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Kant's Fundamental Principles Of The Metaphysics Of Moral
Words: 791 / Pages: 3

.... to an end). The categorical imperative is a means to an end, and the action to obtain the end must have moral worth. Stipulations of the categorical imperative are that all actions should act only on the maxim, that actions have moral worth, and the end is necessary. From these stipulations, it can be derived that the categorical imperative should be followed in order to live morally. “If an action is conceived as good in itself and consequently as being necessarily the principle of a will which of itself conforms to reason, then it is categorical.” (Abbott, 32) “There is therefore but one categorical imperative, namely, this: Act only on t .....

The Last Temptation Of Christ
Words: 583 / Pages: 3

.... questions that entered my mind were thought provoking. Jesus Christ has been portrayed for many, many years, as being someone or something (as you prefer) that was not subject to the trial and tribulations of life, life at the time in question, was much different than our own, so I am told. Throughout the movie, Jesus (William Defoe) reacts in aggressive ways to the programmed society that surrounded him and that goes against the grain of what society teaches us today. The episode, while on the cross, where he is brought together with Mary Magdalene was something that could have been in the mind of anyone or anything (as you prefer) given the cir .....

How Much Control Should The US
Words: 358 / Pages: 2

.... an employee works need not be regulated so long as the employee is compensated for the time worked. An example of how regulations can be counterproductive is in France. Currently employees are not allowed to work more than 35 hours per week. As of the 1st of January, that work week will be further reduced. Companies are fined if employees work more than 35 hours. This is causing a problem because the companies’ production is lower and so is the quality of the products. With reduced quality and quantity of the product, these companies could be forced out of business, leaving the government less to regulate. Safety is another key issue that the go .....

Compare Happiness And Life Between D. H. Lawrence's "You Touched Me" And Friedrich Nietzche's "The Use And Abuse Of History Taken From The Twilight Of The Idols."
Words: 956 / Pages: 4

.... his two daughters, who loves their father a lot and an adopted son enrolled in the army. The father continuously fights his disease, battling to stay alive. We see life as a fragile, vulnerable thing. It can also vanish unexpectedly. What I mean by "life can also vanish unexpectedly" is that you never know when something terrible could happen to you and see it taken away. Friedrich Nietzshe explains us a lot more his perception of life. Unfortunately, I didn't understand most of the things he meant, but I will explain what I think I understood. Nietzshe describes life with the help of a man and a beast. The beast always forgets what he wants to sa .....

The American Dream 2
Words: 278 / Pages: 2

.... will be the goals Americans want themselves to accomplish in life; the goals Americans set for themselves is the part of the dream that has changed. Like a new piece of shining, metallic silver, the dream began with an unselfish goal which all the first Americans craved. Their dream was freedom. In the beginning, all Americans wanted freedom, but as the civilization's standards declined, their priorities changed. The once bright, shining silver began to cloud up, and the reflection of a pure and decent country started to appear murky. Once this happened, the American Dream was not as much about freedom anymore; it was about wealth. The peo .....

Model Train Building And Compu
Words: 863 / Pages: 4

.... depots and keep track of your revenues. They allow simulations of operational switches between tracks, multiple train operation, coupling/uncoupling of railcars. But the greatest benefit that they bring is allowing the person to design a layout using an electronic template and ensuring that all measurements in the layout will work before a single piece of track is laid. Many of these software programs even play off on the hype of using a computer for design in their name, with names of CyberTrack, The Right Track Software, and Design Your Own Railroad, who could not want to become involved in there use. This software ties into many other aspects .....

Karate And Tae Kwon Do
Words: 513 / Pages: 2

.... for the development of tae kwon do. It was 1,500 years ago when a group of young men called the Silla set out to begin a new way of life. The goals of the Silla were to develop the complete mind, body, and spirit. Their daily routine consisted of self-defense, religious and educational training, and physical conditioning. These "knights" laid the roots for the expansion of tae kwon do. On the other hand, karate originated 2,000 years ago in Okinawa. It was a sport taught to the entire population as self-defense against invading armies such as the Samari of Japan. Over time, karate became a way of life for almost all of China. The fighting styles of .....

Words: 602 / Pages: 3

.... are selected. The drying and fermenting process is long (nine months for filler leaves and up to two years for wrapper leaves) and closely watched. Cigarette tobacco is grown for quantity; not necessarily for quality. No regard is given to the aroma and smoke of the different types of tobacco. The only type of tobacco grown is fast- maturing strains they can get to the market quickly. Careful and attentive raising is non existent. The leaves are quickly dried and thrown into boxes for shipment to the rolling factory. Fine cigars are hand rolled, whereas all cigarettes are machine rolled. Including the type and quality of the leaf, rol .....

Federal Express
Words: 2611 / Pages: 10

.... the founding of . These have been 28 remarkable years that have transformed the way the world does business. From their early Falcon flying days operating in a few U.S. cities, to the global express powerhouse they are today, they have remained dedicated and committed to providing their customers the best possible service possible. FedEx began operating in 1971, and is now the world's largest express transportation company. The founder of this company is Fred Smith, currently the President and CEO of FedEx. FedEx was founded with the goal to move packages. Fred Smith’s idea was different, his new company had an amazingly fresh concept - to dev .....

Who Are Special Needs Children
Words: 524 / Pages: 2

.... some experts believe the cause may be due to slight brain damage. ADHD affects up to 5 percent of children up to the age of 18(Walls, 1994. When hyperactivity components are not present, it is diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD. Children with ADHD are prone to restlessness, anxiety, short attention spans and impulsiveness. They have trouble listening, remaining seated, interacting with other people and are easily distracted. A child with ADHD will show extreme symptoms, usually before the age of 7. The most common medication for children with ADHD is an amphetamine called Ritalin, which produces a paradoxical effect. The speed stimu .....

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