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US History Essay Writing Help

Radical Reconstruction
Words: 365 / Pages: 2

.... rights of the blacks. The laws contained subtle discrimination; it allowed only males to vote who could pass the literacy test or pay poll taxes in order to vote. Furthermore, the grandfather clause stated that a man was still permitted to vote provided that his father or grandfather had been eligible to do so. It didn't apply to the blacks because blacks didn't have right to vote before the Reconstruction. Then in 1876 election, Hayes won because of the secret compromise set up by the Southern Democrats. The compromise was to make Hayes win the election to withdraw the federal troops, to get the federal money and for a conservative Southerner .....

New Jersey During The Revolution
Words: 1292 / Pages: 5

.... 1780, and the Battle of Springfield, on June 23rd, 1780, which was one of the larger battles of the war, for numbers of troops involved. In addition, there were hu ndreds of smaller battles, engagements, skirmishes, raids, etc. involving regular troops, militia units and loyalist units, and many actions off the coast of sea vessels. Washington's troops crossed NJ from NY in 1776, chased by the British after the fall of NY to the British. In late December 1776 to mid Jan 1777, he in turn chased the British out of most of NJ. This period of time is called the Crisis of the Revolution because it seemed the American army could not stand against .....

The USA Becoming Less Democratic Prior To The Revolution
Words: 1327 / Pages: 5

.... evidence to support that argument is found in a chart comparing the numbers of white males able to meet the voting requirements, registering to vote, voting, and being elected to town offices. The percentage of men able to met the voting requirements rose only by 2%, but the numbers of men registering, voting, and being elected to town offices all rose by at least 13% (Doc. G) Since a larger percentage of the population is being involved in the electoral process, the town is becoming more democratic. Freedom is a characteristic of almost all successful democracies. Evidence of expanding religious freedom in Weathersfield is found in a law enacted b .....

The Evolution Of The Monroe Doctrine
Words: 3043 / Pages: 12

.... This new fight for independence required that both North and South America completely break their ties with all European nations. This was a struggle since so many foreign powers were trying to have some sort of control in the Western Hemisphere. Spain was planning on reconquering its empire in the colonies, and Russia was attempting to colonize in the northwest corner of the North America. As result England wanted to join in an alliance with the United States in return for British aid in protecting the hemisphere from foreign colonization. However, the United States decided it wanted to maintain its independence won from England and to .....

Pirates Of Penzance - Critique
Words: 890 / Pages: 4

.... many daughters stumble upon the island. After Frederic sees their beauty, especially that of Mabel’s, he renounces Ruth and pursues Mabel. The other girls are seized by the pirates and threatened with marriage. When the Major-General shows up he too is captured by the pirates. The Major-General eludes the pirates by telling them a lie about being an orphan. Having been orphans themselves and having a place in their hearts for them, the pirates let the Major-General and his daughters go. Over the next few days, the Major-General’s conscience gets the best of him and he confides to Frederic the lie that he told the pirates. Frederic consoles .....

The Invasion Of Panama
Words: 1294 / Pages: 5

.... for the mission. In the formulation of the mission to invade Panama, the U.S. military set out four main objectives of the mission. First, they wanted to "protect American lives" (Watson 69). This meant they wanted to protect the lives of the 35,000 U.S. citizens in Panama from attacks by Noriega's Panama Defense Force or PDF; they also wanted to protect the lives of Americans at home by attempting to eliminate drug trafficking. Second, they wanted to "protect American interests and rights under the Panama Canal Treaty" (Watson 69). This could be done by abolishing Noriega's control of the workers who operate the canal, and his control of the .....

The Shooting Down Of An Iranian Airliner By The USS Vincennes
Words: 1124 / Pages: 5

.... Vincennes incident. All of these revolved around the Iran-Iraq tanker wars and were blatant acts of aggression by Iran. One of the most significant of these events was the missile attack on the USS STARK that killed more than 30 if her crew in May of 1987. Another important event was the laying of mines in international waters by Iran, which lead to the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS striking a mine and taking serious damage in early 1988. These events were probably still fresh in Captain Rodgers mind then he received word from the USS MONTGOMERY that they were tracking several Iranian gunboats the might be attacking a neutral tanker. It is my opinion that C .....

Dionysus The Peoples God
Words: 1822 / Pages: 7

.... one must first know of his origin. Dionysus was the offspring between Zeus, King of the Gods, and Semele, a princess of Thebes. Hera was jealous of Semele and convinced her to make Zeus show Semele his true form, only knowing that this would kill her and her baby. When Semele is burned to death Zeus saves his unborn son and transplants the fetus into his leg. Once born Dionysus was taken to Semele's sister, Ino the Queen of Orchomenus. To hide the child from Hera, Ino disguises him as a girl. Hera was not fooled, so to punish Ino she drove her to madness. Zeus changed Dionysus into a goat and sent him to live with the Nymphs in Nysa. It was .....

Processed Art
Words: 1400 / Pages: 6

.... regarding the nature and purpose of art. Arno Breker, Nazi, was, in a certain sense, both the best and the worst of the Nazi artists. His technique was excellent, and his choice of subjects, poses and theme were outstanding. On the other hand, he was much more directly and effectively a supporter of the Nazi cause. Had his sculpture been ugly, ambiguous in meaning, poorly executed or less directly associated with Nazi militarism, the negative effects on the world of his sculpture would have been considerably lessened. In a certain sense, Breker uses his numerous "naked men with swords" to unite the notions of health, strength, competition .....

Kansas & Nebraska Act Resolved: The Kansas-Nebraska Act Was Fair
Words: 358 / Pages: 2

.... all agreed on. Even though this would take a long period of time all the population would be happy with the decision. The 36-30 degree parallel was unfair because that was the only land up for slavery. What if someone wanted to move above the 36-30 degree parallel? Would they have to leave their slaves behind and hire workers? Also the federal government just marked off land that slaves could be in. Slaves are considered property and you can take property anywhere. That is unfair because then they would have to leaves all their slaves behind. Lastly people needed slaves to tend their farm. If the government just marked off land where people owned .....

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