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English Essay Writing Help

Call Of The Wild 2
Words: 653 / Pages: 3

.... of himself as Perrault only had so much time on his hands. If there was one problem it was with his companion Spitz. The two of them where aimed at each others throats from the day they met. It was a constant battle of who was king of the hill, one that would end in the others death. That day came when the team was chasing a rabbit through the woods. Buck was in the lead just inches behind the prey, when Spitz took a shortcut and jumped on Buck. It was a life and death struggle, Buck was bigger, Spitz was skilled. In the End Bucks shear strength prevailed. Once the job was done, Buck was under a new owner. The duty was not to get the fastest time bu .....

Antigone: The Structure Of Classical Tragedy And The Theme
Words: 1504 / Pages: 6

.... as to the reasons and means of the brothers’ deaths arise. The audience immediately feels pity for the girls and desires to know the cause of the preexisting tragedy. However, to prevent the audience from becoming so confused that they lack attentiveness, all of these questions are answered within the next several minutes. The protasis in Antigone is brought about by Ismene attempting to reason with Antigone and reminding her of all that has gone wrong in the past. On line 48, Ismene pleads, "Think of our father, dear Antigone, And how we saw him die hated and scorned…And how his mother-wife, two names in one, Knotted a rope, and so destroy .....

Oedipus As An Epic Poem By Ari
Words: 605 / Pages: 3

.... a reversal; 4. The plays must be written in the formal language of poetry; 5. The plot must bring together the three unites of, Action, Time, and Place. Also, it is generally accepted that most tragedies end unhappily and contain a significant amount of dramatic irony. Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles in the 400’s BC, is about a young Greek who was fated to murder his father, marry his mother, and while in the process become the king of Thebes. This play is no exception to Aristotles’ definition of a tragedy. The play includes all the key elements of a Greek tragedy, and also contains all the parts of a Greek play such as a P .....

Cask Of Amontillado
Words: 1444 / Pages: 6

.... story, "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge" (Lowell 214). Montresor wants to "not only punish, but punish with impunity"(214). The nature of this insult is not made clear; however, the reader is led to believe that the insult changed Montresor’s social status. Montresor says to Fortunato "You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was." This leads the reader to believe that Montresor once had high social status, but that status has changed due to the insult by Fortunato. Fortunato, entering the scene wearing a jester .....

Compare And Contrast: "Dead Poets Society" And "Day Of The Last Rock Fight"
Words: 487 / Pages: 2

.... and come home. The similarities are both schools are all boys. Both of the schools have a conflict and could see girls when they didn't have school. The deaths in the two stories also differ. In “Dead Poets Society” there is 1 suicide and in “Day of the Last Rock Fight” there is 1 suicide and 1 murder. The suicide in “Day of the Last Rock Fight” is due to the fact that the cops found that Peter murdered the bully. And in “Dead Poets Society” it was because of pressure from the family. The father wanted him to be something that he didn't want for himself. The similarity is that all of these deaths could have been prevented by li .....

Women In The Book Of Genesis
Words: 1129 / Pages: 5

.... seduction. Her evil wrongdoing came in the form of temptation. As the serpent presented the option of tasting the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, Eve became full of pride in believing she could be like God with this wisdom, (Genesis 3:5). When God found Adam and Eve hiding from him and asked him if he ate from the tree, Adam's reply was that Eve gave him the fruit and he ate. He did not take sole responsibility for eating the fruit but made sure to point out that it was the woman's idea to eat it. Even the punishments given out to the three violators illuminate the guiltiest of sinners. God punishes Adam by making him have to work for all his f .....

Welcome To The Monkey House
Words: 3085 / Pages: 12

.... is bad? At the same time Censorship can be a good thing because it keeps children from seeing pornography, and terrible acts of violence. However censorship should not keep anyone from seeing literature, even if it is considered slightly explicit in a sexual, racial, or violent manner. Censorship should leave the ideas of people alone and leave them with their first amendment rights. Amendment one of the United States Bill of Rights reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assem .....

Pride And Prejudice - Jane Aus
Words: 8644 / Pages: 32

.... of Jane Austin’s first novel. It deals with a very proud man and a woman that has too many prejudices. It isn’t before they both see that they are wrong that they can love each other. Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel in which manners are very important. It’s been first published in 1813. My version: Blackbirds 1992 THEME: Idea’s and manners can be changed. I don’t know what else to make of it. It’s the only lesson I can find in the novel. I read because I enjoy it, not because I want to be taught life visions. STORYLINE: Title: Pride and Prejudice Author: Jane Austin [Chapter 1] Mrs. Bennet te .....

Sonnet 130
Words: 680 / Pages: 3

.... skin no person has truly white skin. So to assume that he was stating that she was then dark and pail lipped would be wrong. One cannot claim, that since he says she is not one thing, that he must be implying she is the opposite. He goes on to say that perfume smells better than her breath. never says that In our class we have been discussing sonnet cxxx. Many of my classmates believe that Shakespeare was saying that, although this girl is ugly, he still loves her. While others claim that he was not making any statements about her looks, but instead being realistic. It is my view that he was making a point of claiming that his girlfriend was a re .....

A Modest Proposal
Words: 1439 / Pages: 6

.... conclusions that both methods reach. For example, the reasonable thinker, in his discussion of the breeding of the children who are to be consumed, assumes that the mother has no emotional attachment to her children and would be happy to give them up to be slaughtered for the profit. And yet the emotional thinker says that those mothers who abort their children do so for emotional reasons, namely shame. It follows then that those who give birth to their "bastards" must feel enough love for them to raise them in spite of whatever shame they may feel. Also the emotional narrator describes begging as dishonest, whereas the rational thinker uses the term .....

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