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Health Essay Writing Help

Clinical Chemistry Tests In Medicine
Words: 2863 / Pages: 11

.... principally in the liver, results in the formation of ammonia. In the liver, the ammonia is quickly converted to urea, which is relatively nontoxic, and is then released into the bloodstream. In the blood, it is readily removed through the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Any disease or condition that reduces glomerular filtration or increases protein catabolism results in elevated BUN levels. Creatinine is another indicator of kidney function. Creatinine is a waste product derived from creatine. It is freely filtered by the glomerulus and blood levels are useful for estimating glomerular filtration rate. Muscle tissue contains phosphocreatin .....

Euthanasia: A Question Of Ethics
Words: 1619 / Pages: 6

.... for a physician or other caregiver to extend mercy to a suffering patient may mean to refrain from procedures that cause further suffering-provided, of course, that the treatment offers the patient no overriding benefits. The physician must refrain from ordering painful tests, therapies, or surgical procedures when they cannot alleviate suffering or contribute to a patient's improvement or cure. Perhaps the most familiar contemporary medical example is the treatment of burn victims when survival is unprecedented; if with the treatments or without them the chances of the patient's survival is nil, mercy requires the physician not to impose the de .....

Words: 1143 / Pages: 5

.... pregnancy. The incursion on the liberty of an unmarried woman who becomes pregnant is even more severe. Unable to terminate her pregnancy, she is often forced into marriage against her will and better judgement in an attempt to cope with the new economical and social realities of her life. Of course, frequently, the man who is responsible for the pregnancy refuses to marry her, and responsibility to provide support. The woman may be forced to become a welfare recipient, become part of this cycle of poverty, and expose herself to the personal humiliation, loss of personal liberty, and inadequate income this entails. The impact of pregnancy is not o .....

Words: 860 / Pages: 4

.... various scientific evidence. Two psychologists, Steven Gangestead and Randy Thornhill measured the symmetry of hundreds of men and women in college. They also asked them to complete a personal confidential survey that gave information on their health and sex lives. What they found was that the men and women with better symmetry had started having sex 3-4 years before the people with average symmetry. Gangestead and Thornhill also completed another survey involving women's responses to symmetrical men and men with average symmetry. The results were as expected. The women with symmetrical partners responded twice as much compared to the women with men .....

Abortion Is Murder
Words: 455 / Pages: 2

.... cannot do that." The notion that the fetus feels no pain until the third trimester has been argued by many pro-life advocates. We believe that a fetus as early as seven weeks after conception can feel pain. Thus, they believe that a fetus can feel pain part way through the first trimester, whn most abortions are performed. Why would you want to take the chance of putting your un-born child through this agonizing pain. In truth abortion is the wrongful murder of a helpless and innocent human life. The right to abortion sends a message to people that says you can do away with things you do not want to deal with and not suffer any consequences- in .....

Bipolar Affective Disorder
Words: 1386 / Pages: 6

.... of Bipolar disorder are called cyclothymic disorders. The use of the term primary affective disorder refers to the individuals who had no previous psychiatric disorder or else only episodes of mania or depression. Secondary affective disorder refers to patients with preexisting psychiatric illness other than depression or mania (Goodwin, Guze. 1989, p.7 ). affects approximately one percent or three million persons in the United States, afflicting both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judg .....

What Is Euthanasia?
Words: 2179 / Pages: 8

.... a good death. Suicide, self-deliverance, auto-euthanasia, aid-in-dying, assisted suicide -- call it what you like -- can be justified by the average supporter of the so-called "right to die movement" for the following reasons: The first reason is that an advanced terminal illness is causing unbearable suffering to the individual. This suffering is the most common reason to seek an early end. Second, a grave physical handicap exists that is so restricting that the individual cannot, even after due care, counseling, and re- training, tolerate such a limited existence. This handicap is a fairly rare reason for suicide; most impaired people cope re .....

Drugs And Pregnancy: Drugs Affect On The Baby
Words: 1293 / Pages: 5

.... 20.4%reported using tobacco. (3) Parents who abuse alcohol and illicit drugs face risks of losing custody of their children. Pregnant women who continue to use drugs against medical advice face increased risks of losing their babies once they are born. In some States, they also risk criminal prosecution. (3) Children born to women who use drugs like alcohol, tobacco, or cocaine may have long term health problems. (2) Pregnancy and Smoking Cigarette smoking is associated with severe adverse conditions in newborns, including low birth weight. Infants whose parents smoke are unusually susceptible to pneumonia and bronch .....

The Ethics Of Somatic Cell Cloning
Words: 1088 / Pages: 4

.... much like other technologies can be used for good or evil. It is society's responsibility to regulate cloning technology. At this point, society has failed to do so. The Medical Benefits: Somatic cell cloning has many potential benefits: 1. Somatic cell cloning provides a way for completely sterile individuals, (those not capable of reproducing) to reproduce. 2. Somatic cell cloning may provide valuable basic research and spin off technologies related to reproduction and development. 3. Cloning technologies could enable the development of donor organs that will not be rejected by the transplant patient. The benefits of these technologies are obv .....

Words: 285 / Pages: 2

.... as being gloomy; dejected; sad. Depression is the most treatable mental illness, yet the twenty- four million people caught in it's downward spiral each year may feel so isolated that they never seek help. But life can be joyous again, as those who have been fully treated know. There are many different ways to get help, the two major ways are Psychoanalysis and Psychopharmacology. Psychoanalysis is defined by Webster's Unabridged Edition Dictionary as: a method developed by Freud and others, of treating neuroses and some other disorders of the mind. When you undergo psychoanalysis you go to see a psychoanalyst around three times a .....

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