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English Essay Writing Help

The Great Gatsby(symbolism)
Words: 522 / Pages: 2

.... was very generous with me.@ This shows just how early that AThe American Dream@ can be instilled in everyone. To add to Gatsby dedication also came his hard work. As a boy he had a schedule of his day with all the things that he needed to do in order to eventually reach his goal. In his time everyone had this AAmerican Dream@ but only those few who took the time to do the work were rewarded with the fulfillment of their dream(Fitzgerald 181). The acquisition of his wealth and material possessions was only the first step in his two-part dream. The second goal was winning back his first love Daisy Fay from Tom Buchanan. Money was the only way he though .....

The Cages Of Maya Angelou
Words: 904 / Pages: 4

.... name. It is a great insult for someone to change your name, without your consent, just because someone wanted too. If Maya was white Mrs. Cullinan would not have changed her name. She did it only because of her racist friends, and attitudes. Even some of the white s, who supposedly supported her, had hidden their racist feelings in seemingly nice remarks. Maya conveys the words of Mr. Edward Donleavy, one of the people in the masquerade, "The white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins, and our boys (the girls weren't included) would try to be Jesse Owens and Joe Louises."(pp.151 .....

The Tragedy Of Creon In Antigo
Words: 455 / Pages: 2

.... he is indeed the tragedy. Along with its shifting opinon in the play, the Chorus comments on proper conduct as viewed by the masses in Ancient Greece. “Zeus hates with a vengeance all bravado, / the mighty boasts of men.” (lines 140 and 141) The notion that men should be reverent to the gods is the antithesis of what Creon initially embraces. “The power is yours, I suppose, to enforce it / with the laws, both for the dead and all of us, / the living.” (lines 238 to 240) Creon’s accepting the supposed power to enforce both the living and the dead reveals him as accepting a false superiority to the gods and thus anger .....

Harrison Ainsworth Rookwood An
Words: 1186 / Pages: 5

.... others derived from contemporary crime (Altick, 1970, p. 72). Although many authors chose to base their stories on criminals, William Harrison Ainsworth’s Rookwood and Jack Sheppard are two of the best examples of the theme of ‘crime and punishment’ in the nineteenth century. Ainsworth started his writing career as a writer of Gothic stories for various magazines. Gothic elements are included in Ainsworth’s novel: the ancient hall, the family vaults, macabre burial vaults, secret marriage, and so forth (John, 1998, p. 30). Rookwood is a story about two half-brothers in a conflict over the family inheritance. The .....

Grapes Of Wrath
Words: 861 / Pages: 4

.... to travel with his family, even though he’s going against parole rules by leaving the state. The Joads travel west with all twelve members of the family and Casey piled into an old truck. The trip to California proves to be hard when their grandpa dies just days after their departure. Truck problems are regular occurrences and the penetrating heat tires the migrating family. They have very little money and they have many family members to feed as well as gas to buy. Tom is warned by families going back east that there are no job opportunities in California. They say the Joads will be forced to live in Hoovervilles, which are temporary .....

Women In Early Lit.
Words: 349 / Pages: 2

.... powerful temptation who is able to easily control any man. The trapper’s father speaks: Go to Uruk, find Gilgamesh, extol the strength of this wild man. Ask him to give you a harlot, a wanton from the temple of love; return with her, and let her woman’s power this man (3.14). This shows how the women were used as a powerful distraction to seduce a man and take his mind off of what he should be doing. Finally, In Oedipus Rex, the role of women shows the power of royalty and persuasion. Jocasta, Oedipus’ wife and mother, speaks: And as for this marriage with your mother have no fear. Many a man before, you in your dreams, has sh .....

Words: 798 / Pages: 3

.... This shows that the three witches are planning to meet with but the reason is still unknown. The words and phrases that the witches choose to express themselves foreshadow 's plot to become king: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lighting, or in rain? Second Witch When the hurly-burly's done, When the battle's lost and won. Third Witch That will be ere the set of sun. (I,i) Although she knows that there will be darkness, the first witch is not even sure when they should meet again. The second witch mentions the hurly-burly, or commotion, that will occur along with a battle. The third witch is sure that this time will b .....

Of Mice And Men - Lonliness
Words: 1140 / Pages: 5

.... himself. Why'n't you shoot him, Candy?" (44). Candy’s dog, old and frail like his owner, is his only companion and once he is put out of his misery, Candy is left completely alone in the world. He turns to George and Lennie who, reluctantly at first, agree to include him in on their plans of one day owning their own farm. Today, seniors are still slightly perceived as somewhat incompetent for they are frail and lack the muscle power they once possessed. They often have trouble walking the same distances they walked when they were younger. Many also cannot exert the same strength they once were able to. When they are no longer capable .....

Political Correctness: The Teddy Bear Massacre
Words: 1431 / Pages: 6

.... [Clark 369] Proponents of political correctness, or PC, had good intentions in devising the idea, but it has serious flaws. Although political correctness was founded with good intent, it does more harm than good. The most noticeable example of harm is how PC proponents try to please everyone at the same time. The burning of the bruin was just one of many activities held during the week before the big UCLA game. The idea being that everyone could find something that they could identify with and rally around their school. If the burning was intentionally created to represent or oppress the offended students, the event would have been banned long .....

A Comparison Between The Dysto
Words: 1391 / Pages: 6

.... in both 1984 and The Matrix, the protagonist is a rebel and resists the controlling power. In addition, the dystopian environments in which the protagonists dwell are similar. In both worlds, the protagonists have very few luxuries: the main meal consist of very little besides a nameless bowl of tasteless artificial slop. The only available source of alcoholic beverage is, in 1984, a "sickly, oily smell[ing]" Victory Gin, and in The Matrix, an anonymous liquid used for degreasing engines (Orwell 8). The clothing and furniture is equally unappealing, being old, ragged, and looking as if it was salvaged from a junk yard. Moreover, not only do .....

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