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Science Essay Writing Help

The Promise Of Genetic Engineering
Words: 942 / Pages: 4

.... other technology, to improve the quality of life for the people of this planet. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the benefits and consequences of this relatively recent breakthrough and determine in which ways it can be used to humanity's best advantage. This speech will investigate the ways in which genetic engineering affects two important areas in today's society. The first one will be the improvement of the world's agricultural techniques. With an ever-increasing growth in world population, the Earth's resources are constantly becoming scarce. The advent of genetic engineering may be used to avert the occurrence of worldwide famine and .....

Endocrine Disruptors
Words: 1702 / Pages: 7

.... harm is largely from laboratory studies in which large doses are fed to test animals, usually rats or mice, and field studies of wildlife species that have been exposed to the chemicals mentioned above. In laboratory studies, high doses are required to give weak hormone activity. These doses are not likely to be encountered in the environment. However the process of bioaccumulation can result in top-level predators such as humans to have contaminants at levels many million times greater than the environmental background levels (Guilette 1994). In field studies, toxicity caused by endocrine disruption has been associated with the presence of certain p .....

An End To Genetic Diseases
Words: 4314 / Pages: 16

.... after his death, three people believed to have the key. Looking for other results to verify the ideas, they came across Mendel's results" (14). Their data agreed, and with this a new science was born - the science of Genetics (15). Due to modern medicine, such as antibiotics and rehabilitation, many genetic diseases have been allowed to survive. In nature, these diseases would not have survived to the extent that they do now. Advances in science and medicine have allowed these problems to thrive. Further advances in science may be able to terminate genetic diseases through cloning. Genetic problems have plagued the United States for centur .....

Penguins: The Eyes Have It!
Words: 1047 / Pages: 4

.... whatever catches their fancy. On dry land, it's a different story-or has been up to now. Waddling along on their flat little feet, eyes fixed intently on the ground, penguins appear myopic, inefficient and generally out of place. In fact the reverse is true. During a recent stay on the Falkland Islands, a Canadian researcher discovered that penguins are able to recognize individuals and navigate the rocky terrain on which they live quite well. Long of body and short of leg, they probably poke their heads forward as an aid to balance. And as for looking at the ground, they're merely-like us-keeping an eye on where they're going. The human eye is .....

The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment?
Words: 640 / Pages: 3

.... was phased out in '73 which caused lead levels to drop 98%. In '74 the agency required drinking water to be physically and chemically treated. CFCs were banned in '78 and a nation-wide toxic waste site cleanup program was developed in 1980. The EPA then evacuated Times Beach, Montana for dangerous levels of dioxin in soil, which was then criticized for its heavyhandedness and arrogance. Charges of mismanagement and undue political influence caused the head of the EPA to resign in '83. "The deputy director resigns because of charges of making a 'hit list' of employees to be hired, fired, or promoted because of political leanings. The former he .....

Enviromental Science Profit Or
Words: 813 / Pages: 3

.... residential fuel combustion together contribute the rest of the nitric acid. In the atmosphere, the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide transforms into sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Air current can send them thousands of kilometers from the source. When these acids fall to the earth, they will have large impact on the growth and the preservation of certain wildlife. These substance's can neutralize acids entering the body of water, thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre-Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little topsoil; there is not enough buffering capacity to neutralize even small amount .....

Words: 742 / Pages: 3

.... body. In the bloodstream travels to the liver, where it is converted into a number of breakdown products where it is excreted in the urine. Many people like to start their day with coffee. It's probably not so much the taste rather is the jolt it gives them. Unfortunately, has undesirable effects. A mug of coffee can increase urination as much as 30 percent for up to three hours. Large fluid losses on a hot day can lead to dehydration. Increased stomach acid can aggravate ulcers or hightail hernia, and cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. can cause an accelerated and irregular heartbeat. Where lifts your spirits, when it wears off there c .....

Words: 1846 / Pages: 7

.... they take a nucleus, place it in a egg, put the egg in a incubator, and when it hatches it's an exact replica of the original being (Lawren). Though this has been done with frogs it has not yet been accomplished with mammals (Lawren). Another way to make a clone, as they do in the cattle buisness, is to split the cells of a early multi-celled embryo which will form two new embryos (Lawren). For it to get started into practice it took more than fifty years of questioning and testing. The first successful cloning experiment involved a leopard frog. It took place in, 1952 with group of scientist from the Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelp .....

Genetic Engineering: A Leap In To The Future Or A Leap Towards Destruction
Words: 3028 / Pages: 12

.... yield unprecedented results, specifically in the field of medicine. It will usher in a world where gene defects, bacterial disease, and even aging are a thing of the past. By understanding genetic engineering and its history, discovering its possibilities, and answering the moral and safety questions it brings forth, the blanket of fear covering this remarkable technical miracle can be lifted. The first step to understanding genetic engineering and embracing its possibilities for society is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. The basis for altering the evolutionary process is dependant on the understanding of how individual .....

Science And Ethics
Words: 640 / Pages: 3

.... research and experiments that are morally, ethically, and religiously wrong and who are we to cross it? The first example of man performing corrupt experiments is genetic engineering. In this case, man alters the genes of the fetus. This might be acceptable if the reason for the alteration is a life or death situation. If the baby will not be able to live without the procedure being done, then it is acceptable. But nowadays, doctors are performing genetic engineering to pre-determine the baby’s sex. If parents are now allowed to choose the sex of their child, who can say where to stop? Every parent would want their child to be the "perfect" ch .....

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