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Society Essay Writing Help

Abstract Expressionism
Words: 1254 / Pages: 5

.... expressionist style, and the influence that Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko had on expressionism. Who would ever think that a line or a color would trigger so many different conclusions to what message the artists were trying to relay? began as lyrical and as a remembrance of the past that ended up forcefully and boldly dramatic. “Basic to most abstract expressionist painting were the attention paid to surface qualities, ie., qualities of brushstroke and texture: the use of huge canvases: the adoption of an approach to space in which all parts of the canvas played an equally vital role in the total work; the harnessing of accidents that oc .....

Drugs And Their Effects On Business
Words: 2109 / Pages: 8

.... persons using drugs are responsible for millions of dollars in equipment, money, or lives. The armed forces w hich are responsible for the defense of the nation and its interests should be ready at all times. But due to drug abuse the performance of military personal can be seriously reduced. An air crash in 1985 on the aircraft carrier Nimitz killed 14 crewmen and autopsies revealed that 11 of them were on drugs. "(The U.S.) spends billions of dollars on military defense, and our military may be crippled by this drug problem."T Drugs cost a lot and the need for them is ever increasing. A drug habit can quickly drain a worker's pay check while .....

Nuclear Power: Cons
Words: 1133 / Pages: 5

.... man-made repercussions as well as being the basis of life support systems. Therefore, we are between two sections in which one is the section of "resource availability and waste", and the other "the continuity of life support systems pertinent to survival." Thus, the environmentalists believe that nuclear energy should not be used for various reasons. First of all, the waste product, i.e. plutonium, is extremely radioactive, which may cause the people who are working or living in or around the area of storage or use, to acquire leukemia and other cancers. They also show how billions of dollars are spent yearly on safety devices for a single r .....

To Help The Poor
Words: 217 / Pages: 1

.... could give a poor child foor, slothing and vaccination. Perhaps people in the industrialised countries think these charity aids are needless, because the government donates a share of its budget to help the developing countries. Yet governments cut their foreign aid, the multinational companies take even higher adventage of the cheap labour force in the developing countries and if , after all, people think the future will offer equal chances for everybody without any help from the rich, awakening from this fantasy is needed. The information the media give is inadequate, therefore people should obtain information spontaneously. Yet, commo .....

The Hong Kong Chinese Community
Words: 700 / Pages: 3

.... place where people exercise their democratic rights." There is a very common belief that you should not offend or challenge authority. People have lost a lot of confidence in politicians because of poor examples provided by ongoing tensions between Communist China and nationalist Taiwan. "We have to educate them and tell them politics in North America and Canada is very different from what they saw of politics in Hong Kong and China." Dr. Joseph Wong, whose community activism has earned him the Order of Canada, thinks that despite changes in Chinese attitudes, fear is still an obstacle towards political evolution. People are not afr .....

Gender Inbalances In School
Words: 492 / Pages: 2

.... when today’s college students were there did not promote women in these fields. It may have changed since then, but today’s females have either no interest in these fields or are not capable of entering them. I know that they (females) can do the work but there may be glass walls preventing them from entering. I don’t believe that it is a “fruitless” effort to engage in a way that would promote women in these fields. Since I have been in college I have change my major 3 times. Most of my friends have also. So it is not the case that women have made up their mind by the time that they enter college and it can’t be changed. It may n .....

Images In Advertising
Words: 930 / Pages: 4

.... and even the perfect smile are what it takes to be successful and likable in this world. Cosmetic purchases have vastly risen to an all-time high due to this false idea. Cosmetic surgery, which alters your looks to mimic someone else’s, is also in high demand. Why would you want to look like someone you do not even know? When advertising a diet drink, the commercial shows you a slim, fit person that is the perfect height and weight. Society is led to believe that we will transform into a supermodel if we obtain this same beverage. Sadly, this will not occur because the beauty of the model is due to many different factors other than this drink. .....

Constructive Criticism
Words: 776 / Pages: 3

.... Senators and Representatives must make frequent decisions on important issues based upon feelings and desires expressed by the citizens of their district. In this manner, constructive criticism helps to improve the accuracy and quality of choices made for the nation by our elected officials. Found in some form in nearly every aspect of our society, constructive criticism is an indispensable facet of human improvement. The vast majority of ideas and behavioral characteristics can be improved, often quite substantially, by a different individual who possesses a contrasting perspective. Every human is unique, and has ideas indigenous to his person .....

Pollution Control: Costs And Benefits
Words: 229 / Pages: 1

.... When people began to preserve and clean the environment we live in, they faced many problems such as brown-outs, increased inflation, more unemployment, and other economic setbacks. Thus, the economy and environment were handled separately with respect to the other. Of course, this upset many people and gave them a sense of insecurity in their jobs. Some said that the United States of America could not afford to preserve the environment and progress economically at the same time. In very recent times, those same critics have changed their stand and now believe that preserving and cleaning the environment while progressing economically are achiev .....

Mockery Of Native Americans
Words: 653 / Pages: 3

.... of the Native American tribes. When they wear these they look like authentic clothes and chiefs. When they dance around like wild men it is mocking a chief. Since all Native Americans look up to the chiefs of the tribe it is not respecting them or their whole tribe. The Native Americans would also like to be treated with the same respect that other racial groups have gotten. The African American people were mocked with a doll with a big black head and huge lips to mock an African American. The African American people complained about it and the doll was terminated from society forever. Now the Native Americans are complaining that the mascots of co .....

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