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English Essay Writing Help

Diggin The Dancing Queen - Mur
Words: 1026 / Pages: 4

.... in a low to middle class family. Her father aspires to a political career, whilst her mother is emotionally abused by the father and siblings. She is clearly suffering from depression and low self esteem which is evident right from the beginning of the film. Muriel's siblings are unemployed and show no desire for a better future and the father, Bill reinforces his families' low self esteem by constant negativity. Muriel's desire to get married is at some level her opportunity to escape this environment. Throughout the film, Muriel demonstrates avoidance behaviour. Music plays a large part of this process and becomes a symbol of freedom from he .....

An Occurance At Owl Creek Brid
Words: 836 / Pages: 4

.... was very serious. The captain stood on a plank, which supported Farquhar on the other end. First it was held in place by two soldiers though. Farquhar's eyes hadn't been covered, so he could see the water running under the bridge. He was noticing everything about the water, and how slowly it dragged pieces of driftwood downstream. Even the sound of his watch ticking was driving him insane. Soon enough he was thinking of ways to escape, which ran through his mind, but were not acted out. He knew if he could just get his hands untied, and the noose off of his neck he could dive into the water. By diving he would be able to dodge the bulle .....

Shakespeare Sonnet12
Words: 934 / Pages: 4

.... the minutes pass by. Although his state of mind may be idle, time does not stand still for him. As we read on, you learn that the first line is significant because it creates a bridge to the next line, “the brave day sunk in hideous night”(L2). Again, we need to place emphasis on Shakespeare's choice of wording. Shakespeare uses the word sunk in order to illustrate how the dark night engulfs the day. What Shakespeare is doing is using the words “hideous night” and “sunk” to form a catalogue of images pertaining to decay and passing time. The brave day sinks deeper and deeper as time on the clock march .....

Hedda Gabler
Words: 1494 / Pages: 6

.... Ibsen employs a reversal of traditional gender roles within Hedda and Jorgen Tesman's marriage to emphasises Hedda's masculine traits. Hedda displays no emotion or affection towards her husband Jorgen. This appearance of indifference is a trait that is usually common to men: Tesman - "My old morning shoes. My slippers look!...I missed them dreadfully. Now you should see them, Hedda." Hedda - "No thanks, it really doesn't interest me'. In another gender role reversal, Hedda displays a financial awareness, which her husband, Jorgen does not posses. Although Brack corresponds with Tesman about his honeymoon travels, he corresponds with Hedda concern .....

High School Activities As A Stepping Stone To A Successful Life
Words: 305 / Pages: 2

.... with clubs, such as the science club, mu alpha theta, the Spanish club, Hi-Y, and FCA, have guided me to understand what it takes to achieve a successful life. It would have been easy to drop all my extra-curricular activities and to just concentrate on school. Retrogressively, it would have been easier to not have any concern about school work and to just pursue my pastimes, but it would not have been as fulfilling or rewarding as it has been to combine the two together. In conclusion, high school activities are an excellent way to prepare you for a life crowned with success. They are helpful to begin a course to which one could follow to achiev .....

Distraction In Chesnutts Novel
Words: 768 / Pages: 3

.... ability to romanticize and gloss over the institution of slavery and are a negation of the sentimentality of slavery, prevalent in society during that period. The stories within the stories, as told by Uncle Julius, relay several themes important in rebutting the sentimentality of slavery. One theme Uncle Julius's stories rebut is that of the relationship between families. One way in which the author addresses this issue is in "Sis' Becky's Pickaninny." Chesnutt condemns the treatment of slaves as capital, while confirming their need for family. To illustrate, when Becky is traded for a racehorse she is devastated by the loss of her son. In .....

In Search Of Our Mothers Garde
Words: 525 / Pages: 2

.... quietly, like suicides; and the “God” that was in their gaze was as mute as a great stone. This attitude towards women, especially black women, as being a sexual object presents a sensitive subject. We are presented with an image of black women as helpless beings, and the only form of artistic expression available to them is their daily life. In the ordinary tasks of cooking, sewing, and growing food, tasks on which their survival depended, these women found a way to express the yearnings of the soul for hope and beauty, as well as the desire to be remembered. Unable to read and to write their own stories, these generations of mothers and gr .....

Iliad By Homer
Words: 1596 / Pages: 6

.... Considering the ability to affect feelings with similes, and the one-sided view of history, Homer could be using similes to guide the reader in the direction of his personal views, ashappens with modern day political "spin". These views that Homer might be trying to get across might be trying to favor Troy. It could easily be imagined that throughout time, only great things were heard about the Greeks mettle in war, and that Homer is attempting to balance the scales a bit by romanticizing the Trojan peoples, especially Hector, and bringing to light the lesser-heard tales of Greek stupidity. Shortly into Book Two, Agamemnon gives the speech to his as .....

Christian Elements In Beowulf
Words: 2044 / Pages: 8

.... pagan barbarism. The presentation of the story telling moves fluidly within Christian surroundings as well as pagan ideals. Beowulf was a recited pagan folklore where the people of that time period believed in gods, goddesses, and monsters. It’s significance lies in an oral history where people memorized long, dense lines of tedious verse. Later, when a written tradition was introduced they began to write the story down on tablets. The old tale was not first told or invented by the commonly known, Beowulf poet. This is clear from investigations of the folk lore analogues. The manuscript was written by two scribes around AD 1000 in late West S .....

Frankenstien And Neuromancer
Words: 4773 / Pages: 18

.... consequences of technological development and sophistication. In both cases the essence of human nature has barely changed. It is what lies behind the destructive human strife for more, more at any price that has led to the despondent conclusions of both works. Indispensable to understanding the complexity of the problem of technology, in both Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and William Gibson's Neuromancer, is the historical context in which the two were written. Whereas Frankenstein was written in a period of dramatic change - that of the Industrial revolution, in Neuromancer, Gibson echoes the opinion of economists who believe that we are currently .....

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