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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 528 / Pages: 2

.... The ore cassiterite before smelting and roasting must be crushed into a powder to remove the arsenic and sulfur from the ore cassiterite. When you smelter the tin you must heat it with carbon to remove the zinc, copper, bismuth, and iron from the tin. Tin had been used for many things but tins use is dropping rapidly although tin is still used a lot for plating. Plating such things as electical contacts. Tin is also used as a protective coating. This protective coating can be as small as 15/1,000,000 of an inch. This protective coating protects against rust on steel and other metals. A coating of tin also gives a great look to plain old steel .....

Killer Whale, The Mighty Dolph
Words: 399 / Pages: 2

.... stands straight up off the middle of his back. The female's dorsal fin is much shorter, usually about three feet, and instead of standing straight, forms a crecent arc on her back towards the tail. Although Killer Whales are not used for oil-based products they have over and over again been found with harpoons sticking out of their backs. Research soon found that fishermen were shooting them to keep them from eating all of a days catch. This was not the first time something like this was found. In the 1950's The U.S. Navy used machine guns to slaughter hundreds of Killer Whales off of Iceland to protect fishing. After these animals are killed, they a .....

Acid Rain 9
Words: 1305 / Pages: 5

.... dioxide and nitrogen oxides can be transformed into sulphuric acid and nitric acid, and air currents can send them thousands of kilometers from the source. When the acids fall on to the earth in any way or form it will have a large impact on the growth or the preservation of certain wildlife. Areas in Ontario mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, such substances as limestone or other known antacids can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre-Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, there is not enough buffering .....

Hydrogen 2
Words: 1155 / Pages: 5

.... Electrolysis is a common way hydrogen is produced. Electric current is passed through water which releases the lements it is made of. These elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Today's efficiency of this method is about 65 percent, however 80-85 percent are possible with more research. Another method of producing hydrogen is through chemical means. It is a scientific fact that every metal that is less noble than hydrogen will isplace hydrogen from water . Common materials used in this reaction is sodium or potassium . Sodium plus water will produce hydrogen , NaOH, and heat . Other reactions include the "producer" reaction that was discovered in 18 .....

Investigation Of Reproduction And Development In Animals
Words: 721 / Pages: 3

.... secretes progesterone that prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. If fertilisation does not occur the lining of the uterus is discharged from the body in the process called menstruation. What is the birth control pill? The combined oral contraceptive pill (the pill) is a reversable, hormonal method of birth control. The pill consists of a mixture of two synthetic hormones similar to oestrogen and progesterone, the woman’s natural hormones which regulate the menstrual cycle. The pill is on of the most popular methods of birth control. How does it work? The pill basically prevents ovulation, therefore, the ovaries can’t releas .....

UFOs And Alien Life
Words: 789 / Pages: 3

.... Force can prove UFOs do not exist since the sightings have been missed as hoaxes and human misconceptions. Humans have mistaken "meteor trails, comets, odd shaped clouds, balls of lightning, burning marsh gases, airplanes, lights of cars, birds, and many other objects as UFOs," (Kraske 22). Pranksters have also misled UFO investigation by doing actions that confuse and mislead humans. For example, they flash images of car headlights and city lights on the Earth. Pranksters also confuse people by tossing discs from tall buildings and taking pictures of spaceship models. One man was suspected of taking pictures of a realistic chicken-hatching mac .....

Five Components Of My Humanness
Words: 1533 / Pages: 6

.... been incorporated into my own set of beliefs and values. I greatly value freedom of thought, friends and family. My emotional self deals with feelings and my ability to handle the demands of life. The spiritual self is all about my beliefs, values, religion and my life philosophies. By satisfying the needs of all five selves, the result can be holistic wellness which is the ability to feel good about myself and others. Physical fitness is having ample energy and the ability to perform daily activities without being exhausted. My energy usually depends on the amount of sleep and food I get. If I have too much or too little sleep, I don't look forward .....

Asthma 2
Words: 447 / Pages: 2

.... to develop hypersensitivity reactions. The attacks usually become less frequent and less severe over the years and disappear in about half of all affected children before adulthood. In one form of asthma, called intrinsic asthma, however, the attacks become less frequent and less severe, but recovery between them is less complete. The bronchi in such patients become chronically narrowed, causing a progressive loss of capacity for physical exertion. The prevalence of asthma is only about 1 or 2 percent worldwide but varies greatly from country to country. In the United States, asthma affects about 6.9 percent of children. Typically, an asthma attack b .....

The Planet Venus
Words: 329 / Pages: 2

.... there are thick clouds and heavy atmosphere around Venus. Venus has a lot of craters on its surface. There are 935 craters on Venus that are named after famous women. The largest crater is named crater Mead. Almost all of Venus has volcano rock on the surface. There is over 100,000 volcano’s and they dot the surface. One flow out of a volcano is over 4,300 miles long. Venus was the first planet to be reached by a space probe. The space probe Mariner 2 flew close to Venus that sent information to Earth. The Mariner 2 was from the United States. A space probe from the Soviet was called the Venera 7. It was the first probe to land on Venus. When .....

Climate Change (term Paper)
Words: 4217 / Pages: 16

.... dark light. In 1950, there were 2.5 billion people, while today there are 5.8 billion. There may well be 10 billion people on earth before the middle of the next century. Even more significant, on an ecological level, is the rise in per capita energy and material consumption which, in the last 40 years, has soared faster than the human population. “An irresistible economy seems to be on a collision course with an immovable ecosphere.” Based on these facts alone, there is grave reason for concern. Taken further, it is even more frightening to note that, while man has affected the environment throughout his stay on earth, the impact has .....

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