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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Foreshadowing Destiny(great Ga
Words: 481 / Pages: 2

.... having fun, they risk thoughtlessly their own lives and the lives of others. Nick states to Jordan, "You're a rotten driver. Either you ought to be more careful, or you oughtn't drive." Jordan responds, "They'll keep out of my way. It takes two to make an accident." Fitzgerald attacks the motif of reckless driving vigorously, since it conveys precisely the vision he had of America. He saw twenties society as recklessly careless; the society was "driving on toward death through the cooling twilight." Through out the novel, Fitzgerald foreshadows the downfall of his own generation. At the heart of the most intense conflict in the novel, where Gats .....

Alice Walker's "Beauty: When The Other Dancer Is The Self"
Words: 836 / Pages: 4

.... use of chronological narrative organization stresses to the reader how she viewed beauty as a little girl to a grown adult. In her narrative, she lets the reader know when things are happening and how old she is when they are occurring. Walker starts showing the reader how she viewed herself and how others viewed her when she was a little girl ready to give her speech that she memorized for Easter Sunday. Then her accident happened. Walker then emphasizes to the reader that the way she views herself now and the way she thinks people view her at the age of eight have changed for the worse. She then states at the age of fourteen her view of beauty .....

Madame Bovary: Destiny
Words: 1048 / Pages: 4

.... meet Emma, the future Madame Bovary, we perceive her as being a woman who is refined perhaps a bit more than the average peasant girl living on a farm. We conclude this because she attended a boarding school where she was taught “dancing, geography, needlework and piano.” (p.15) Charles, on the other hand, gives her more credit than she deserves. He regards her as well very educated, sophisticated, sensitive and loving, with the last characteristic being the one she lacks most. Soon after Emma marries Charles we see her unhappiness, and we are faced with a dilemma, why did she marry him? There are numerous possible answers to this, but the end con .....

The Hobbit
Words: 1136 / Pages: 5

.... was a burglar seeking a job with lots of excitement. With all this talk of quests and glory Biblo decides to join the party after all. Gandalf reveals a key and a map of their journey, which ends at the Lonely Mountain. It is there that the treasure of Thorins' ancestors is guarded by Smaug. The quest begins and the party meets at the Green Dragon Inn. From there they venture into the Lone-lands. As heavy rains begin to fall, Biblo notices that Gandalf is missing. When it starts to pour they stop to investigate a light. Their Biblo finds three trolls grumbling about food. Biblo decides to live up to title of burglar and attempts to pick one of the tr .....

Holding The Dream
Words: 763 / Pages: 3

.... never true because Margo and Laura loved her dearly. Kate had a hard childhood before she grew up at the Templetown House. Her whole life was lie until she was put into foster care. She watched her parents die infront of her. She was orphaned at a small age, eight years old. Kate trained her self to be a practical woman, one who worked hard toward any goals she had and earned them step by step always being careful. She lived in the Templetown house for many years, then she decided to make it out on her own. She was an attorney. Kate worked at the office for a company called Bittle and Associates. She loved where she lived it made her happ .....

A Rose For Emily
Words: 445 / Pages: 2

.... her actions. "After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all.” The death of her father and the shattered relationship with her boyfriend added to her attempt to live in seclusion. Though her father was responsible for her becoming a hermit, her pride also contributed to her seclusion. "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such.” The town and Emily thought that she was of higher status because of her family name. Faulkner uses the feelings of other characters to show Miss Emily's pride. Her pride has kept her from socializing with other members .....

The Adventures And Maturing Of Huckleberry Finn
Words: 3407 / Pages: 13

.... him by sending him to school and teaching him manners, even though Huck didn't want to be "civilized." Huck's best friend is Tom Sawyer. The two found twelve-thousand dollars earlier and split the profits. The boys kept the money with Judge Thatcher for safe keeping while they continued their normal childhood. Tom and Huck liked to fool the Widow's slave, Jim, and make him believe witches were around. They also formed a gang whose only line of business was to rob and kill; of course the boys only pretended to rob and kill. While out one night, Huck discovers that Pap is back and Huck knows he's after his six thousand dollars. Huck hurries to give h .....

The Infinity Mirror
Words: 718 / Pages: 3

.... Pancho's employer, Franklin Gomez, we get a cold hard look into society. We see a mother, knowing her son is to be hated and feared, and perhaps possibly killed, cannot face killing her son with her bare hands. She leaves the killing to exposure to the elements, enying herself a look into Tularecito. Franklin adopts Pancho's demon, and Tularecito transforms into a disadvantaged who has been gifted with talent. Tularecito becomes a man at the age of six, "The boy grew rapidly, but after the fifth year his brain did not grow any more," To Franklin, Tularecito is grace, and graceless. He is talented in all things of any physical strength, and well .....

Things Fall Apart: Okonkwo
Words: 1503 / Pages: 6

.... and his life took a completely new direction. " I could have been a great man" he explains, if he only had the chance. The pride of these men who have no faults in their own minds, but struggle to erase the faults they know others can find. This essay will convey the value systems of each character in their culture and the cinematic and literary techniques used to magnify their presence in the works. Charles foster Kane was a child that was very fond of his mother, as seen in the first scene of the young characters life. Charles' father did not seem to have any attachment to his son. Appearing quite ignorant, we can detect the lack of a f .....

Philosophies In Voltaires Cand
Words: 1121 / Pages: 5

.... don't exist, and crime is nonexistent. In the novel, when Candide sees all of the riches that the Eldoradans inhabit, he is so taken aback by their lack of real interest in it all, he can't understand why they live the way they do. He also uses his philosophy of the utopian society to show how very far short of being perfect our culture falls. He uses it to contrast the experiences that Candide had throughout his journeys. Candide's observance of the horrors of war, devesting earthquakes, the Inquisition in Portugal, and tyranny are there to represent real world dilemmas, while Eldorado represents an oasis of perfection in the real world. Eldorad .....

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