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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Socialized Sexism
Words: 1176 / Pages: 5

.... and prejudices. The effects of these prejudices are often seen much later in life, where an employer or co-worker makes a harmful decision based on the gender of the applicant. It can also make a worker uncomfortable when confronted with a workplace dominated by the opposite gender. The family is the first place that a child is subjected to sexism and the indirect domination of one gender over another. The first hint at a sexist difference is the bearer of the children. Children see their mom as a place where they can take comfort, be safe, be relaxed and soothed, and be protected. The father is seen as the person who goes off to wo .....

MP3 Audio
Words: 687 / Pages: 3

.... MP3s are only a quarter of the size of the original file. With a typical 3-minute song, the MP3 is only around 3 megabytes. With such a small size, MP3s are easily downloaded from the Internet and shared between people. Everything that can be done with MP3s can be done freely. The audio players that play the format, the rippers that compress the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet. While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the I .....

Peer Pressure
Words: 724 / Pages: 3

.... is when someone says, “It will be fun, trust me.” This could be harmless pressure to try something like a new movie, or a new brand of cookies. It could also be pressure to abuse illegal drugs. is often used in harmful ways. (Doe, John) Teens at a party want to fit in. Many find it is very hard to say no when their peers are doing drugs. It may seem easy to say no, but when a teen feels pressured and wants to fit in, most teens try the drugs in the end. Another form of is reverse psychology. This is making it look good for you although it’s bad. If someone changes sides all of a sudden, a teen may change to the other side as wel .....

Phobias 2
Words: 473 / Pages: 2

.... or situation from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing. On the other hand, Acrophobia is the fear of heights or unable to be in high places. This is also known as a common fear that most people have that have a fear of falling from high places. Many people may feel the same symptoms, even though they might have a different phobia than one another, but have different causes. Most of the time, a person reacting to their phobia usually experiences blushing, sweating, trembling, rapid heart beat, muscle tension, nausea or other stomach discomfort, lightheadedness, or other symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, phobic disorders are also involved a .....

Compaq Computers
Words: 2340 / Pages: 9

.... eventually became well known for the compatibility and quality of its computers and hence its name "Compaq". In the first ten years Compaq concentrated on marketing its products for businesses, but by 1993 it finally expanded its business to the consumer markets with its Compaq Presario PC. Compaq became known as worldwide IT Company and supplier of computers. Even though Compaq is in a very competitive industry where alliances are not only formed with one company, but with several at once. Compaq has become one of the world's most successful companies in the computer industry and has been recognized as Forbes Magazine's 1997 Company of the Ye .....

Basketball Needs To Be Fixed
Words: 1325 / Pages: 5

.... the game down slides into nothing. The changes that need to be made are simple, underclassmen should not be eligible for the NBA draft; or in other words, if you have years of eligibility left, you should not be eligible to be drafted by an NBA team. What problems would this solve? The answer is most problems in basketball today. First, college basketball has paid greatly by losing its most talented players to the NBA as many as three years early. This has resulted in not only an overall lessening of the game, but in certain circumstances caused the downfall of once great basketball programs. This is how it happens, colleges recruit players .....

The Oppression Of Females In A
Words: 481 / Pages: 2

.... to form original opinions. Using the ads presented here as examples, the portrayal of women can be broken down into several categories. First is the idea of beauty. The bulk of each ad is devoted to the beautification of women's hair, face, and body. Women are bombarded with airbrushed, perfectly lit, constantly happy pictures of gorgeous models that portray every ideal of our society. The main themes are the following: makeup, perfume, breasts and cleavage, and lots of skin. First makeup. Women are not expected to be presentable without the help of the latest chemical technique to remove blemishes, darken eyes, lengthen lashes, coat the lips, an .....

Words: 1050 / Pages: 4

.... of the world, though some occasionally enter coastal waters. Some species, such as the white , or beluga, may travel upstream in large rivers. Some species migrate with the seasons; others remain year-round in the same habitats, where they find their preferred food. The present-day distribution and abundance of some species has been greatly influenced by the commercial whaling industry. rs eliminated or greatly reduced the numbers of some species of baleen s in certain oceanic regions where s once frolicked in abundance. This is particularly true in parts of the Arctic Ocean and the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, where the blue was almost completely .....

Words: 592 / Pages: 3

.... past, the judge order the man to pay considerable alimony, give up some of their property, and take on most of the responsibility of supporting their children. There were two main reasons for this, first, majority of d women did not have a job and needed money to help support the children. Secondly, because the man was the "guilty" spouse and the guilty spouse could not receive alimony. Today Judges realize that woman have qualifications for well paying jobs and do not need to be supported fully by their ex-husbands. They can also file for no-fault s. No-fault is when neither side is labeled guilty. Some people oppose no-fault s because they be .....

Uniform Commercial Code 2b The
Words: 2820 / Pages: 11

.... 2B creates standards for licensing these information products, including rules for interpreting warranties, legal remedies, liability and risk. This project began to give consideration to instituting a separate article of the UCC for software and related contracts. Article 2B is designed to bring uniformity across states and across the goods vs. services issue. It is intended to make software contract laws more consistent and clear among states. If laws are consistent from state to state it makes it easier for buyers and sellers to understand how to do business with each other. There is a great benefit in creating a uniform system for software pr .....

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