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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing: The Case Of The Broken Hutch
Words: 5097 / Pages: 19

.... cards. Also in about a year I would be moving out into an apartment of my own, and I also would be started to attend Sacramento State. I pay for my own schooling either out of my pocket or by getting student loans. When I first started working for this company they were short handed and all the employees at the store I started at were new to each other. That is they had worked for the company at other stores but had not worked together. I was hired when the manager went to his yearly manager meeting in Reno. When I was hired I was hired on as a delivery driver. The delivery driver is responsible for all of the deliveries and pick-ups .....

Personal Writing: The Cliff
Words: 486 / Pages: 2

.... through the trees, we held our backpacks in the front of us so the needle written branches of the pine trees didn't smack us in the face. After a few grueling minutes the trees thinned out to expose the edge of a 100-foot drop off. I could see to the other side of the river. We've decided to lay our sleeping bags down on the edge of the cliff, it seemed to be the most level surface and the best view. As we looked up we could see the stars, thousands and thousands of them. The distinctive Milky Way right over had looked like a highway of stars stuck in rush-hour I shined my flashing over the edge down toward the river bed but my light never .....

The Farm Life
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... and snow blows his driveway; he just got a new snow blower this year too. He is still very strong. As he would be because he used to run his farm. The farmhouse is still there but just a little bit broken down. Now he just lets a guy use his field for his cows to graze in. The fences still have electricity running in them and the barn has a lot of things in it. My grandfather has collected a lot of stuff over the years. He also has a very old snowmobile in there and I can remember riding it when I was little. No one hardly goes in there now. My grandfather was strict minded about disciplining his kids, as was his father with him. Now I would .....

Memoirs Of A Mountain High
Words: 812 / Pages: 3

.... no matter hard climbed; even if successful, this rock always seemed to have the last say. By this time a month had passed and I was very grateful to have that one shower on the way to the Gore Range in Colorado. This section of the course was by far the most demanding, the mountaineering section. Stepping off the bus in Frisco, Colorado we looked back knowing that we were not to see civilization for at least a month. There were 8 men and women in my group from all over the country. Each one had a unique personality not knowing that we would all become closer to each other than family, possibly being dependent during life threatening situations which .....

Creative Writing: Conquest
Words: 1767 / Pages: 7

.... to remain as quiet as possible. Once he reached the ventilator above the leader's bedroom he unveiled his device, a new prototype developed by his agency. This devise would unscrew and disable any form of fastener. Using a laser divertor to abstract the laser alarm system path the agent lowered himself into the room. Waiting for the man, a smaller man yet more powerful. The door creaked open slowly and an exhausted fat man entered. As soon as the door had been closed the fat man's throat had been gashed and he lay in a pool of his own warm blood. The United States had volunteered to be a "cut-off" regiment. We would put pressure on Rus .....

Personal Writing: My Dog Oso
Words: 660 / Pages: 3

.... joy, I could not. I had not started school, so summer had no meaning to me, all I knew was hot and cold, dirt or snow. I know I was young, as this is the first day of my life I truly remember. I was playing about our yard when my older brother Jake slowly walked up to me. He had been supplied with money, and then instructed by my mother to take me to the corner store to buy candy and ice cream. At that time I was delighted, as the trip to the corner store was an epic journey, which I had never taken on foot, only by car. I did not notice or care that Jake, normally tyrannical, dictatorial, and abusive, was being unusually nice to me that day .....

Ballet Analysis: Self Evaluation
Words: 2005 / Pages: 8

.... plies. This particular pre-barre is exceptionally helpful. When you tendu, flatten, and drag your foot back to first, I can really feel my hips and rotators working. I also really worked on using the floor during the tendus - I know I could be using the floor much more in every exercise. On the releves, I focused on tightening my abdominals and lengthening my lower back. Its amazing how much that centers your balance! I also noticed that at the beginning of the course, my feet would cramp terribly during the releves, but as I got stronger, the cramping stopped and my releve became much higher. The balances in coupe were extremely helpful. I le .....

Personal Writing: My Uncle
Words: 295 / Pages: 2

.... he had worked in for nearly 34 years, fishing, and keeping up on his garden.The day he died was a day in which he would of usually spent relaxing, fishing, and drifting of in to his own world, but on this day he drifted away into a new place which he had never been. My uncle's time had come and gone and he was now adventuring into new places that hopefully would be as good to him as life was. I felt deeply sorried for everyone who had none him and his life. He was always a person who was willing to help someone in a time of need, and someone who would always be there if needed. He would also be deeply missed by his wife which souly depended on hi .....

A Story About Shy Copper
Words: 581 / Pages: 3

.... winner, and Copper was a worse metal. Everybody was laughing on Copper and even on Silver, and brothers’ competition has been continuing for along time. After a while, Copper gets married on a smart and beautiful Copper-woman. Still remember that Last Judgement, he decided to tell about it to her wife. When his wife heart a story, she became very angry and start to scold him: “How could you said so injustice thing, how?” He became silent on couple of minute and said: “I did have say anything, because, because I am the worse metal in whole world.” “That is not true, and you know it!” she said. On the next morning she to .....

The Year 2050
Words: 652 / Pages: 3

.... off of water, like France and Germany did, but politicians felt it would be too drastic a change. Furthermore, President Bill Clinton decided to send all of our garbage into space in 1996 instead of recycling when he introduced Project No-Garbage. At first this was a good idea, but slowly, we noticed our atmosphere was full of milk cartons and banana peels! To clean up this mess, the public elected President Mick Jagger to deal with the environmental issues. President Jagger became the leader of the country when he promised the public that he would clean up the environment and help the economy. His first action as president was to take care of t .....

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