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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

The Metamorphosis Essay
Words: 567 / Pages: 3

.... Gregor’s motivation for trudging on through a job which he despises. He is like a bottom-feeder for other people’s love and respect. He maintains a spark of real intimacy for his sister, which later surfaces when he hears her playing the violin to the guests. At that moment he realizes what he has been starving for as he plays out in his mind the fantasy of keeping her in his room, having her play to him, kissing her, and telling her his plans of sending her to a music school. This gaining of Grete’s love and appreciation is the reward Gregor feels he has earned through his suffering. When he hears his family’s decision th .....

A Tale Of Two Cities Essay
Words: 1150 / Pages: 5

.... were very paranoid about anybody who had the aperence of commiting treason. Darney, since he travled back and forth between countries was a perfect suspect for treason. The French Government had just been overthrown by the beggars, and middle class and now run by them, the British on the other hand was still a monarchy and had awful factories and many slums, like France did. Darnay was acquitted when a lawyer, Carton, looked much like him and an eye witness faltered to positively distinguish between them. Carton loved Lucie but he was a drunk. Knowing that their relationship was hopeless, he stated that he would sacrifice himself for her or any .....

The Miller And The Reeve In The Canterbury Tales
Words: 382 / Pages: 2

.... tip of his nose is especially frightening. The Reeve, however, scares people because of his intelligence. He is a smart man and knows everything about everybody. The other characters know they can not fool him and do not dare to try. The two characters have another shared characteristic. Both are involved with grain. The Miller’s job is selling grain. He cheats his customers by pressing his thumb on the scale when weighing the grain. The Reeve also deals with grain but in a different way. He does not use his involvement with grain against anyone else. He is able to estimate the production of grain and keeps an exact record of it at all time .....

Hound Of The Baskervilles
Words: 793 / Pages: 3

.... inquires he came across many figures, there was a Mr. & Miss Stapleton who were naturalists and also lived on the moor. They portrayed themselves as brother and sister, but as you will find out later, they were more intimate than that. At about this time, a convict escaped who was referred to as "The Notting Hill Criminal", his real name though was Selden Barrymore. One night while Watson and Sir Henry were in the Hall, they observed Mr. Barrymore (the Butler) sending signals through the window using a candle. Through questioning he divulged that he was really doing a favour for his wife for the escaped criminal was his brother in-law. Baffl .....

Rules Of Prey: Serial Killers
Words: 1249 / Pages: 5

.... as such. First, there must be repetition. A person who has murdered once does not fit the profile of serial murderer. Second, the murderer must operate in one on one encounters. He/she does not involve other parties; the murderer encounters the victim alone and has no accessories in the killing. Third, the serial killer’s victims are secondary victims. There is little or no prior contact between the perpetrator and the victim. It is noted, though, that primary victimization can begin the serial killing process. Lastly, the killer has no instrumental or expressive motive. He/she is not doing the killing for material (instrumental) gain .....

Things Fall Apart: An Analysis
Words: 401 / Pages: 2

.... not only against the earth goddess, protector of family relations, but also against his inner most feelings or his "chi." Any bad luck that occurs, people of this culture would say that you have a bad "chi." Okonkwo's destiny is marked by bad luck, one reason may be that he is so driven by the fear of resembling his father that he struggles to repress part of his personality with predictably afflicted results. This was a society where a man was judged by his own achievement and not that of his fathers. Yams were the primary crop of Umuofia. A sign of manliness was if you could farm yams to feed your family. Okonkwo is respected beca .....

The Women Of The Grapes Of Wra
Words: 595 / Pages: 3

.... the Wilsons' car breaks down and Pa proposes splitting up just for a short time until the car is repaired she threatens him with a jack handle. She knows that all they have in the world is each other and without that themselves to hold on to the have nothing. There is a saying "one finds comfort in numbers" however in this case it is "comfort" is replaced with survival. In addition, near the end of the book, when the boxcars have flooded and it seems all hope has been lost Ma leads the family to higher ground. Despite the despair she feels she overcomes it to do what must be done to insure that they survive to live another day. Her strength giv .....

Something Wicked This Way Comes: Conflicts Between Father And Son
Words: 1133 / Pages: 5

.... the many conflicts in order for them to have a connection that would allow for each to achieve a special bond. If there was a search for a distance, yet similar relationship, it is possible to end the search on the doorsteps of the Halloway’s. Inside, is a man waiting to reach out to his one and only child, William, and William does not know that is expected of from his father. They are two distinct individuals who live in the same place, the same planet, and the same house. There is a barrier that seems to exist whenever they are faced with one another. For Charles, it is a constant battle to wonder of the difference of age, and William is un .....

A Deeper Look Into Sexuality Of Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums" And Its Literary Criticisms
Words: 1201 / Pages: 5

.... is incredible. I was not the only person feel what Steinbeck had planned. And in that group, I was not the only one to want to pick apart this story to find out why I felt this way, what he intended me to feel, and what his story meant taking all things into consideration. when looking at various criticisms, I found a division line that could be made between the sexes. Most women agreed with me and felt the sexual tension apparent in the story. This sexual tension was quiet and sensual. The only men that picked up on this picked out some overtly sexual innuendoes and chose to ignore the subtleties as Eliza's mood changes and tone of voice. Th .....

The Oddysey
Words: 777 / Pages: 3

.... into the rocks. Alcinous then speaks of a prophecy that his father told him of-that the great god Poseidon would punish them, crash one of their ships, and raise a mountain blocking their harbor. Back on the island of Ithaca Odysseus awoke. He awoke to meet Athena disguised as a shepherd boy. Odysseus asked the boy where he was because he currently has no idea, he thought the Phaecians did not bring him to his desired destination. The boy tells him Ithaca. In response to this, Odysseus created an extensive lie about who he is in front of Athena. Athena then scolded him for this. The Goddess then told Odysseus that Telemachus is with Men .....

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