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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Chrysalids 2
Words: 708 / Pages: 3

.... people being able to communicate through thought-shapes. When Katherine and Sally got caught and tortured they finally tell some of the names to the inspector. This forces David, Rosalind and Petra to runaway to the fringes, and they established some kind of contact with a woman from Sealant (Zealand, On page 134). The help that the sealant woman promised is on their way to the fringes. The plot is greatly influenced, David learns more things as the time goes on. He discovers who is the Spiderman(Gordon) and where is Sophie. He meets them and learn what it is like to live in the fringes. When the sealant woman rescues David, Rosalind a .....

The Handmaids Tale
Words: 4790 / Pages: 18

.... the rise of the religious right, the election of Ronald Reagan, and many sorts of backlash (mostly hugely misinformed) against the women's movement led writers like Atwood to fear that the antifeminist tide could not only prevent further gains for women, but turn back the clock. Dystopias are a kind of thought experiment which isolates certain social trends and exaggerates them to make clear their most negative qualities. They are rarely intended as realistic predictions of a probable future, and it is pointless to criticize them on the grounds of implausibility. Atwood here examines some of the traditional attitudes that are embedded in the .....

Body For Life
Words: 1248 / Pages: 5

.... another helpful weight-loss method, physical activity. This type of diet incorporates working out as well as balanced healthy nutrition. 7. The main principle of the Diet is consuming portions of healthy foods, instead of having the burden of counting calories, and weighing foods. Participants eat six smaller meals a day, each containing a "portion" of carbohydrates and proteins. A portion is measured as the size of the palm of your hand. So, an equivalent size of chicken is a breast the size of your hand. These meals are spaced out over equal time periods. Consuming six smaller meals speeds up your metabolism, because your body doesn’t get a chan .....

Huck Finn
Words: 885 / Pages: 4

.... all of his teachings from the first twelve years of his life and force him to become their stereotypical good boy. However, from the very beginning of the novel, Huck clearly states that he does not want to conform to society. "The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me...I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied." (page 1) Huck says this shortly after he begins living with the Widow Douglas because it is rough for him to be confined to a house and the strict rules of the Widow Douglas. Huck’s father, a dirty and dishonest drunk, was also a problem. He was so angry that .....

Justifying The Ways Of God To Man: Paradise Lost, Book III
Words: 2636 / Pages: 10

.... portray Heaven: So much the rather thou Celestial Light Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers Irradiate, there plant eyes, all mist from thence Purge and disperse, that I may see and tell Of things invisible to mortal sight (Hughes, 51-55). Milton's lack of sight is an asset here. We are forced as readers to look upon this scene with the same physical blindness that Milton had. He makes it clear that we could not see it anyway. Instead we must seek inward illumination, which we all possess and need only to utilize. One cannot be sure that God even places much value on mortal sight. A.B. Chambers (1963) wrote that in Heaven "it i .....

Things Fall Apart
Words: 812 / Pages: 3

.... pattern of a Greek tragedy. He experiences many successes in the beginning, but everything eventually comes crashing down on him. His early life is the typical success story. He starts poor, but works hard to earn everyone’s respect. From the beginning he is disgusted with his father. He is a lazy old man who borrows money and never pays it back. Okonkwo realizes that he does not want to be like his father, and it is this hatred that drives him to work hard. After his father’s death, Okonkwo pays off his debts, and starts his long journey to the top of the clan. In a short time, Okonkwo’s hard work pays off and he becomes one of the village .....

Animal Farm: Summary
Words: 688 / Pages: 3

.... winning, well-revered boar. Although he died early in the novel, he influenced the entire story by inspiring this animal revolution by delivering a very inconciliatory speech. Snowball, one of the avaricious pigs, was a very acute, persuasive speaker. Napoleon, an eccentric fierce-looking Yorkshire boar, had a reputation for being taciturn, yet dogmatic. Of all the animals on the farm, Squealer was the propagandist. He was the one who revised the history that the animals knew to cover up for their actions. Boxer, who was known for being a super strong scrupulous steed, was gullible yet always faithful to the pigs. Throughout this story, he had two .....

Changes In Harding In One Flew
Words: 1247 / Pages: 5

.... them into what was thought as "normal". Ken Kesey was a man in this era that did not believe in social conformity. Kesey, along with his followers set off on a mission to open the minds of people who were focused on maintaining this status quo. Ken Kesey's journey led him to write One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. This novel focuses on the struggle between individuals who are intent on keeping things the same with those who are considered "different". Harding is a character in the novel that is limited by opposing forces of society and who in turn, seeks refuge in hopes to be accepted. With the influence of McMurphy, Harding changes from an appr .....

The Devil And Tom Walker: Human Intent And The Aftermath Of It
Words: 1541 / Pages: 6

.... an agreement which he sees to be fair. Tom does not see the danger present in bargaining with such a powerful force for so little gain. There is a note of humor present in the narrative, which adds to the sense of danger that is present making deals that one does not intend to keep. Commenting on the story, Larry L. Stevens notes that "This tale,..., comically presents the results of valuing the dollar above all else." This story does a very good job of conveying a message to the reader about human values. In the story Tom is seen as a very self-centered man who cares only for himself and his own well being. He is not even phased when he d .....

An Analysis Of Catch 22 By Joseph Heller
Words: 1283 / Pages: 5

.... He wants us to recognize how one is controlled and stifled by society. The leading character in this novel, addressing what has gone wrong with society, is Yossarian. He is the only one who recognizes the full craziness of what everyone is living for: wealth, false happiness, society's approval, etc. He is one of the few who tries to fight the power and elitism that have become so sought after in America. Throughout the novel, he tries to find a way to live a fuller life as a real human individual. He looks to many of the other characters in the book for help but only finds unsatisfactory answers. Each of the characters in Yossarian's life at t .....

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