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Credit Card Epidemic
Words: 613 / Pages: 3

.... will increase. The stores thrive on this type of spending, and even target credit customers with such offers in their advertisements. Next, in today’s society, more service providers are requiring that you use credit cards to pay for and receive their services. One example is Internet service providers. It is almost impossible to acquire Internet service without using a credit card. The regular payment by check is not acceptable to many providers. Most of the time, a person needs a credit card in order to make reservations at a motel or restaurant. Also, if someone wants to purchase tickets to a popular concert coming to the area, the preferr .....

Ins And Outs Of Surfing
Words: 916 / Pages: 4

.... where made of balsa wood and then covered in a layer of fiberglass, these boards reached a length of about 9-10 feet long. In the 1960’s the long board was introduced and was made of Styrofoam and again, covered in fiberglass. In the 70’s the short board took over, which had a similar design to the long boards but were only around 6 foot in length. These proved to be very popular due to their faster speeds and easier maneuverability. Some of the people of today are still using the old fashioned long board, but as you would expect the design has changed significantly and they come in a few different lengths. Now the sport of surfing has g .....

Adversity And Resilience Of Homosexuals
Words: 867 / Pages: 4

.... being a homosexual in a time when homosexuality was absolutely unaccepted by society. Douzi was born with beautiful facial features and a perfect complexion; because of this, he was chosen to play a woman on stage. Douzi fails to separate his on-stage gimmick from his real life persona, and he falls in love with his partner and best friend, Xiao Shitou. When Shitou married a woman, Douzi collapsed mentally and soon got addicted to opium. Shitou's wife was against homosexuality, and she did whatever she could to keep her husband from seeing Douzi; but despite all this, Shitou still cares about Douzi and helped Douzi get off his addiction to opium .....

Assignment: Mythology Research Project
Words: 692 / Pages: 3

.... for Olorun, but only the Supreme Being was able to give them life. Orisha Nla hid in his workshop trying to watch him, but a spell of deep sleep was cast onto him so that only Olorun knew the secret. He made the first man and woman and their daughter and her husband. The rest of the human beings descended from the them. As time passed, the Creator noticed that as humans multiplied and prospered, they gave thanks to Mother Earth but forgot about him. He decided thenceforth to take the souls of half the humans signifying a tribute. In the myth, Why Men Must Die told by the Zulu's of Natal in South Africa, we are told how because of a slow movin .....

What Is A Human Being
Words: 418 / Pages: 2

.... the ones that we love. Another thing that self-awareness dose for us is that it makes us search for meaning in life and get the most out of it before we leave this physical plane. That lead’s us to religion, one of the other things that separate us from animals. All most all humans have a religion that believes in an after life. Some believe in rebirth where you never die but keep living in different states on the earth. In all most all religions there is a superior being or superior beings, that concept is similar to the way our government works. There are primitive animal concepts that show traces of government, such as the almighty wolf that .....

Kant: Goodness
Words: 828 / Pages: 4

.... is "A Good Man is Hard to Find". The title even has "good" in it...and according to Kant, goodness in its purest form is good will. The question now would be, does the Misfit have good will? Is what he is doing good, objectively, and purely? He is purging and purifying the world. He is Christ like in many senses. He is purifying the world by purging it of its evil...relating to the Old Testament. God decided that the human race was too evil to survive, so he flooded it. God killed, as well as the Misfit. This isn't the same as Christ, though; it just adds to the religious element. Christ's mission was to try and rid the world of evil, an .....

How Media Influences Women
Words: 1082 / Pages: 4

.... beautiful people. Youth is synonymous with beauty so little wonder why when you read this bumper sticker “few women admit their age, few men act it” a lot of women won’t divulge their age. To do so would be to admit they are perhaps older than they look or if we were to know their real age we might say something (hopefully to ourselves) like “jeez, she looks a lot older than that!” The media is really the one at work that shapes a lot of our attitudes and beliefs. They might not necessarily be healthy attitudes and beliefs but they are the ones that have been shoved in front of our faces from the day we were born. Believe me, they know ho .....

The Aids Crisis
Words: 626 / Pages: 3

.... However, we still try to find scapegoats for these problems instead of trying to understand them. Currently, the United States is trying to deal with the AIDS epidemic. However, that was not our initial reaction. When AIDS first reared its ugly head in the beginning of the 1980’s, Americans refused to acknowledge the problem. It was considered a problem of the homosexuals and therefore did not exist. This was the same attitude of the government and yet people were dying and more were getting sick. The word AIDS was like taboo in the whole United States. This attitude also prevented the government from getting involved sooner becau .....

Political Socialization
Words: 381 / Pages: 2

.... seniors throughout the country and found that 58.9% of them had chosen the same party as their parents. Another influence on how people are shaped is the Mass Media. Today more and more people are spending more and more time watching television. The average grade school student spends more time watching tv than he or she does at school. The media has been called the "new parent" by some. However, the programs that would influence political opinion the most, such as the news, are rarely watched by the youth of today. The final major influence of people is their formal education or school. Countries have historically had government classes .....

Road Rage
Words: 286 / Pages: 2

.... test and the fight with your best friend are all running through your head. But at least the traffic is moving well. You glance to the side before pulling out in front of a car. All is clear and you switch into the next lane. As you pass the other car, another car comes up from your right and banks you sharply. A spray of sparks bounces of your passenger door. Then you look to the right, and you see a hostile glare and then the driver of the other car mouths some obscenities in your direction. Quickly you speed up to escape the car. The chase is on. Welcome to “.” Chances are that you have never been in a situation like this .....

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