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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Media Effect 2
Words: 3034 / Pages: 12

.... only to youngsters but also to adults because of its diversity and usefulness. As kinds of media evolve, contents also evolve. From recorded news to live news via a satellite. From simple text to attractive graphics. From variety shows to teen oriented programs. Media has changed a lot since it started. II. Kinds of Media Television The fossils found in American garbage dumps clearly show the evolution of the radio into the television set. Layers of fossil garbage from the WWI era (10 million years ago) contain fragments of radios that use vacuum tubes. The first televisions appear in the WWII layer (8 million years ago) that lies immediately above .....

Quit Watching Me!
Words: 804 / Pages: 3

.... video surveillance, and active badges in the last decade, but as the intensity of the surveillance increases so do the negative effects on the employees. There has been a huge increase to pass legislation’s that will regulate the employer in monitoring his employees’ by via computer. Monitoring an employee by via computer is one of the latest innovations in electronic monitoring, which is done by purchasing and installing software in the companies computer system. Once the software is installed, it will be able to do a variety of types of electronic monitoring from keystroke counting and accuracy, time how long it takes to make a tran .....

Soccer: An Utopia Sport
Words: 2581 / Pages: 10

.... to gain a foothold in the US. However, soccer did not enjoy a successful beginning. It wasn’t until the late 1800’s that a man by the name of William McGregor introduced the FA Cup and international matches, which saved the game from obscurity. The earliest forms of soccer were played three centuries ago and quite rapidly evolved into a game radically different from its origins and thus flowered the irresistible spectacle still recognizable so many years later. Soccer is the name commonly given in North America to a form of football played with a spherical ball. It is the most widely played team game in the world and the most popular spe .....

Crime 2
Words: 1841 / Pages: 7

.... league baseball is over $800,000 a season”(Fizel, 83), and some of these players just ride the pine all year. How is it fair that a man that can hit a ball four hundred feet to send a baseball out of the park make $30 million a season. Barry Bonds is truly a great athlete, but to be paid that much he should be able to hit home runs with his eyes closed. I know that these baseball stars bring in a lot of very good paying customers, and they like to watch the games. Then though, I could eat for a week on what they are charging to get into Wrigley Field with good seats for one game. If you will step back with me in time for a moment you will un .....

Art Censorship
Words: 739 / Pages: 3

.... institution's purpose is to generate and promote discussion. When the New Age racist, David Icke, wanted to speak at the University of Toronto the Canadian Jewish Congress was upset that an anti-Semite would be permitted to address the student population. However, the University's president, Dr. Prichard, argued that the University was a place that all learning avenues should be ex-plored. Within the framework of the University students would learn to discern right from wrong under the guidance of the University faculty. I agree with President Prichard be-cause freedom of speech is one of our basic rights in Canada and it should be protected .....

Benefits Of Pet Ownership
Words: 689 / Pages: 3

.... to spend time with animals. . .for their health” (Simross 14). “Researchers into the impact of animals on our health points to a clear relationship between the presence of pets and significantly better physical and emotional well-being” (Witherell 76). Pet owners reported fewer headaches, fewer bouts of indigestion, and less difficulty sleeping in one study (Avanzino). Also, interaction with animals is shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate, subtle changes with enormous health benefits (Whitaker; Schellenberg 2). For example, a large Australian study reported in 1992 indicated that pet owners are at lower risk for heart .....

Forgotten War Crimes
Words: 447 / Pages: 2

.... carpet and neglected and termed a strategic bombing with military objectives. This bombing may have been strategic but it certainly did not have any military objectives which are stated throughout much of American history. It was, however, the strategic bombing and slaughtering of a quarter million innocent civilians. American history textbooks and documentaries state that the official objective in the bombing of Dresden was to destroy railway yards, thus delaying or preventing the deployment of German troops to the eastern front. To destroy rail-lines and rail yards, precision bombing is used. Contradicting this statement is the fact that t .....

Motivation Is Progression
Words: 1298 / Pages: 5

.... to better my life. It encompasses both hobbies and passions. Hobbies are relaxing and promote self-enjoyment. Therefore, I work hard and endure the days of unpleasant chores because I am motivated to participate in my hobbies like racing sailboats and driving cars. Bettering my life through self-enjoyment allows me to contribute in a more affective way to society. A person who has spent a weekend participating in their hobbies and passions will be much more relaxed than someone who has been working without any self-satisfaction. A relaxed person is a more productive person and productive people tend to give of themselves in society. Motivati .....

The American Dream 3
Words: 707 / Pages: 3

.... filter down to the rest of our society and create a favorable atmosphere. The American society expects and deserves honesty from their appointed political figures. We have endured the Iran Contra scandal during the Reagan administration. Currently, our President has had extramarital affairs with government employees as well as various other women. The Clinton administration has had us suffer through Whitewater, Travelgate, and the seemingly unnecessary bombing of Yugoslavia. In order for our youth to grow up with respect for America, as well as earn respect from other nations, scenarios such as these must not occur in the future. Our democracy .....

Our Way Is Not The Only Way
Words: 653 / Pages: 3

.... has for herself and her family. Both offer many differences while trying to reach a common goal, the well being of the baby. The primary benefit of breast milk is nutritional. Human milk contains just the right amount of fatty acids, lactose, water, and amino acids for human digestion, brain development, and growth. Breast-fed babies have fewer illnesses because human milk transfers to the infant a mother's antibodies to disease. Nursing provides an additional immune system boost and may protect your baby from allergies, illnesses, or other conditions later in life. A breast-fed baby's digestive system contains large amounts of beneficial bacteri .....

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