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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 2091 / Pages: 8

.... Each tear gland is about the size and shape of an almond. These glands are located behind the upper lid at the outer corner of the . After passing over the , the liquid from the gland is drained into the nose through the tear duct at the inner corner of the . Heavy laughter or crying causes muscles in the upper lid to squeeze the lachrymal gland. This produces tears that flow too fast to be drained away. The lashes catch many flying particles that otherwise would enter the . As further protection, the lids automatically close when an object suddenly moves close to the . The eye is made of 3 coats, or tunics. The outermost coat consists of the .....

White Shark: Summary
Words: 993 / Pages: 4

.... a buoy and went about their way. That same day two fisherman were fishing and found the buoy that had the marine institute logo on it so they decided to take a dive. They ended up diving right down to the steel boxes that contained the "White Sharks". The men were curious and so they opened the box. Nothing happened at first and then glowing eyes caught their attention. One guy was killed. The other guy managed to get away and swim for about 200 yards and then he was down. The men's bodies washed up on shored weeks later. That's when Chase and Tall Man knew there was something in the water and it was up to them to figure out what it wa .....

Twinning In Cattle
Words: 2067 / Pages: 8

.... dramatically increase their yield per calving season. Producers will increase their income due to more weight per year per cow. It is necessary ;however, that the producer be well educated on how to handle twinning, in order for it to be successful for them. Many agencies see twinning as an economic move upward. The American Breeder Service has made efforts to produce semen as well as embryos with high predicted breeding values available to producers. They have been recorded based on twinning probabilities and ovulation rates. A large amount of work on twinning has also been done by the Meat and Animal Research Center. Since the early eighties, they .....

Evaluating An Enthalpy Change That Cannot Be Measured Directly.
Words: 627 / Pages: 3

.... A bottle of 2 molar HCL. Diagram. Method. Three grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate was weighted out accurately using a weighting bottle and a balance. Then thirty centimetres cubed of 2 molar HCL was measured using a measuring cylinder. The acid was then placed into the polystyrene cup and its temperature was taken and recorded using the thermometer. The pre-weighted sodium hydrogencarbonate was then added to the solution, and the final temperature was recorded. The contents of the cup were then emptied out and the cup was washed out with water and then thoroughly dried. This was done three times for the sodium hydrogen carbonate so that I could .....

Words: 500 / Pages: 2

.... the Solanaceae. Often refered to as the Nightshade family, this family contains many of our commonly cultivated plants (potato, peppers, eggplant, tobacco, petunias, tomatillo) and various weeds (nightshades, jimson weed). It may have been this association with the nightshades which originally led people to believe the tomato to be poisionous. It was therefore fortunate that Miller changed the species name to esculentum which roughly means "edible". The common cultivated tomato belongs to the genus Lycopersicon. This genus exhibits a vast reservoir of genetic variability which remains largely underexploited. Some disease resistance, which is no .....

The Greenhouse Effect
Words: 424 / Pages: 2

.... places and less in others. Another provider to the greenhouse effect is the use of CFCs. CFCs, or chlorofluorocarbon, are used in making plastics and in aerosol spray cans, refrigerants, air conditioners, and similar objects. Like carbon dioxide, the CFCs are trapping more heat in the earth's atmosphere. CFCs have also been blamed for ozone depletion. CFCs are suspected of breaking down ozone particles that shield us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Too many ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts and skin cancer. A hole in the ozone has been discovered over Antarctic the size of the United States. The hole is actually where the ozone has been d .....

Mononucleosis 2
Words: 1151 / Pages: 5

.... years later, Downey and McKinaly provided more details of the lymphocytes as a marker that led to the disease. (6) The idea of EBV being connected to mono came about in 1958 by Burkitt. There were some cases in Africa of young children having tumors in their jaw and dying even when the tumor was removed. He later found out that the patients were coming from areas highly infested with mosquitoes, so they figured that the mosquitoes were related. The mosquitoes were carrying a virus in the herpes family, which was later called Epstein-Barr virus. This virus was later revealed to be linked with mono. (6) Anyone can get mono but it is most common in .....

Depression..a Deadly Disease
Words: 1858 / Pages: 7

.... by the famous writer W. Styrone, in his book entitled Darkness Visible, providing us with an in-dept description of his own personal experiences when he suffered from depression Over the course of the year, 17.6 million American adults suffer from a depressive illness. That is 10% of the population. (Pfizer, Dealing) Depression is a whole-body illness, including mind, mood, body, and thoughts. It effects everything from the way you sleep to the way you feel about yourself. It effects how you react and how you see things. Depressive illnesses often interfere with normal functioning and cause pain and suffering not only to those who have the disorde .....

Early Synthetic Polymers
Words: 573 / Pages: 3

.... polymers which continues to this day. Cellulose derivatives are forms of cellulose, a polymer found in wood, cotton, and paper, which have been chemically altered. Scientists first started to make them in the second half of the nineteenth century, long before we really even knew what a polymer was. The very first came about when a scientist reacted cellulose, in the form of cotton, with nitric acid. The result was cellulose nitrate. Cellulose nitrate, also called gun cotton, turned out to be a powerful explosive. It soon replaced common gunpowder as the explosive charge in the ammunition for rifles and artillery. Cellulose nitrate was also us .....

Words: 524 / Pages: 2

.... the open end, the reflected compression wave becomes a rarefaction. It bounces back through the tube to the closed end, where it is reflected. the wave has now completed a single cycle. It has passed through the tube four times making the closed tube, one fourth the length of a sound wave. By a continuous sound frequency, standing waves are produced in the tube. This creates a pure tone. We can use this knowledge of one fourth wavelength to create our own demonstration. It does not only have to be done using wind, but can also be demonstrated using tuning forks. If the frequency of the tuning forks is known, then v=f(wavelength) can .....

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