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Religion Essay Writing Help

The Church Is Foundation In Christ
Words: 1415 / Pages: 6

.... become the vessel of God's Word" (Figures of the Church, p. 199). The Incarnation is possible through Mary who, by virtue of her faith, is "pre-redeemed." She accepts an Incarnation and the redemption inherent within it. Her assent is made possible: …by the Incarnation and the Cross (in her "anticipated redemption") and which is, at the same time, one of the conditions required for the Incarnation, accomplishing the unity of the conditions required for the Incarnation, accomplishing the unity of 'one flesh' and yet laying the foundation, precisely therein, for the radical opposition between head and body, Lord and handmaid, bridegroom and .....

The Roots Of Christianity
Words: 1515 / Pages: 6

.... after his death. Paul - it was his efforts that expanded Christianity into a religion distinct from Judaism. Each one of these men could be considered to have founded the Christian religion. The Christian religion began with the ministry of Jesus Christ. He proclaimed himself to be the Messiah. Messiah is an Aramaic word which means "anointed king or deliverer." The name Christ is the Greek equivalent of Messiah. Jesus called Peter, James, John, and other disciples to assist him with his ministry. He taught his disciples that he was sent by God to do the work of the Father. The disciples testified that Jesus was the Christ. On one o .....

The Buddha's Four Noble Truths: A Logical Basis For Philosophy
Words: 1640 / Pages: 6

.... and intensive introspection. These Four Noble Truths form a logically coherent set of axioms upon which the whole of Buddhism is based, and provide a solid foundation for a philosophy which is applicable several millennia after its formulation.{1} "What we call a 'being,' or an 'individual,' or 'I,' according to Buddhist philosophy, is only a combination of ever-changing physical and mental forces or energies...." - Walpola Rahula{2} In order to fully understand the Four Noble Truths, it is necessary to investigate the Buddhist view of the individual and its makeup. In some respects, the manner in which Buddhism deals with the mind/body problem .....

Contradictions In The Puritan Religion
Words: 844 / Pages: 4

.... Puritanism was founded on the principles and beliefs of John Calvin, and one of the major ideals they focused on was the doctrine of predestination. Calvin believed that the grace of God was the ticket into Heaven and that his grace could not be earned. God's grace was bestowed upon a select few regardless of what they did to earn it. This ‘ doctrine' stated that God determines a mans' destiny, whether it be redemption or condemnation, regardless of any worth or merit on the person's part. It could be compared to the failures of Communism in that no matter how hard a person worked, how devout a person was, how often a person went to church, th .....

Words: 790 / Pages: 3

.... plan for was that as a child He should lead a hidden, normal life. In Nazareth, quietly grew to maturity, to all appearances just as any other normal boy. But, as he grew and matured, he would start His adventure through life to show people the meaning of life. In this paper, I will give many reasons why people saw as a deviant, but in reality, why he was not. People in the days of had every reason to think was crazy and deviant. Look at how we view people in our society today who think they are the chosen one, who have been sent down from God or think they are some kind of God. Society looks at these people as crazy and as a threat to our .....

Who Is The Christ Of First Corinthians?
Words: 1220 / Pages: 5

.... However, they were spending time learning the wrong information. The rulers of the time had spent their entire life learning how to control others so as to increase their personal wealth. They had been consumed by their lust for greed and power. When Jesus Christ came proclaiming the word of God, he was branded a fool by these so called "wise men." Throughout his life, these people attempted to discredit all of his work and teachings. Eventually, he was taken by these rulers and crucified for his so called crimes. "To the world the wisdom of God is folly and weakness, but to those who are being saved, Christ crucified is the power and wisdom .....

God Speaks Through The Mouths Of Poets
Words: 2022 / Pages: 8

.... asks "Dost thou know who made thee?" So God created man in His own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female, He created them. Genesis 1:27 Anyone who has seen a lamb knows that it is a weak creature; unable to protect it's self from the strength of an evil predator. If we are the Lamb, then we must rely on the protection of our Shepherd, God. Why would Blake call us a Lamb then? Aren't we stronger than any other animal upon this earth? I think that God would tell us "No," for it is He who gives us life strength, as Blake says in the next few linesà Gave thee life & bid thee feed, By the stream & o're the mead; Gave thee clothing of .....

The Existence Of God
Words: 927 / Pages: 4

.... and Descartes’ theories of how God exists. This is it: 1. God is that being that is absolutely perfect and no one more perfect exists. {No one more perfect than God can exist} (Descarte) 2. If God exists, his existence is logically necessary considering he is “all knowing, all powerful, and all good.” {Since he is all knowing, all powerful, and all good he must exist because his powers are unlimited} (Malcolm) 3. Therefore the possibility of conceiving a being than which nothing greater can be conceived entails the logical necessity of the real existence of such a being. (Anselm) 4. Therefore to say that God does not exist .....

Essay On The Intrinsic Flaws Inherent In Christianity
Words: 1407 / Pages: 6

.... idea that people could have witnessed these events without having been amazed by them is, quite simply, ludicrous. Other cultures having witnessed this would certainly have offered their own explanations in keeping with their own cultural and religious beliefs. Surely a society existing at the time would have documented this miraculous event. Yet nowhere have such works been found. In the instance of the resurrection of the saints, Matthew is the only person to mention this occurence in the Bible. Surely other first-century Christians would have used this as further proof of Jesus' divinty. It would fall to reason that Paul and the gospels would .....

God And His Love
Words: 463 / Pages: 2

.... spiritually. To physically touch or feel something only gives your fingertips the reassurance that it is there. But, what does that do for you? To touch or feel with your heart gives your whole body the reassurance of life and love. To touch or feel with your spirit, it more importatn. It takes your ideas and emotions and makes them your own. Spirituality is your life. It is the one and only, it is the absolute idea that can and will, reassure you of God, life, love and yourself. God is defined as the maker and ruler of the world; Supreme Being. God has at least a million different titles and maker of the world is one that is underestimated! .....

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