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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Words: 682 / Pages: 3

.... appear to be cold and undesirable. The townspeople would dress up in costumes and noisily parade around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in an attempt to scare the spirits away. Trick-or-Treat was said to come from people leaving food for the spirits on their doorsteps to ensure a good year. Another myth about how Trick-or-Treating got started is by the Celebration honoring Muck Olla where a parade of people begged for food and the leader wore a mask, which is how costumes were started. Halloween didn't become widely celebrated in the United States until the 1800's when immigrants from Ireland and Scotland came to America. The .....

Your Future: Take The ACT Test
Words: 926 / Pages: 4

.... what you know will determine how well you do on an ACT, your emotions, attitudes and physical state can influence your performance. On the test date you should be confident in your ability to do well on the ACT. You should be prepared to work hard. Get plenty of rest the night before the test so you will be in good physical conditions to take it. When I took the test I wasn’t feeling well, I was sick and I had to go to work the day before. I was tired and sick and these two factors played a major role in my ACT results. Addition to be in good shape, you should also dress comfortably, so you are comfortable with yourself while takin .....

The Fibonacci Sequence
Words: 644 / Pages: 3

.... 144, 233, and 377. It is a number sequence in which each new term is the sum of the proceeding two terms. After the first two Fibonacci numbers, every number in the sequence equals the sum of the two previous numbers. is called a recursive sequence because each number is a function of the proceeding two numbers, both of which change as the sequence progresses. (1) The formula for Fibonacci numbers is: Fn=Fn-1. (4) To show his sequence he often created interesting problems or stories. Probably his most famous problem is this one: A man bought a pair of rabbits on Jan. 1st, and bred them. The pair produced one pair of young after one month, on .....

Computer Crime
Words: 1510 / Pages: 6

.... calls up the number and gets on he's presented with a logon prompt, this is where the hacking really begins, the hacker tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. Why do they do it, well lets go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing" , I have a hard time b .....

Family A Tough Bond To Break
Words: 759 / Pages: 3

.... offered to make him immortal if he would just stay with her on the island for ever. Odysseus refused and started his epic journey to Ithaca once again. Odysseus is told to visit Teiresias in Hades to find a way to make it back to Penelope and Telemacus. He must venture to the land of the dead (Rieu p 160). The only important thing in Odysseus’ life is returning to his family in Ithaca. Having the same feelings his father possesses, Telemacus’ only desires are to keep his mother from marrying one of the many suitors and acquiring knowledge of his father. He must do this because he knows that if his father is dead, he must return to Ith .....

Public Speaking
Words: 359 / Pages: 2

.... more clearly, and improving on my fear of speaking in front of a large group. After reviewing my videotaped speeches, I have noticed that, among other things, I am constantly fidgeting and doing something with my hands like playing with my note cards or something. Also, I am clearly not comfortable with standing up there. Although it is not overly visible on the tape, I can tell that I look very nervous, and I tend to stutter a little and lose my place and focus in the middle of the speeches frequently. I really don't understand why speaking in front of the class bothers me so much. If I were to give the speech from my desk, even though everyone would .....

American People
Words: 701 / Pages: 3

.... America. I got my information from TV movies, newspapers, and from my friends. The first thing I heard about was from my friend who had lived here for years. He told me that the United States is unbelievable life. The time here goes so fast and you will enjoy your life without feeling homesick and he give me a great impression of and how they are helpful and always friendly. Also he tells me about the safety in his state and how you can have fun any time you want out side you house. In addition there was something I heard about that makes me very happy to come here is that there is no discrimination between people, because I have been in many bad si .....

Behind The Scenes
Words: 1891 / Pages: 7

.... history of the First Amendment and historians continue to debate what the nation’s founders meant to include when they wrote that there shall be “no law” abridging the freedom of speech or press. Today the U. S. Supreme Court blindly inches its way across the tightrope of censorship. Laws prohibiting obscenity and indecency have been successfully incorporated and public sentiment has historically served to curtail the over-zealous journalist. However the moral fiber of society has degenerated from its once prim and proper past, and the press now vulgarly oversteps the boundaries of decency with little retribution. In the word .....

The Monastery And The Clock
Words: 443 / Pages: 2

.... in the period of twenty-four hours. Near the end of tenth centry the first mechanical clock was invented by monk named Gerbert. The clock was working by the means of falling weights and by 1370 it was improved by Heinrich von Wyck in Paris to a well-designed clock as we know it today. By inventing the mechanical clock there were no obstacles to keep clock working, and the time measuring slowly pushed its way into our everyday lives. At first, only the rich could afford to keep the clock, but little by little everyone started using it until it became a necessity. In today's world it is almost impossible to imagine living without the clock and the abil .....

Bilingual Education
Words: 573 / Pages: 3

.... started as a small, federally funded program to help Mexican-American children (largely native-born) in the Southwest. The purpose was to try to make Mexican-American children fully literate in English. Today, our expectations of bilinguals are very high. We expect them to learn our language fast and accurately. However, we do not teach them well. Instead of running away from this problem by abolishing , we should find a way to improve this practice in order to make it a part of our culture. People with a native language other than English have two goals in school: learning English and mastering content. A very big problem is that is taught i .....

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