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Society Essay Writing Help

Sexual Harrassment: We Need To Take Action
Words: 1439 / Pages: 6

.... strives to prevent offenses and responds effectively when they occur (Sexual Harassment, Deutschman, page 92)." As a result, corporations are getting tough about the subject. They hold seminars for employees, establish 24-hour hotlines and provide security for victims, and initiate and establish inquiries. Companies should create and publicize a forceful policy against sexual harassment. Companies must act before a problem occurs. The EEOC encourages employers to "take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, developing appropriate sanctions, infor .....

Should There Be Stricter Laws On Pornography?
Words: 749 / Pages: 3

.... The final article is "Let's put Pornography Back in the Closet" by Susan Brownmiller. Brownmiller is a Journalist, Women's rights activist, and a founder of Women against Pornography. This article appeared in Newsday, a Long Island newspaper in 1979, and in Take Back the Night, a collection of essays against pornography. These articles are geared towards audiences who have an interest in the issue of pornography. Despite the authors contrasting viewpoints, there are many similarities. Brownmiller feels that pornography is the result of women's bodies being dehumanized for pleasure. She also feels that pornography is commercially advertising the .....

The Media’s Effect On Children
Words: 1124 / Pages: 5

.... the children that say they see people of their race on television are White and African-American, while Latino and Asian children are much less likely to see their race represented. “In one study, it showed that white males accounted for over fifty percent of the people of the “main” characters in each program.” (Media Awareness Network). Despite the few shows shown as colored people as the central characters there is still a long way to go. There also has been a distinct increase in the number of minority and aboriginal newscasters, both as reporters, editors and producers. “Also, in 1989 study on billboard advertising i .....

Words: 580 / Pages: 3

.... users," ii) the "I-only-use-it-when-I-have-to- users" and iii) the "Internet junkies." The "I'm-not-addicted users" are the users who try to convince themselves that they are not addicted to the Internet. This group includes college students who don't go online during the day to prove to fellow students that they can do without getting online; only, to stay up all night in a chat room online. Or businesspeople who stay after office hours to supposedly get a late report done; only, to stay online until the security guy's ready to lock up the building. Or husbands who stay offline all day, only to get online for hours after t .....

Words: 1035 / Pages: 4

.... expanded on these comments, calling them "robber barons." These are inaccurate terms for these businessmen. They were not barons because they all started penniless and they were not robbers because they did not take it from anyone else. Vanderbilt got rich by making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to pract .....

Civilize The Wilderness
Words: 516 / Pages: 2

.... civilizing the wilderness now have in the future? Many questions can arise when contemplating civilizing the wilderness. The wilderness is being civilized for one main reason. That reason is technology. Technology plays an important role in everyone's lives today. Without it, we would not have computers, fax machines, cellular phones, and all of the modern conveniences that we have today. The fact is, that many people believe that the wilderness is like an unborn country. A country that has nothing and is striving to become more advanced. We see this as an opportunity to better it and make it seem like we are actually helping. But, are we re .....

Evil From Morals
Words: 1240 / Pages: 5

.... the years. Philosophers like Socrates and Plato believed evil was a matter of ignorance. Ancient Persians saw good and evil as two principles, "engaged in a perpetual struggle."(Collier) In reality, evil is merely the absence of good. "The essence of all reality is good, evil is merely the faulty reflection of reality found in a world of particulars."(Funk & Wagnalls) There can be many different types of evil. Two of such types are moral evil and natural evil. Natural evil consists of things like pain and suffering, while moral evil consists of making ‘bad' decisions. "Moral evil depends on the exercise of human will; natural evil is independe .....

Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... a partner, relaying it in the imagination like a videotape. This is the only way they are able to get an erection and reach an orgasm. This paraphilia can affect both females and males, but it is primary a male disorder. Scientists know very little about paraphilia in general. can begin in late childhood or adolescence and continue throughout adult life. Intensity and occurrence of the paraphilia is variable, and it usually decreases as people get older. It might be related to hormonal or development factors that influence brain development before birth. does not emerge until later in life. Regardless of how society looks at the “odd” .....

Rights, Responsibilities, And Growing-up
Words: 394 / Pages: 2

.... hands of a young person is a crime or accident waiting to happen.” Now, no matter how much publicity he got from saying that, it doesn’t reflect reality. I’d like to remind our president, with a father or uncle, older brother, or friend, that “A gun in the hands of a young person” is probably the most effective tool available for teaching personnel responsibility, sportsmanship, safety, ethics of hunting, and the achievement of marksmanship, and much more. For many young people being allowed to own a firearm is a maturing experience. For example, the trust given to a son or daughter is very important, because that means that a parent kn .....

College Fraternities
Words: 1480 / Pages: 6

.... association. According to Irving Klepper, the first fraternity (Phi Beta Kappa) was founded for "social and literary purposes" at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on December 5th 1776. After half a century of existence, it became and has since remained a scholarship honor society. Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi had been founded at the same college, constituting the so-called Union Triad which was, in a large measu .....

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