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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Greek Myths
Words: 1502 / Pages: 6

.... to a small cave, which echoed with the beautiful muffled sounds of a melody to which they were drawn. When finding out the music was produced by an instrument made of cow gut and tortoise shell, it was then understood that young Hermes had taken the herd from Apollo. Formal charges were brought to Mt. Olympus. Apollo, while going to get his remaining cows discovered Hermes' musical invention. Intrigued by this astonishing invention he offered his whole flock for the musical instrument. Hermes agreed, after which he invented a shepherd's pipe, which also awed Apollo. He offered Hermes his golden staff in exchange for the pipe but to no a .....

The Crucible And The Use Of Au
Words: 643 / Pages: 3

.... was a liar and sleep around. Now a man of lesser title, or precedent, would probably have been sneered at for believing his niece was afflicted with witchcraft and carrying out such accusations against the townspeople, but, as a man of god, more people were willing to believe in his feelings, resulting in the death of 20 individuals. Thomas Putnam, a man resembling wealth and property authority, was able to conveniently gain more property and wealth as a means of accusing his enemies of witchcraft to spite his own profit. Deputy Governor Danforth, a symbol of civil authority, controlled the court to his advantage by limiting his thoughts in regards to .....

Pregnancy And Adolescents
Words: 459 / Pages: 2

.... with what most teens are trying to do; break away and become independent. Teenage mothers are usually trying to figure out how they will be able to support their child, how their friends will react, how the baby's father will take the news that he's going to be a dad, and how a new baby will fit into her life. The group (RAMP) wanted to help teenagers deal with some of these issues. It seems most teenage fathers can still go on with their life plans, whereas most teenage mothers must change their plans, or at least take things slower than if they didn't have any children. Many teen moms have a low self esteem, especially if she knows or suspects .....

Christmas Is A Good Holiday For Many Reasons
Words: 386 / Pages: 2

.... is half over. If a student has done well the first semester, he or she is sure to survive the second semester. Next, people get to exchange gifts with friends and family. Exchanging gifts is always fun because people receive new things. Who couldn't enjoy something that was given to them free. Also, people get to give gifts to their friends and family. Giving gifts always gives people that warm happy feeling inside. The most enjoyable part is seeing the gifts that people gave being opened by the people receiving them. That always puts a smile on peoples faces. Last but not least, people get to spend time with family. Some of the family may not .....

Asimov: Will Computers Control
Words: 866 / Pages: 4

.... effortlessly a person. According to the Profession story people would no longer read books to learn and improve their knowledge. People would rely on the computers rather than "try to memorize enough to match someone else who knows" (Nine Tomorrows, Profession 55). People would not chose to study, they would only want to be educated by computer tapes. Putting in knowledge would take less time than reading books and memorizing something that would take almost no time using a computer in the futuristic world that Asimov describes. Humans might began to rely on computers and allow them to control themselves by letting computers educate people. Compute .....

Cellular Phone Hazards
Words: 360 / Pages: 2

.... there are concerns about driver distraction, the benefits of cell phones definitely outweigh the problems. Quicker conveyance of information about road hazards, congestion or problem drivers allows authorities to respond faster. Also, phone-equipped drivers are able to summon help in the event of mechanical difficulties or other roadside mishaps. Though more research is needed, previous NHTSA studies suggest is a primary or contributing factor in as many as 50 percent of all car crashes (Cellular phone research). Besides being distracting to drivers, cellular phone radiation is also cause for controversy. Headway National Injuries Associ .....

Hackers Misunderstood
Words: 2096 / Pages: 8

.... is not like your ordinary person. Hackers are distinctively different than your average and boring citizen. They do not settle for what the rest of the world is following or brainwashed into doing. Hackers thrive off curiosity, and have an unsatisfying hunger for knowledge. The word impossible or access denied does not exist in a hacker’s vocabulary. They can access anything and everything that is kept in a computer. Particularly when a price has been placed on knowledge and information. Why should only a select few have leisure of knowing what the rest of the public does not? Knowledge is and should always remain free. A hacker will share .....

Practices And Winning In Sports
Words: 682 / Pages: 3

.... just plain having fun. You can't win if you don't have fun. If you win as an individual and everyone as a team wins individually, then you will win on the scorebo ard. As the varsity coach my main objective would be to make the team play as a team, and not as a group of individuals. Once this is achieved then anything else that I would want to achieve or the team wants to achieve, will follow. Other objectives would be to make everybody on the team a team player and not an individual, this would go back to the main objective which is to make the team play as a team. Nothing can be accomplished if the team doesn't play as a team. Nobody has influen .....

Epitome Of Disgusting
Words: 607 / Pages: 3

.... me to tiptoe-toe around. If the stars are aligned, moon in the first quarter and a black cat crosses the street at 2:00am you might get lucky and he'll take a shower. He generally uses the once-white-but-now-brown soap that he stores on the floor. He completely soaks the bathroom floor, I'm not sure how, but we're hoping it's water and that he leaves the shower door open while he's showering. He has a few lucky towels and he likes to use them all at the same time and he likes to save them, for his next encounter with the bathroom, on the floor. He also has a pin, that he pokes his pimples with, sitting on the "liquid" covered counter. (The resu .....

Jungle And The Rain Forest
Words: 782 / Pages: 3

.... dense, scrubby vegetation that develops when primary rain forest has been degraded by destructive forms of logging or by cultivation followed by abandonment. Types of Rain Forest Rain forests may be grouped into two major types: tropical and temperate. Tropical rain forest is characterized by broadleaf evergreen trees forming a closed canopy, an abundance of vines and epiphytes (plants growing on the trees), a relatively open forest floor, and a very large number of species of both plant and animal life. The largest trees have buttressed trunks and emerge above the continuous canopy, while smaller trees commonly form a layer of more shade-toleran .....

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