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Computers Essay Writing Help

The Impact Of AI On Warfare.
Words: 757 / Pages: 3

.... a threat to civilians? The main goal of this essay is to discuss whether it is justifiable to use AI in warfare and to what extent. The old time dream of making war bloodless by science is finally becoming a reality. The strongest man will not win, but the one with the best machines will. Modernising the weapons used in war has been an issue since the beginning. Nowadays, the military has spent billions of dollars perfecting stealth technology to allow planes to slip past enemy lines undetected. The technology involved in a complicated system such as these fighter planes is immense. The older planes are packed with high tech gear such as micro proces .....

Interactive Television
Words: 1410 / Pages: 6

.... television is that it works best with a focused individual viewer without distractions. It also requires the user to remain indoors for long periods of time which people don't like to do. Human beings are social animals. It is this fact that will keep them from being glued to their television sets. Clearly these factors will not allow interactive television to overtake the American home. So what exactly is interactive television and what does it do? Interactive television is the ability literally to interact with the television set just like we do with a home computer on the Internet. With the advent of fiber optics and satellite communicati .....

As A Technology, It Is Called Multimedia
Words: 1635 / Pages: 6

.... databases, educational programming, home shopping, telephone services, telebanking, teleconferencing, even the complex simulations of virtual reality. This souped-up television will itself be a powerful computer. This, many believe, will be the world's biggest media group, letting consumers tune into anything, anywhere, anytime. The most extraordinary thing about the multimedia boom, is that so many moguls are spending such vast sums to develop digital technologies, for the delivering of programs and services which are still largely hypothetical. So what is behind such grand prophecies? Primarily, two technological advances known as digitization .....

History Of The Propeller
Words: 1516 / Pages: 6

.... the late 1700’s to early 1800’s. Only after experimentation did the inventors conclude that more propulsive power could be obtained by merely straightening out the surface of the airscrew blades. Attempts to utilize the “straight blade” propeller were made by balloonists. These contraptions were quite strange and hardly fulfilled their purpose of actually propelling the balloon. The basic propeller had evolved from the simple concepts of da Vinci, and was slowly becoming an effective means of aerial propulsion. To reach the next plateau of flight an increased knowledge of the propeller would be needed, and the mysteries of the propeller and .....

Words: 1629 / Pages: 6

.... to see: movies-on-demand, video games, databases, educational programming, home shopping, telephone services, telebanking, teleconferencing, even the complex simulations of virtual reality. This souped-up television will itself be a powerful computer. This, many believe, will be the world's biggest media group, letting consumers tune into anything, anywhere, anytime. The most extraordinary thing about the boom, is that so many moguls are spending such vast sums to develop digital technologies, for the delivering of programs and services which are still largely hypothetical. So what is behind such grand prophecies? Primarily, two technological adv .....

Freedom Of Speech & Censorship On The Internet
Words: 2293 / Pages: 9

.... material on the Internet. Pornographic material is not the only material to be found on the net which can raise questions of censorship and control: discussion of racial, political, religious and sexual topics all run the risk of offending someone, somewhere, leading to demands for control of the Internet. The question of censorship may also be raised in some unexpected places: one newsgroup is the rec.humor list, which is a collection of jokes submitted to subscribers. There are straightforwardly rude jokes but others are politically incorrect, focusing on sexual stereotypes, mothers-in-law, women and so on. It has been suggested (Interpersonal Co .....

Internet Censorship
Words: 1031 / Pages: 4

.... to fight porn is Net Nanny. This program does not only filter out porn but some of the other inappropriate pages too. If kids are caught using or viewing any inappropriate content the kids are sometimes banned from using the school´s internet (Heller). If the kids keep doing this there will soon be no internet for the kids to use. The internet has many different types of pages, but of all the educational or informative pages there are always the “ black sheeps” . On the internet these are bomb/drug formulas, racist pages and pornography, as well as others. Bomb and drug formulas have always been available on the internet for a long time .....

Installing A Car Stereo System
Words: 1923 / Pages: 7

.... amplifier that can produce at least 25 watts-per-channel so it can adequately power a decent pair of speakers. Reproduction of higher frequency sounds (i.e. violin, flute) as well as lower frequency sounds (bass violin, tuba) require more power to be heard at the same level as a midrange sound (voice, trumpet). The internal amplifier in the head unit must be able to generate enough wattage for the SPL (sound pressure level) of the higher frequencies to be heard clear in a space the size of the AEROSTAR. Pre-amp Out RCA Jacks To allow for low-level amplification without using an in-line power reducer, the head unit will require low lev .....

All About Disk Geometry And The 1024 Cylinder Limit For Disks.
Words: 1103 / Pages: 5

.... partition table in the same way.This has some consequences for the Linux kernel and for fdisk. Below a rather detailed description of all relevant details.Note that I used kernel version 2.0.8 source as a reference.Other versions may differ a bit. 2.Booting When the system is booted, the BIOS reads sector 0 (known as the MBR - the Master Boot Record) from the first disk (or from floppy), and jumps to the code found there - usually some bootstrap loader.These small bootstrap programs found there typically have no own disk drivers and use BIOS services.This means that a Linux kernel can only be booted when it is entirely located within the first 102 .....

Contrasting The Two Forms Of Mail
Words: 847 / Pages: 4

.... thirty seconds. Whether one is sending e-mail to a person across the street or in Afghanistan, the transfer rate is virtually the same. Furthermore, data files and computer applications can be sent via e-mail. Unfortunately, physical packages such as gifts or magazines cannot be attached to e-mail. On the other hand, the postal service can send any kind of physical package, from a magazine to a pool table, for a price proportional to its size. In addition, the postal service can also transfer data if it is placed on a disk or a CD-ROM. However, speed is a problem, thus origin of the term snail-mail. For example, The smallest letter can take from two .....

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