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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Character Analysis Of Arthur Dimmesdale In "The Scarlet Letter"
Words: 475 / Pages: 2

.... the truth, but when she refuses he doesnÿt have the willpower to confess himself. Therefore, his sin becomes even larger than hers, because while hers is an exposed sin. He continues to lie to himself and his followers by keeping his secret hidden, so his is a concealed sin. Here Hawthorne shows us just how strong Dimmesdale actually is, by allowing him to hide his sin and bear the weight of it, he creates an extremely interesting and tremendously strong character. The scaffold is the place that Dimmesdale shows the amount of pain and self-loathing he is truly capable of concealing. He realizes that he is as much at fault for Hesterÿs tor .....

Crime And Punishment--is Rasko
Words: 781 / Pages: 3

.... (247). Raskolnikov was strongly prompted to murder Alyona when he recalled a conversation that took place between two ordinary men in a bar. One declared: I could kill that damned old woman and make off with her money without the faintest conscious-prick.... For one life, thousands would be saved from corruption and decay.... Besides, what value has the life of that sickly, stupid, ill-natured old woman in the balance of existence? (63) Raskolnikov reasoned that it would be honorable to kill Alyona since it would supposedly benefit humanity, but the fact that “ordinary” men had the same idea should have immediately put a stop to .....

Where The Red Fern Grows
Words: 641 / Pages: 3

.... the silver cup to his two other sisters. His willingness to sacrifice one time was when he kept on going to find his dogs in the blizzard with his father, grandpa, and judge. Billy was sensitive at the beginning of the book when the freckle-faced kid pulled one of Little Ann's ears. The kid was the leader of the gang that surrounded Billy. Billy has responsibility because he has to take care of his hounds, he had to feed them, if they're hurt he has to try to help them like after the fight with the mountain lion, etc. Billy has pride in himself when he earned the $50.00 he needed to get his dogs, and he also had pride in his dogs when they won the .....

Lord Of The Flies
Words: 1185 / Pages: 5

.... or ready to turn, to anger.” Jack’s eyes are always used in the novel to depict his emotions, as they are in the quote above. When the boys land on the island they are all wearing their school uniforms, but Jack and his choir are wearing cloaks and caps. Oddly enough, Jack is one of the only boys whose last name is learned. I think the author does this to make Jack stand out. He is a very important character because throughout this whole novel, Golding depicts this island and savagery to everyday life. Jack is the perfect character to play this role due to his temperament and power hungry acts. Jack is solely concerned with hunting, .....

The Scarlet Letter: Summary
Words: 358 / Pages: 2

.... the settlers have brought their troubles upon themselves. More important, a romance has flowered between Arthur and the beautiful Hester Prynne, a romance that actually occupies most of our attention, and whose harvest is a little Pearl. Finally, as things unfold we learn that the Puritans are not all bad. Potentially they are indeed a diverse community, comprising not only dogmatists and invaders, but ecumenicals, free-thinkers, Quakers, antinomians, and former members of the Merry-Mount colony. So the mood is hopeful as the story draws to a close. The community survives, and with it, presumably, the prospects for the great experiment. Prospectively .....

The Crucible
Words: 916 / Pages: 4

.... and as she is influenced by Abigail, Mary begins to break this self induced mold and does what she wants. Mary Warren, along with many other girls gets caught up in the hype of getting all the attention and exercising power via initiating and adamantly continuing these "witch trials". Finally John Proctor, the rationalist, shows that when people like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor who are the saintliest of people are accused of being witches, something must be wrong. Mary Warren has a difficult decision to make. She has realized that her whole way of life has been based on injustice. However, how can she extricate herself from Abigail an .....

An Analysis Of Brave New World
Words: 998 / Pages: 4

.... he realizes that independent thought is rewarding, and that he must strive to become a real individual. Although this is true to a certain extent, Bernard does not realize that he would much rather attain social recognition. At least, not until the opportunity presents itself. Thus, through a series of events, Bernard uses the curiosity of the society to his advantage, fulfilling his subconscious wish of becoming someone important; a recognized name in the jumble of society. This ends when the curiosity of others ends, and as a supreme result of his arrogant behaviour, he is exiled. The instigator of this curiosity as well as the author of Bernard' .....

All The King's Men: Man As A Slave To Knowledge
Words: 1344 / Pages: 5

.... Treasurer to state governor, senator, and most likely thoughts of presidency. And on the way to get to these offices, Stark had to overpower others with dark knowledge, the secrets people keep. Stark says that “man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something (49).” He is saying that everyone has something to hide, a skeleton in the closet. Stark knows that everyone has some bit of knowledge to hide, and that the knowledge makes man a slave as he tries to hide the bit of knowledge. Stark often wields the power of knowledge to enslave others to do hi .....

In The Middle Of The Night: Review
Words: 284 / Pages: 2

.... sure but once I grasped hold of what was going on I couldn't put the book down. In the Middle of the Night is about an accident in a theater where a balcony collapses on a number of small children, and kills them, and a few are injured. The owner of the theatre kill himself and everyone is out to blame John the usher who was investigating the noises from the balcony at the time. Today the usher has grown up and has a son. A victim, who died in the accident but came back to life that day, is out for revenge on the usher's son. The novel is hard to follow at first because there are jumps from one character view to another, to piece together a whole vi .....

A Rose For Emily
Words: 1291 / Pages: 5

.... her herself, offering to call or to send his car for her, and received in reply a note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that's he no longer went out at all. The tax notice was enclosed, without comment." (189). Miss Emily was convinced that she had no taxes in Jefferson because before the Civil War the South didn't have to pay taxes and since her father had made a contribution to the town of a generous amount, Colonel Sartoris, mayor at that time had remitted her taxes, she felt that that promise or rather gift still stood good. "After her father's death she went out very little; after .....

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