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US History Essay Writing Help

The John Scopes Trial
Words: 1552 / Pages: 6

.... considerable time to gain public approval, especially when religion is involved. Galileo’s heliocentric theory of the sun revolving around the earth directly contrasted Ptolemy’s 600-year-old precedent of geocentricism. This was looked upon as an act of heresy, and Galileo was nearly burned at the stake. Thus, when a schoolteacher in the south decided to stray from the norm by teaching a new and controversial theory of evolution, it was no surprise that there was considerable backlash from religious groups. The supporters of literal interpretation of the Bible were alarmed at Darwin’s theories because it showed humans in an unfavorable .....

Hermes Carrying The Infant Dionysos
Words: 1430 / Pages: 6

.... at and analyze. I have viewed this sculpture by means of slides on a flat surface, but after seeing the actual sculpture, I was amazed. When I first approached it, its size was shocking. I was unaware that this figure stood so tall. Hermes and Dionysos together were approximately seven to seven and a half feet tall, and approximately three feet wide, including the base that Hermes was standing on. As most of Praxiteles’ sculptures were, this sculpture was originally made of marble, but the copy viewed was made of plaster cast. Hermes posture was rather relaxed, with one arm reaching upward, and the other arm bent at the elbow, holding Dionys .....

Words: 316 / Pages: 2

.... I was impressed because they it really had some symbolism in it that I didn’t think I would notice. I realized that they were reaching out to people saying that they can do anything that thy want to do. I was also impressed because they communicated with the audience by getting us to repeat the rhythm that they did. It made many hilarious movements. For example, they used sinks with water and through it on the audience. They also did this with sand and a mop. It was very interesting. I wish to see them again if I could because I am truly inspired by these talented young musicians. In conclusion, I would like to say that I learned a lot f .....

Hollywood Vs. The World
Words: 1284 / Pages: 5

.... true of many foreign films I have seen. The first film that comes to mind is Godard’s Masculine-Feminine. One of the themes in this film is the constant questioning that goes on between the characters. Through this interrogation, Godard is able to explore the different relationships between the main characters. The interrogation that happens in the bathroom between Paul and Madeline is a perfect example of this. They spend a good ten or fifteen minutes discussing how they feel about love and relationships. Another scene where interrogation plays a major role is the scene in which Paul is interviewing the model for the magazine. In this scene .....

High Noon
Words: 1052 / Pages: 4

.... until his 12 o'clock showdown. The attitude of his wife is that she begs him not to be a hero, handing him an ultimatum on her wedding day. If he won't go away with her, she will go alone by the train, the one that leaves at twelve noon. He resolutely answers her, "I've got to stay." Kane, the anti-hero, is counting on getting special deputies sworn in to assist him. Everything hinges on midday. The suspense builds and the tension mounts as the clock ticks ever closer to the inevitable fate of . The passing of the time symbolizes the idea of mortality, which is a form of expressionism. Even the judge who sentenced Miller and who is a mirror of soci .....

Masaccio - Innovator Of Perspe
Words: 736 / Pages: 3

.... studied the idea of perspective in an effort to make his paintings appear natural. Few paintings can be undoubtedly credited to Masaccio, but these are considered masterpieces nonetheless. His greatest work was done on the frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. These frescoes were started by Masolino and ultimately completed by Fillipinno Lippi years after Masaccio’s death. This chapel is now a significant monument in the history of art. These frescoes had a tremendous impact on Florentine art thereof, and were used as a basis to teach new artists like Michelangelo and Raphael. It is on these walls that Ma .....

The Emotional Creativity Of Ludwig Van Beethoven
Words: 2544 / Pages: 10

.... around the palace of the Elector of Cologne(Burke 32). His father, Johann van Beethoven, was a court tenor there(Burke 32). Ludwig’s mother, Marie Magdalene Kerverich van Beethoven, bore two other children besides Ludwig. Kasper Anton Karl who was born on April 18th, 1774 and Nicholas Johann who was born on October 2nd, 1776 were the only other surviving children of Maria’s six births besides Ludwig(Burke 32). Ludwig began taking music lessons from his father at a very young age. By the age of five he was playing both the clavier and the violin(Solomon 16). Beethoven had few friends and spent little time playing with other children .....

Causes Of Civil War
Words: 1814 / Pages: 7

.... of New Orleans. Wilmont Proviso was to ban slaves from territories that might gbe aquired from Mexico. Kansas- Nebraska Act was the result of Douglas wanting to build railroads from Chicago to San Franciso. Douglas was a big believer in popular sovereignity, where the people have the right to decide if they want to be free of slave state, and he completely ignore the Missoure Compromise. The Compromise of 1850 stated that should be equal number of free and slave states. The Missouri Compromise said that any state above the latitude of 36 30' can not be a slave state. "Bleeding Kansas" was where people were fighting over the issue of slavery and cos .....

The History Of Greek Theater
Words: 2430 / Pages: 9

.... It was the gods who sent suffering and evil to men. In the plays of Sophocles, the gods brought about the hero’s downfall because of a tragic flaw in the character of the hero. In Greek tragedy, suffering brought knowledge of worldly matters and of the individual. Aristotle attempted to explain how an audience could observe tragic events and still have a pleasurable experience. Aristotle, by searching the works of writers of Greek tragedy, Aeschulus, Euripides and Sophocles (whose Oedipus Rex he considered the finest of all Greek tragedies), arrived at his definition of tragedy. This explanation has a profound influence for more than twen .....

Jamestown Fiasco
Words: 472 / Pages: 2

.... spent most of their time "bickering" and "intriguing" against one another instead of "planting" and "gathering" food. There was no true "absolute" power, hence no control over the "lazy" council. Another explanation for its failure to feed itself is the "collective organization" of labor in the colony. The colonists were expected to work together as a whole to produce food and exports to make money. Those with shares would get part of the profits, but meanwhile the idea of private farming was lacking. The contribution of a worker had no affect on his share of the profit. The loafer would get the same amount in the end as the person who worked h .....

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