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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Serial Killers And Society
Words: 788 / Pages: 3

.... With the combination of a very powerful media and a society fascinated with gruesome, sadistic crimes, modern serial killers have been put in the spotlight. We are enraptured with serial killers so much, that we pay seven dollars to go see a movie where everyone except the bad guys gets strangled, mutilated, or shot- and enjoy it in some sick way. The media goes out of its way to glamorize murder and terrify the public. We support killers like Charles Manson on Death Row with our tax dollars. In fact, we support them with m .....

Should Gambling Be Legalized?
Words: 3862 / Pages: 15

.... doubled the attendance at all major league baseball games, with close to 130 million people visiting casinos every year.1 With so much money at stake, the average gambler does not stand a chance against this big business. The casinos go to every length to analyze what makes a gambler bet, stay longer, and loose as much money as possible. Gamblers who come to casinos with the intention of winning money are habitually disappointed. As casino crime lord, Meyer Lansky's universal gambling truth states; "Gamblers never win, the house never loses"2 Slot Machines and most table games allow players to make bets where the probability of winning is .....

Gun Control
Words: 1248 / Pages: 5

.... violence with guns and wild over population, is keeping guns available too dangerous to be continued? If so, how can we justify taking away one of the most basic and sacred rights that has been held throughout the ages? If we do this, are we any better than our previous rulers who used control as an excuse for oppression? The opposition of gun rights say that the amendment states that The Second Amendment was never intended as a gun license for the entire American populace. As originally drafted—and as consistently interpreted by the courts for more than a century—the Amendment does not grant any blanket right to own a gun nor doe .....

Random Drug Testing
Words: 426 / Pages: 2

.... seizures. The fourth amendment of the United States Constitution states that “Unreasonable searches are forbidden. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause. . .” The idea of random drug testing is randomly choosing people at random times to check for traces of illegal substances in their system. The fourth amendment states that searches should not be performed unless there is a probable cause to do so. Clearly, the concept of random drug testing is in violation of this amendment. .....

Decriminalization Vs. Prohibition
Words: 1177 / Pages: 5

.... a very hard decision to make at that age. I was not going to be one of those sad cases, where my life is wasted away. I was not going to be a crazed addict, who would stop at nothing to get a hit. I was not going to be dodging the law my whole life. I was going to be everything I wanted to be, and drugs were definitely not going to get in the way. I promised myself I would not end up like Jimi Hendrix, or Janis Joplin, both found dead after overdoses, because I had the power to say no. I had read stories and seen news flashes about the side effects of some drugs. I had read newspaper articles about people in Rome, which is just a few minutes a .....

Words: 579 / Pages: 3

.... plant farmed by humans. Many people think that marijuana is addictive, but this is false. Marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar or chocolate. When users take marijuana, it doesn't lead to violence-related crimes. Most users commit crime because they want to get marijuana, but this problem can be easily solved if the government would legalize marijuana again. When you take marijuana, it doesn't make you violent, in fact it leads to non-violence. There has never been a case that a person died from smoking marijuana. THC is one of the few chemicals that has no known toxic amount. This is amazing, since tobacco(which is legal) has 340,00 .....

The Death Penalty Is An Inappropriate Punishment That Must Be Abolished
Words: 2467 / Pages: 9

.... over 2,500 convicted murderers to death (Tushnet 1), and 494 of these have been executed (Bedeau n.pag.) Although many see capital punishment as a useful tool, . It is true that the death penalty is becoming increasingly more popular and widely used in the United States. Ever since the death penalty was ruled constitutional again in 1976, the rate of executions per year has risen tremendously fast, especially in the last few years. There were no more than 30 executions nationwide in a single year until 1992, and that number jumped up to 74 in 1997 (“Execution” n.pag.). These 74 executions in the 38 states in which capital punishment is legal .....

Quick Look At Gun Control
Words: 451 / Pages: 2

.... Guns are evil to some, because of the violence that they create. People express guns as weapons of homicide. They insist that, the more guns with which our society equips itself, the greater the likelihood for accidents or violent acts involving fire arms to occur. It is a proven fact that handguns have been the murder weapon of choice. Guns are involved in half of all homicide cases. People believe that society has relied on weapons that create harm and criminals. Therefore, these weapons should be outlawed. .....

Law Of Nations: An Overview
Words: 979 / Pages: 4

.... discuss and identify the moral dilemmas that are present with international law and its relationship with states. The term "laisser aller" or "letting go" is used by Friedrich Nietzsche to describe this state of nature, in which man resides absently of law. His use of the term represents the struggle morality wages against nature and reason. He equates morality in any form, with "tyranny and unreason." Nietzsche proposes that man's natural existence be, in essence, nihilistic. Logically, the political entity known as the state, created by man will inherit these traits. Thus, the conclusion is that the creation and institution of international .....

Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty
Words: 1352 / Pages: 5

.... capital punishment is from Hammurabi's code, a book of Babylonian law, from 1700BC. (http://www.schoolsucks) The Bible mentions that execution should be used for many crimes. (Bedau1) One example of the death penalty in the bible is "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death." (Exodus 21:12). The bible also suggests stoning a woman if she unmarried sex and had "wrought folly on Israel by playing the harlot in her father's house" (Deuteronomy 22:21) England recognized seven major crimes that called for execution by the end of the 15th century. These crimes were: murder, theft (by deceitfully taking someone goods), burglary, rape, and .....

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