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English Essay Writing Help

The Chocolate War
Words: 967 / Pages: 4

.... run by the assistant head master, Brother Leon. The last major detail in the rising action was when Archie informed Jerry of his assignment, Jerry’s assignment was not to sell chocolates for the first ten days of the annual chocolate sale. The climax of the novel was on the eleventh day of the chocolate sale when Jerry was supposed to start selling the chocolates but he didn’t. As a result of Jerry not selling any chocolates, the other students’ sales began to plummet during the falling action of the story. Brother Leon began to feel nervous and had to go to Archie and the Vigils for help. Incredibly, the Vigils turned the whole school .....

Words: 1198 / Pages: 5

.... new lumber mill. At least this was what was supposed to happen. After the first couple loads, there came reports that the logs weren’t reaching their destination. Some of the men started talking about how they were logging on uncharted territory and this was a bad omen. Woody just laughed and said, “Uncharted territory or not, we have a job to do and I’m not going to let some little thing like this ruin my reputation. I’ll go see what the problem is.” And so Woody packed a bag with supplies and sailed off down the river to find the missing logs. It wasn’t long before the lush gr .....

Young Goodman Brown 6
Words: 450 / Pages: 2

.... in her hair, which in the Puritan Era pink resembled pollution. Pink is a mixture of white and red which was not a true color. Today in society pink means innocence, which is ironic from the Puritan way. The fellow traveler could have been either Young Goodman Brown’s own personal devil or his father. The townspeople were church going people yet in the end they contradicted their own values and beliefs. The plot of “Young Goodman Brown” had a lot of twists and turns. The story started out with Young Goodman Brown needing to go to an important meeting and to get hoping to raise his religion and social status. He took a simp .....

Poe's Man In The Crowd: Types Of People Based On Appearance
Words: 2032 / Pages: 8

.... implications about their feelings towards one another and the emotions involved in the social setting. The opening of “The Man of the Crowd,” describes the emotions involved in untold secrets and the deepest of crimes; there are internal conflicts, struggles, anxieties, and agonous results due to the horror of the unsolvable crimes. The possibility of these crimes is introduced through the man of the crowd through his unseemingly unidentifiable expression The narrator describes his thoughts of this man as: There arose confusedly and paradoxically within my mind, the ideas of vast mental power, of caution, of penuriousness, .....

Singing To Cuba
Words: 598 / Pages: 3

.... public. This action is very taboo in this area of the world, and this fact alone plays a large role in Migelito's choice to wear it. "He left the top button of his shirt open to make sure the crucifix showed and he walked with pride, relieved to be taking a step so bold and defiant." This statement alone proves that not only does he wear the piece of jewelry for his love of god, but also to show his resistance towards the rules. Another big example of resistant behavior is the meer fact that the two family members converse openly throughout the story. Foreigners and natives are not allowed to speak at all in Cuba, and by conversing the two are .....

The Women Of Jane Austen
Words: 4380 / Pages: 16

.... 693). In reality, Austen can not accurately be evaluated as an author (or feminist subversive) without first examining the eighteenth century English society in which she lived and placed her heroines. Watt says that Austen’s characters cannot be seen “clearly until we make allowances for the social order in which they were rooted” (41). Austen lived in a society where women were expected to be “accomplished,” as Darcy states in Pride and Prejudice, but not well educated (“Notes”). Women of the late eighteenth-century could not attend educational institutions like Oxford or Cambridge. It was not considere .....

Tragic Heroes In King Lear, Ha
Words: 2958 / Pages: 11

.... with the choices that he makes. Tragedy is a thing that most always leads to a downfall of a single person or people. Most tragedies end up on a bad path, because the truth comes out in all directions upon the tragic hero. When, the truth all comes out on the tragic hero he can’t control it and it puts him in a jam. In tragedy, usually the truth is what will cause the downfall of the tragic hero. In every tragedy, there is always more and more complication that adds on to the problem for the tragic hero. All these problems keep adding on until the end when the tragic hero has to accept them all and deal with them. As George Lukas said, .....

The Odessey Paper
Words: 1223 / Pages: 5

.... mind of war, so long a castaway upon an island in the running sea; …But such desire is in him merely to see the hearthsmoke leaping upward from his own island, that he longs to die. Are you not moved by this, Lord of Olympos? Had you no pleasure from Odysseus' offerings beside the Argive ships, on Troy's wide seaboard? O Zeus, what do you hold against him now? Homer, very early in the epic, defines Athena as having a strong role in the story. I believe this passage is a very powerful point in the poem because it demonstrates strength in a female character. I think her question "What do you hold against him now?" proves how she will stand .....

Analysis Of Oedipus, Seven Aga
Words: 768 / Pages: 3

.... wanted to be king, but only one could attain that goal. In this case, Eteocles got what he wanted, and Polynius did not get what he wanted. According to Wilde, now both brothers' lives will end in tragedy. After a few more complications, this does happen. Once the brothers go against each other at the seven gates of Thebes, their desire to have what they want continues to destroy them. At each Gate, Eteocles wins; even though Polynius leads the army. Once they reach the final gate, Eteocles and Polynius go against each other. This final gate found Polynius angry that he was not king and Eteocles angry that his brother represented himself as jus .....

Compare And Contrast Essay
Words: 1204 / Pages: 5

.... her sister Jacqueline is not so wicked and usually sides with Danielle. In “Ever After”, Jacqueline is the not so pretty and quiet sister and Marguerite is the loud obnoxious pretty one. One similarity is that in both movies, Cinderella and Danielle are servants to their stepmother and stepsisters. They are also not allowed to eat with them, only serve them. In “Ever After”, Danielle’s only friends are the other servants of the house, this is similar to how Cinderella is friends with the mice that live in her house. In both cases their friends are always protective and willing to help. In “Cinderella .....

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