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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Words: 1788 / Pages: 7

.... anniversaries, and reunions are opportunities to reconnect with family and friend and feel like a part of the broader culture. However, most gatherings center around customs and practices that are very upsetting to vegans. Meat is typically the center of the holiday table and the focal point of picnics and barbecues. Although most happy occasions are intended to convey a spirit of fellowship and conviviality, they can be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant experiences for vegans. Consequently, it is not surprising that many vegans feel torn over their allegiances and may distance themselves from family and community celebrations. Th .....

Society Points Guns And Finger
Words: 1283 / Pages: 5

.... were outcasts in their school. So What?. So did I. But I DIDN’T KILL ANYONE. The common “goth” kid usually is looking for a group to fit in. They don’t particularly like the activities that the ‘athletic’ kids take part of (namely drinking heavily after games and beating each other to a pulp). These kids are looking for more out of life. Many are artists - musicians, poets, or actors. What artist doesn’t stray a bit from the norm? Is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so. The “gothic” people that I have met are not violent. In fact, violence is one of the reasons that .....

Internet Relationships
Words: 1522 / Pages: 6

.... more and more people are meeting their loved ones through this meduim. How can someone start an online relationship and have it feel so deep and intimate so fast? Online affairs shift the emphasis in a relationship from outward appearances and superficail conversations to inner thoughts and feelings each person has. When the only thing you can do is communicate, things can get deep quickly. Many times people cannot share the superfical things because they don't share those things. You cannot complain about your friend and have them know that person. One cannot speak of your boss and his stupidity. You can speak of those things, but the other .....

People Should Not Marry At An
Words: 904 / Pages: 4

.... that they had to compromise and keep their respect for each other high above the troubled waters. The ones that did not last may have been so because the two people who were put together were entirely incompatible. Many stories have been heard but few have been learnt from. Today some young people believe that they need to wait before they make that big commitment. Indeed there must be some just reason for them to conclude this. But as it is with many situations there is another side to this reasoning. And in recent studies many young people believe that if the mood is right that it makes it okay for them to get married. Strangely, this is no .....

Words: 1236 / Pages: 5

.... was named for Parthenos ("the Maiden"), which still stands atop the Acropolis in Athens. The interior of the Parthenon stands a statue of Athena Parthenos, sculpted by Phidais. When I was reading through myths, I decided I would talk about "The Gift of Athena" which, in my opinion, best illustrates Athena's colorful personality. Here is how "The Gift of Athena" goes: Long, long ago, when this old world was a very young place, and when the few people there were had just begun to live together in groups for their own protection, the great gods selected the places for humans to build the cities. They looked down upon the earth, through the clouds th .....

Words: 1552 / Pages: 6

.... of the death of God was a fundamental ingredient in the revaluation of values Nietzsche advocated. "Nothing has done more than Christianity to entrench the morality of mediocrity in human consciousness." "Christian love extols qualities of weakness; it causes guilt. Charity is just teaching hatred and revenge directed toward nobility." "Belief in God is a tool to bring submission to the individual of noble character." -- F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Hero Morality Nietzsche had an ideal world in mind, with an ideal government and an ideal God: the "Overman" or "Superman." These Gods were a pr .....

Words: 493 / Pages: 2

.... else (this belief, of course, is another attempt at self-inflation: damaging therapists often fit this profile). Because they need proof of the significance of their voice, they must find people, particularly important people, to hear them. If they are not heard, they feel worthless, or worse, they feel they don't exist. They are interested in listening only to the extent that it allows them the opportunity to give advice or share a similar (and either better or worse, depending upon which has more impact) incident that happened to them. Many engage in "sham" listening, appearing to be very attentive because they want to look good. Because of their .....

Foundation Analysis
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... science fiction and the truth is technology. The most amazing part of Foundation is that technology changed but the personality, character, and disposition of the human race did not. The main characters, which range from scientists, warlords, politicians, scholars, to businessmen reflect their stereotypical title precisely. The powerful are the corrupt, and the corrupt are the powerful. In today’s society that is not far fetched. You can see the evils of this world with great power and authority. The warlords and politicians of powerful planets are greedy and the people of Foundation are simple and helpless. We can compare the people of Fo .....

Greek Mythology: Metamorphosis
Words: 506 / Pages: 2

.... Athene, Arachne new that she had lost, so she went and hung herself. She soon shriveled up and had eight legs. That is how the Greeks explained the way spiders came to be. Another example of metamorphosis is Zeus. Zeus was the king of all gods. He had probably the most changes in Greek mythology. He was always changing to get a girl to marry him. The most important change was when he got his first wife Hera. Zeus had ask Hera to marry him every year for three hundred years. One stormy night Zeus changed into a pigeon, and flew onto a window seal near Hera. She let what she thought was a helpless little pigeon in through the window .....

Community 2000
Words: 746 / Pages: 3

.... interest. Although you have never met these people you get along because you have the same interest. Real communities are based upon interest as well, but unlike virtual communities, real communities can be assembled upon things other than interest. Rarely do you see a virtual community constructed on something other than interest. Real communities can be created upon shared experiences, common friends and family, and activities that are not possible to occur over the internet. It is impossible to go through an experience such as golfing with another or seeing a movie with another in a virtual community. We remember when that guy fell over in the .....

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