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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Legalization Of Drugs
Words: 645 / Pages: 3

.... rape, and murder, per year when on the loose. For the first time in years, our overcrowded prisons will have room for them. Ultimately, legalization will open 75,000 jail cells. Of 31,346 sentenced prisoners in federal institutions, those in for drug law violations were the largest single category, of 9,487. Forty states are under court orders for overcrowding. Funds are not available to build prisons fast enough to provide the needed space. Violent criminals are being paroled early or are having their sentences chopped to make space for drug users and dealers. Legalizing drugs would immediately relieve the pressure on the prison system, since the .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 1118 / Pages: 5

.... robbery witchcraft, and murder. During the Middle Ages, the Church assumed the responsibility of administering punishments. During the late 1700's the death penalty steadily grew in acceptance. Over 200 crimes were punishable by death at the beginning of the 1800's. There were just as many methods used to execute wrong-doers as there were crimes. Some of the techniques used included beheading, stoning, drowning, hanging, crucifying, and burying people alive. Also used were many nontraditional forms of execution. One type of execution utilized elephants to crush the criminal's head on a stone block. As times changed, so did the death penalty .....

Cannabis Hemp. . .Marijuana!
Words: 4498 / Pages: 17

.... The industrial revolution moved hemp to a place of lesser importance in world commerce due to the lack of mechanized harvesting and breaking technology needed for mass production. But this natural resource was far too valuable to be relegated to the back burner of history forever. In 1916, a U.S. Department of Agriculture bulletin predicted that once a docortication and harvesting machine was developed, cannabis would again become America's largest agricultural industry. Some 22 years later, Popular Mechanics introduced a new generation of investors to just such a device, (See the February 1989 issue of HIGH TIMES.) which brings us to th .....

Auditor Liability
Words: 2093 / Pages: 8

.... of this document shall concern itself with comparing the prevalent arguments of both sides against one another and drawing a conclusion based on the evidence. Opponents of liability reform rely heavily on an idealistic constitutional argument as well as an economic argument to foster their point. The main components of their argument are as follows: Limiting recovery of loss has a detrimental effect on those which are harmed by alleged negligence. The cost of liability is reasonable when compared to total revenues, and in light of a CPA's public responsibility. Indemnity insurance spreads risk in the aggregate therefore removing the element of r .....

Outlaws In The Frontier
Words: 544 / Pages: 2

.... original name perhaps Henry McCarty), Sam Bass, Joaquin Murieta, and the Dalton gang. Equally famous were some of the lawmen who tried to rid the West of criminals Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the infamous Judge Roy Bean. The era of the American outlaw lasted about 100 years roughly from 1800 until 1900. There had been lawlessness during the colonial era. Frontiers have always attracted misfits, failures, and renegades who hope to profit by being beyond the reach of government. In the years just before the Revolutionary War, gangs of horse thieves in the back country of South Carolina were broken up by organized bands of farm .....

Make Drugs Legal
Words: 780 / Pages: 3

.... repealed prohibition and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with Canabis Sativa. Marijuana should be taxed heavily to increase our revenue. Marijuana and other drugs would be made by the same people who make aspirin so the quality would be assured, containing no poisons or adulterants. Sterile hypodermic needles will be readily available at corner drug stores. These could be taxed heavily because the users will be assured of "clean drugs." Making drugs legal will reduce the great amounts of money spent on enforcement every year. Drug dealers and users are one step ahead on the enforcement process. If one drug lord is c .....

Legalization Of Marjuana
Words: 1194 / Pages: 5

.... supporters of marijuana claim that hemp can be a very resourceful plant. Hemp is considered to contain less than one percent tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) (Pluff 1). THC is the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana. Hemp can be confused with marijuana and considered the same, but do not let this fool you. Marijuana comes from the flowers or "buds" of the hemp plant. These buds are what contains the THC and gives the user the high effect (Pluff 1). Other nations such as Europe have registered varieties of hemp seeds that contain less than .03 percent of THC including the buds (Pluff 1). Now that you know what hemp is, lets look at its uses .....

Juvenile Crime And Punishment: Justice Or Injustice
Words: 613 / Pages: 3

.... these concerns are not a consideration when sentencing with many states stressing accountability rather than treatment as primary sentencing objectives. With younger children now facing the wavering process, many debates are surfacing questioning whether it is morally right to subject our young to adult prisons. History shows thousands of years of serious tensions between children and parents. In the U.S., parents and children both complain that they receive no respect from each other. Yet mostly because of the spread of guns and drugs, younger and younger children are killing and being killed. Just recently there were several shootings involving ch .....

Treatment Of Drug Offenders Is Dysfunctional
Words: 614 / Pages: 3

.... best thing to do? It just does not seem worth it For years and years we having been locking up drug offenders. People with no violent history at all have to share jail cells with murderers and rapists. And what happens to these non-violent people after assimilating to the prison population? The idea is to lock them up, not rehabilitate! Prison life can have many effects on a person. Once in prison, one must submit himself to eating, sleeping, and living with harden criminals. And for the most part the drug are still readily available. In prison, the more illicit drugs are readily available. A once marijuana smoker could very easily become a muc .....

The Death Of A Criminal
Words: 1252 / Pages: 5

.... principle, and unfair and discriminatory in practice. It assures the execution of some innocent people. As a remedy for crime, it has no purpose and no effect (American Civil Liberties Union National Office 2-16-95)." In 1972, the Supreme Court in Furman v. Georgia ruled that the death penalty for murder was unconstitutional. They also argue that the death penalty costs too much to carry out (Academic American Encyclopedia "Capital Punishment"). Yet, in 1976, the Supreme Court in Gregg V. Georgia declared the death penalty for murder is constitutional (AAE "Capital Punishment"). The death penalty is also fair and serves it justice -- surveyed police .....

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