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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Philosophy 3
Words: 294 / Pages: 2

.... is entirely dependent on matter. Idealism is “The metaphysical theory that all things are constituted by mind and its ideas” (Miller 132). This basically means that the nature of the world is entirely dependent on the mind and its ideas. A materialist would believe that the mind is only part of the matter that our nature is made up of, and not things we believe in such as God and our emotions such as love. That is not the case with Idealism, Idealist believe in what the mind creates as ideas therefore, they believe in such things as love and religions. As for a solution to the mind-body problem, being the question, “If the mi .....

Nuclear Warfare
Words: 465 / Pages: 2

.... along with natural resources. But most of all they kill innocent civilians who don’t deserve to die. Alone at Hiroshima, 135,000 innocent people died, along with other who died later of severe radiation in their body from the explosion. And at Nagasaki, 64,000 civilians were killed by the explosion bias. This is completely wrong and no one has the right to kill innocent people because of a war. We shouldn’t have to settle wars by blowing up 50 miles diameter of land, natural resources, and people to prove our point that we are more powerful than you. Also, think about the long-term effects. The most major is radiation in the ground. Food .....

Death Penalty
Words: 1787 / Pages: 7

.... and friends to feel a sense of justification for what’s happened to them. Capital Punishment has been part of the criminal justice system since the earliest of times. The earliest historical record that contains evidence of capital punishment is the Babylonian Hammurabi Code. “It ordered death for crimes as minor as the fraudulent sale of beer. Egyptians could be put to death for disclosing the location of sacred burial sites.” During the time of the code you were put to death for the smallest crimes, which now would be a minor offense or even considered being nothing Today, capital punishment is still apparent in society. People are put t .....

Silly Old Bear
Words: 2752 / Pages: 11

.... say the Pooh is a master of Taoism. Born a Scotsman, Alan Alexander Milne spent most of his childhood in London where he grew up to be one of the most well known British authors of his time(Dennis). Today Milne is praised for his “accurate and sympathetic observations of child behavior, his wit, and his skill with language, especially wordplay and dialogue” which are easily recognizable in his famous Winnie the Pooh stories(Discovering Authors). Although people today regard Milne’s stories as children’s stories, Milne did not intend them for children, but rather for the child within every person(Dennis). As Barbara Novak .....

The Filipino Americans
Words: 148 / Pages: 1

.... the pineapple and sugar plantations of Hawaii or as migrant laborers in California's fruit and vegetable fields. Hard work and little pay was the common denominator of their American experience; many were the subjects of racial prejudice and even mob violence. Despite discriminatory legislation aimed at them, by joining together in labour unions and other cooperative ventures Filipinos were able to improve their standing in America and promise a better future for their children. In recent decades, the Filipino- American community has been energised by a new type of immigrant, well-educated professionals--doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and engineers-- .....

Farm Crises In The US
Words: 921 / Pages: 4

.... Canada. Many businesses would rather pay less for a product, not caring that it affects area farmers. Governor Janklow had put a stop to the low priced meat from entering the state. This stop only helped the farmers a little bit. Low grain prices are the talk of the crisis. Prices of grain are lower than what they were in the 1930's, during the Great Depression (Williams 8). Soybeans have hit their lowest price since 1972, about four dollars a bushel. This is less than most farmers' cost of production. Worldwide prices of wheat are at their lowest levels, yet Canadian grain farmers receive fewer price supports than the US and Europe. The drought in .....

Social Stratification
Words: 2126 / Pages: 8

.... Generation refers to the kin terms that distinguish relatives according to the generation to which the relatives belong. Sex is used to differentiate kin such as in Spanish, primo refers to a male cousin and prima is a female cousin. Affinity is the distinction mad on the basis of connection through marriage. Collaterality is the distinction made between kin who are believed to be in a direct line and those who are ‘off to one side,’ linked to the Ego through a lineal relative (mother and aunt or father and uncle). Bifurcation is a distinction used to refer to the kin on the mother’s side and kin on the father’s side. R .....

Words: 370 / Pages: 2

.... and the universe one must transcend or go beyond the physical and emotional description of normal human thought. That you must go to the level of the soul and once there it is believed that all people have access to divine inspiration and sought and loved freedom and knowledge and truth. The Transcendentalist adopts the whole connection of spiritual doctrine. He believes in miracle, in the perpetual openness of the human mind to new influx of light and power; he believes in inspirationm and in ecstasy. He wishes that the spiritual principle should be suffered to deomonstrate itself to the end, in all possible applications to the state of man, wi .....

Academic Discourse Vs. Popular Discourse
Words: 961 / Pages: 4

.... the reader's attention instead of logical information. I compared the two discourse communities and analyzed the different languages and word presentation used throughout the material that I read. All in all I compared the informative information that each had to offer a reader and as to what appeal if any was used to draw a reader in. When first picking up the material, I noticed that even the covers of the books differed in extreme ways. For an academic discourse community I used a journal entitled American Psychologist and noted right away the cover, a very dull, navy-blue cover with semi-bold gothic type print reading "American Psychologist" .....

The Vampire Genre (v.s)
Words: 2415 / Pages: 9

.... the night drinking the blood of the living goes back to ancient Greek times. However Stoker introduced a number of more particular conventions that are usually followed in the vampire genre even today. First published in 1897, the story is told through the diaries of a young solicitor, Jonathan Harker, his fiancee Mina, her friend Lucy Westenra and Dr John Seward, the superintendent of a large mental asylum at Purfleet in Essex. It begins with Harker's journey to Count Dracula's castle in Transylvania in connection with the Count's purchase of an estate adjoining Dr Seward's asylum. After various horrifying experiences at the castle Harker makes .....

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