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Economics Essay Writing Help

The Trade Practise Act
Words: 1164 / Pages: 5

.... for example that he has the right to sell a car, and the car is stolen then although the buyer will have to give the car back he/she will get her money back. - “ A promise by the seller that goods will fit the description supplied by the seller” In this case the buyer is protected if the seller makes a promise, which is a condition of the contract, describing the product, and when the buyer receives the product, it does not match the description. - “ A promise where the seller is made aware of the purpose for which the goods are required, that the goods will be reasonably fit for that purpose” This condition is implied when the bu .....

Why Were The Japanese So Successful After World War II
Words: 1298 / Pages: 5

.... for the nation. Goals of catching up with technology of the West was thought of achieving most.2 It was their main concern to do so and because of their efforts Japan in the first couple decades have soared in economic growth. Then comes to education. In every case a country's reform must be done by people of intelligence. In Japan's case their is no lack of brilliant reforms. Japan had an ever growing education level. It influences Japanese society tremendously. It will reach a point in time were almost all high school graduates will attend college. As a result there will be an enormous amount of skilled workers, but it also means a lack .....

New Financial And Statistical Measures To Monitor The Success Of GE
Words: 3914 / Pages: 15

.... the theory that their size and diversity inhibited their competitiveness ... breaking up is the right answer for some big companies ... for us it is the wrong answer.²1 For us the new trend is the entrance into the service industry. The question must then be: is this the right answer? GE is expecting to increase its revenue by the year 2000 to $120 billion compared with $58 billion in 1990. In other words, if the forecast proves to be correct, it will obtain an average annual rate of growth of 7.5%. This high rate is mainly attributed to the expansion of the services sector of the company, which is estimated to increase by an average annual r .....

Advantages Of Technology In International Trade
Words: 646 / Pages: 3

.... From 1986 to the present due to GATT's lead many markets have been open to the United States increasing exports and increasing efficiency through competition. One of the most aggressive liberalization groups to follow GATT's lead is APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Community). APEC consist of 18 countries that account for 1/2 of the worlds output. The three largest economies Japan, China and the United States are members. APEC leaders are committed to achieving free and open trade for the region by 2010. APEC is moving towards this goal through many means including accelerating initial Japanese tariff cuts by 50%. China will also cut a numb .....

Chaos In The Currency Markets : Currency Crisis Of The EMS
Words: 827 / Pages: 4

.... the factors affecting exchange rate. The government can influence the equilibrium exchange rate in many way, including direct intervening (buying and selling currencies) in the foreign exchange markets and indirect intervening by affecting macro variables such as interest rates. 2. What does the crisis of September 1992 tell you about the weakness of fixed exchange rate regimes? From European currency crisis of September 1992, it shows us that there are weakness of the fixed exchange rate system. When exchange rate are tied, a high interest rate in one country has a strong influence on interest rates in the other countries. Funds will flow to the c .....

Deficit Spending
Words: 1533 / Pages: 6

.... than the amounted debt would quickly absorb it. The last time the budget ran a surplus was in 1969 during Nixon's presidency. Budget deficits have grown larger and more frequent in the last half-century. In the 1980s they soared to record levels. The Government cut income tax rates, greatly increased defense spending, and didn't cut domestic spending enough to make up the difference. Also, the deep recession of the early 1980s reduced revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the Government to spend much more on paying interest for the national debt at a time when interest rates were high. As a result, the national debt grew in size after 1980. It gre .....

Marketing Research On The Auto Industry
Words: 1261 / Pages: 5

.... | Volkswagen | Volvo * Market structure The type of marketing in which we are concerned with can be categorised as industrial marketing. This means that we are making specialised products that are sold to car companies and manufacturers rather than the general public. The obvious reason for this is that the product is assumed to be fitted onto cars by engineers only. * Industry output Below is the statistics on car production. This information is required as we need to identify growth potential which is the key to find a new opportunity. A growing market is where prices and margins are higher and therefore more desirable. * Mode of transport .....

Europe In 2010: Ecomonic Monetary Union
Words: 1856 / Pages: 7

.... neighboring economies in western Europe and on developing and transition countries with important trade and financial links to Europe, including countries that link their currencies to the Euro. Among emerging market economies, those likely to be most affected are the transition countries of the central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics.The global environment has been favorable in a number of respects for the transition to EMU and the achievements of its objectives. The strong demand for euro-area exports from industrial countries at more advanced stages of the business cycle and the depreciation of the currencies of euro area countries over the pa .....

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Market Economy.
Words: 831 / Pages: 4

.... them in richer communities (i.e. England, USA). The concept of a market economy is to allow people to get through life by themselves. Government usually does little to change the economy, and, the control is given to the people with the money, or, rather, the people with the businesses. The main people in such an economy are usually the consumers, the producers, the owners of private property, and, the government. These are the people with the power. The whole system revolves around private gain rather than the interests of everyone in a community. Since the rich are in control of the economy, their decisions result in the rich getting richer and th .....

Economic Policy
Words: 1336 / Pages: 5

.... allow us to be more competitive in the world marketplace. Reducing the taxes would also motivate people to work harder and save more. The way things are now people can not seem to get ahead no matter how hard they work. The harder they work the more the government takes while others who choose not to work hard or have not developed the skills to earn a decent wage reap the same and in many cases more benefits. For example student loans and grants for college board and tuition fees are largely unavailable to lower middle class families let alone middle and upper middle class people. Reducing taxes on businesses would also allow them to invert .....

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