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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Comparative Analysis: Cinderella And Snow White
Words: 1186 / Pages: 5

.... and the idea that physical beauty is the most important aspect of women. Kolbenschlag and Yolen both agree that Cinderella was subservient and accepted the unjust and extra work that her siblings and (step)mother required of her (Kolbenschlag 525). Like a housemaid, she took everything they could give her and never complained. Snow White mirrored this behavior when she was rescued by the seven dwarfs. They told her to cook, clean, do odds and ends around the house, and other busy-work as in "Cinderella." Behaving just as her counterpart, Snow White complied without protest of any sort, becoming the domesticated servant of the dwarfs' abode (Grimm .....

The Rime Of The Ancient Marine
Words: 675 / Pages: 3

.... of death lightly. The Albatross, as a representative of nature, means nothing to the Mariner. These thoughts are quickly changed, though, as Nature begins to start the punishment for his crimes commence when there is, "Water, water, everywhere nor any drop to drink." He is punished harshly for killing the symbol of nature that everyone reveres. He is beaten down by the sun with its rays and is taunted by the endless sight of water that he cannot drink. Nature is the force in this poem that has power to decide what is right or wrong and how to deal with the actions. The mariner reconciles his sins when he realizes what nature really is and .....

The Adventures Of Huck Finn: Jim Is A Hero
Words: 945 / Pages: 4

.... dead two er three days. Come in, Huck, but doan' look at his face -- it's too gashly." This is an example of how Jim is a humane and loving person because he does not allow Huck to see his dead father's face once he sees and understands the position in wehich he is placed. Later, Huck wishes to speak to Jim about the dead man, but Jim will not allow it since he does not want to reveal the truth about Pap to Huck. This is a second and more direct approach that is used in the story in order to show this same point. Jim is also basically a good person. Although he is ignorant, he knows that it is a good thing for him to show Huck that he has wort .....

A Tale Of Two Cities - Syndney
Words: 686 / Pages: 3

.... New Testament verse beginning "I am the Resurrection and the Life" nearly becomes his theme song. The words are repeated a last time at the moment Carton dies. In what sense may we see Carton's dying in Darnay's place as Christ-like? It wipes away his sin, just as Christ's death washed clean man's accumulated sins. For readers who choose the negative view, Carton's death seems an act of giving up. These readers point out that Stryver's jackal has little to lose. Never useful or happy, Carton has already succumbed to the depression eating away at him. In the midst of a promising youth, Carton had "followed his father to the grave"- that is, .....

The Theme Of Sin In The Scarle
Words: 653 / Pages: 3

.... Reverend Dimmesdale. Because this act resulted in a child, she was unable to hide her wrongdoing while Dimmesdale’s analogous sin went unnoticed. Her punishment for her crime was to spend a few hours on the scaffold to face public humiliation, and she was forced to wear the letter “A” on her clothes for the rest of her life. Hester’s punishment for her sin was distinguished in that the results of her actions were for the most part external. Hawthorne describes what Hester’s punishment was like when he states, “In all her intercourse with society, however, there was nothing that made her feel as if she belonged .....

The Different Conceptions Of The Veil In The Souls Of Black Folk
Words: 2957 / Pages: 11

.... this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others."Footnote1 The veil is a metaphor for the separation and invisibility of black life and existence in America and is a reoccurring theme in books abo ut black life in America. Du Bois's veil metaphor, "In those somber forests of his striving his own soul rose before him, and he saw himself, -darkly as though through a veil"Footnote2, is a allusion to Saint Paul's line in Isiah 25:7, "For now we see through a glass, darkly."Footnote3 Saint Paul's use of the veil in Isiah and later in Second Corinthians is similar to Du Bois's use of the metaphor of the veil. Both writ .....

Janies Quest In There Eyes Wer
Words: 606 / Pages: 3

.... by Nanny. She felt the need to find some one for Janie to depend on before she died and could no longer depend on her. At first Janie was very opposed to the marriage. Nanny responded with, “’Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it’s protection. ...He (God) done spared me...a few days longer till Ah see you safe in life.”(p.14) Nanny instilled a sense of needing a man to be safe on Janie that she keeps with her all through her life. After Nanny’s death, Janie continued to stay with Logan although she disliked him. She would have left if she didn’t need him to depend on. Next is Joe Starks. H .....

Macbeth And Lady Macbeth
Words: 645 / Pages: 3

.... such sinful thoughts. Frightened, he says, "Present fears" (Shakespeare 136) "Are less than horrible imaginings" (Shakespeare 137). Lady Macbeth falls in with Macbeth's plot with greater energy than Macbeth himself. She vows adamantly that, "He that's coming / Must be provided for" (Shakespeare 62-63), implying that Duncan must be killed. Driven by fear of suspicion by day, and terrible dreams by night, Macbeth becomes completely paranoid with everyone, including Banquo, his right hand man. At this time Macbeth takes control and realizes that he must kill Banquo. He decides that Banquo must die tonight, and says, " Banquo, thy soul's flight, / If it f .....

Words: 489 / Pages: 2

.... which the gods have decreed must become law. It pains Creon to have Oedipus exiled, but he must do so as the gods have willed it. Creon's respect for divinity and prophecy seems to be his defining trait in OK. His attitude is one of unquestioning reverence. In Oedipus at Colonus (OC), one sees the beginning of Creon's decline. Creon has now come to occupy the throne that once belonged to Oedipus. It soon becomes apparent that his vision of the proper role of a king has changed to accommodate his new-found position. The emphasis shifts from that of a king who must rule wisely to one who must rule unyieldingly. The kingship becomes a selfserving inst .....

The Moon Is Down: The Effects Of War
Words: 2146 / Pages: 8

.... town he thought that it was a nice country with nice people. Tonder says, "There are some beautiful farms here. If four or five of them were thrown together, it would be a nice place to settle, I think" (34). The war was not ending as quickly as Tonder expected. The townspeople had become the silent enemies of the soldiers or the townspeople became silent waiting for revenge. "Now it was the conqueror was surrounded, the men of the battalion alone among silent enemies, and no man might relax his guard for even a moment" (65). The soldiers now have only each other to talk to and Tonder longed to go home. "The men of the battalion came to detest .....

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