suspect. Booker states, “ I do not find especial fault with him (his father). He was simply another unfortunate victim of the institution which the Nation unhappily had engrafted upon it at the time.”(4) was engulfed in labor throughout his adolescence and young boyhood days, joining his step-father in working in salt furnaces and coal-mines after the civil war. Of course the labor force in this country was predominately slave .....

Fidel Castro
Words: 391 / Pages: 2

.... of Batista on January 1 of the year 1959. Many things in Cuba changed because of . Because of his new power he felt that if he didn't like another political figure he would and could have them executed. He started collectivizing agriculture. He also nationalized the industry. In Cuba their was a one party socialist state. Because of this one party socialist state many middle class citizens, along with the upper-class citizens too, would be exiled. Fidel often showed hostility toward the United states. Castro made his government seize all United States owned sugar mills, electric utilities and oil refineries. That decision was a poor one for his .....

Joseph Haydn
Words: 1811 / Pages: 7

.... give March 31 as Haydn's birthday, but official records disprove this. It is rumored that his brother, Michael, was the source of this inaccuracy. Supposedly, Michael didn't want it said that his big brother came into this world as an April Fool. At age seven, young Joseph entered the choir school at St. Steven's Cathedral in Vienna, where he was to remain for the next nine years. During his early years, he became interested in composing music, but he had no formal training until his late teens, when he worked for Italian musician and composer, Niccolò Porpora. He avidly studied music, including the works of C. P. E. Bach, and held several m .....

Words: 793 / Pages: 3

.... band, he was afraid that the same thing would happen to her, so he decided to teach her some Spanish songs, but one problem, only knew how to speak English, so went on with most of her life not even knowing what the words meant that she was singing. Well in order to start the band they would need more then so Abraham made Abraham III (nicknamed A.B.) her older brother, and Suzette, her older sister. A.B. already knowing the drums, Suzette already knowing the drum, and having an awesome voice started their band, " Y Los Dinos". They started practicing together and performer a little. In 1980, Abraham and Marcella opened up a Mexican rest .....

Dr Daniel J. Boorstin
Words: 785 / Pages: 3

.... incumbent of the chair of American History at the Sorbonne, and was the Professor of American History and Institutions as well as Fellow of Trinity College, at Cambridge University. He has been director of the National Museum of American History and the Librarian of Congress Emeritus. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar and has practiced law. He has received more than fifty honorary degrees and has been honored by the governments of France, Belgium and Portugal. In 1989 he received the National Book Award for Distinguished Contributions to American Letters by the NationalBook Foundation. Dr. Boorstin's many books include the trilogy The Amer .....

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