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English Essay Writing Help

The Color Purple
Words: 1629 / Pages: 6

.... Self-discovery is important because it is intended to increase an individual's self-awareness, and help them to identify their own beliefs, skills, potentials, and talents. But when an individual is forced or destined to grow up in an atmosphere in which there doesn't exist a stable and firm family or environment, it will generally be hard for the individual to self-discover himself and succeeded in life. These kinds of individuals that grow up under these circumstances mainly suffer from depressions, sadness, and most importantly from low self-esteem. They suffer from low self-esteem because they were raised in low standard environment .....

The Ugly Tie
Words: 258 / Pages: 1

.... plague the wearer with banters from all over. The flashy illuminating polyester fabric gleams with a lust of shiny plastic coating. The tie is milky colored all around and at the center a cherry colored circle. However, as creative as it may seem, the tie is indifferent to any color other than ivory or ebony. Thus, a snow- white suit with beaming bleach-white colored shoes is necessary in order to pair with this particular tie. History has taught that fashion is something that relates to the time period. As the people evolve from the seventies they realize that clothes could not be outrageous or it would decease as a fad. This bland tie .....

Jungle 5
Words: 570 / Pages: 3

.... that anything can be accomplished through the application of it. Jurgis was forced to send his family to work in order to survive. He was horrified to discover how the meat packers, where he worked, took advantage of their employees. The workers at the plant had no benefits, worked long hours, and were paid poor wages. Jurgis decided to join a Union and took a stand on the issues with some other family members. For the first time in his life, he saw the corruption of a town and it’s employers. His solution to most problems, “I will work harder”, no longer sustained him. He had believed hard work could conquer all, but found that it .....

Words: 658 / Pages: 3

.... are rougher and tougher. He is not as mean. He does not get into as much trouble as the others do. 4. The novel is written in the first person point of view. It is written in Ponyboy's view. We only get the opinion and view of Ponyboy and his gang. We don't get the opinion or side of the other gang. 5. The statement "the greasers and socs are more alike than different" means that each of them are gangs. Each of the gangs are after the same things. They are after power and protection. They all want to make a name for themselves. 6. Johnnie's mother reacts so strongly because she is scared that her son is finally dead. She feels .....

Montana 1948 Essay
Words: 1120 / Pages: 5

.... Uncle Frank is the "bad-guy". However, one discovers, as the novel develops, that David matures and grows in order to deal with this situation. He must come to understand what has happened and how the immoral actions of Frank will affect his family and its name. But most importantly, he must know that his integrity will be changed. He will learn shocking things that would mean nothing to a child, but everything to an adult. Larry Watson suggests that traumatic experiences transform children into adults. Therefore, disturbing experiences lead to changes of mind, growth in morals, and an emerging sense of adulthood. David changes his mind about Uncle .....

One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Words: 527 / Pages: 2

.... of mankind , “clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.”. As the story goes on the town moves from utter igorance “ the world was so recent that many things lacked names” and developes until we are in the modern time with the banana company, telephones and the union until it, towards the end of the book due to heavy rainfall, turns into an uncivilized town again before it´s destroyed in a heavy storm. The cycle of the town starts and ends on the same point just as the development of the family and all actions, they all turn in cycles just as Ùrsula thanks to h .....

The Woman Warrior
Words: 1298 / Pages: 5

.... society whereas women in Asia only dress-up on special occasions. Most of the time, Asia’s women are cooking, cleaning, and sewing, which is manual work. In America, when women go out in public, they try to look presentable, pleasing to the human eye. After Moon Orchid arrives, one of the first things that Brave Orchid does is point out that Moon Orchid is fat and looks very old. “You’re an old woman...your hair is white and your face’re so fat.” In Asia, fat people are considered to be rich. Being fat is a sign of being rich because only rich people can afford to eat so much that it would make .....

Convicts And Australia
Words: 1990 / Pages: 8

.... Some view transportation as part of a global system of forced migration, while others argue resettlement was carried out for commercial advantage, defence strategy or simply as a genuine response to penal dilemmas . The majority of convicts were sent from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and comprised mainly working class men and women . The typical age of the British convict sent to Australia was 26, and single . The proportion of females transported was relatively low, initially compromising only 11 percent of those sent . Contrary to popular belief, most of the arriving convicts were healthy and fit with the majority of females ca .....

Catcher In The Rye 8
Words: 919 / Pages: 4

.... one time or another, could identify. The Catcher in the Rye also contains universal themes that, for teenagers about to shift into adulthood, help young adults better understand the world and other people. Although it does contain abusive language and sexual connotations, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger should not be censored in high schools because it provides insightful information and relevance to the life of young adults through its realistic situations and themes of acceptance and materialism. The reader can relate to the realistic situations, such as the scene at the Lunts play, present in the novel. Salinger portrays "real life whil .....

Analisis Of Oedipus Rex
Words: 1105 / Pages: 5

.... you will kill your father," it simply said "You will kill your father and sleep with your mother." The ancients believed that whatever an Oracle predicts was bound to happen. Oedipus does what he can to evade his destiny, he resolves never to see his supposed parents again. But it is quite certain from the first that his best efforts will fail. Others would argue that because Oedipus was a tyrannical ruler and didn't make the best choices in life, he deserved to suffer. E. R. Dodds states that, "Oedipus' behavior on the stage reveals the man he always was: he was punished for his basically unsound character." It was unavoidable and was his destin .....

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