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World History Essay Writing Help

The Cyprus Problem
Words: 754 / Pages: 3

.... Turkish Cypriot communities in their separate capacities. The 1960 arrangements created a political partnership between the two national communities which would enable them to share power and cooperate in a bi-communal state, with the necessary checks and balances and guarantees. Unfortunately, this political partnership and the internationally sanctioned regime lasted only three years. The Greek Cypriots continued unlawfully to campaign against a bi-communal independent state and on 21 December 1963 put into effect their plan for a general onslaught on the Turkish Cypriot community. The aim was to abrogate the constitution of the country through the .....

Aztec Civilization
Words: 660 / Pages: 3

.... of learning, and Tenochtitlan, the sun god. The Aztecs believed in order to appease these and many other gods that they needed to perform human sacrifices. The main purpose of the great Aztec pyramids was, in fact, human sacrifices. They also believed that there were “lucky” and “unlucky” days for baptism and to declare war on, which were decided by a priest. Most art and architecture in the was based on their religion. There are many brightly colored murals and paintings on walls and on bark which depict religious ceremonies, along with large idols of gods. One of the most amazing and famous of the Aztec’s art wo .....

History Of The Computer Indust
Words: 2438 / Pages: 9

.... parallel wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to "programming" rules that the user must memorize, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed (Soma, 14). The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first "digital calculating machine". It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal's father who was a tax collector (Soma, 32).In the early 1800s, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Buil .....

History Atomic Bomb Essay
Words: 3467 / Pages: 13

.... and diplomatic pressures and concerns. Second, many potentially viable alternatives to dropping the bombs were not explored by Truman and other men in power, as they probably should have been. Lastly, because these alternatives were never explored, we can only conjecture over whether or not Truman’s decision was a morally just one, and if indeed it was necessary to use atomic energy to win the war. The war in Asia had its roots in the early 1930s. Japan had expansionist aims in Eastern Asia and the Western Pacific, especially in Indochina2. In July of 1940 the United States placed an embargo on materials exported to Japan, including oil .....

Feminine Mystique
Words: 681 / Pages: 3

.... rapidly expanding war economy absorbed most of the reserve labor force,” (307) yet it still was not enough, the economy demanded a larger work force. This demand worked in cooperation with the availability of the women of the time. “’Commando Mary’ and ‘Rosie the Riveter’ became symbols of women who heeded their country’s call” (307). There were many enticements luring women to join the work force. These enticements included higher war wages, more available time and opportunity to work, and wartime restrictions on leisure activities. “Despite the general expectation that women would return to their home after the war, femal .....

The Persian Wars
Words: 1508 / Pages: 6

.... of Miletus, proposed to the Persians that they should conquer the Aegean Islands starting with Naxos. The Persians launched the expedition, unaware of the strong defense of Naxos, which was due to the active organization of its democratic system. The Persians failed and Aristagoras, fearing for his life, began a democratic rebellion in 499 B.C. He went to the Greek mainland for support but Sparta denied him aid, fearing their Helots might revolt. Athens, on the other hand, supplied 20 ships and Eretria, an Athenian ally, sent five. These forces set out to Sardis, the capital of Lydia, where they burned it, slaughtered the men, and took the .....

Culture 2
Words: 523 / Pages: 2

.... often given rise to great revolutions and bitter revolts. To illustrate this idea, one might examine the “colonial encounter” between the British and the Indians. “The contact of two races so dissimlar in character, in culture, and institutions, as the English and the Indian, raises the problem of the contact of cultures in its most acute forms” (Spear, 22). The problem in India was complicated by numerous factors. The strangeness of the environment, the differences in the national character of the two groups and the differences in the social and political institutions, were the few that played an important part. The English found the easter .....

Sports And Competition In Ancient Greece
Words: 380 / Pages: 2

.... four years in honor of Zeus, the king of the mythical Greek gods. They were at their peak in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, but they were suppressed in 394 AD by the Roman emperor Theodosius. Before the Games, special messengers would set off in every direction to announce the beginning of a sacred truce. All disputes and warfare among the city-states were then suspended. The sacred truce was to protect Games-goers from assault and lasted three months. The competitions were open only to honorable Greek men, and lasted five days. On the first day of the Games the athletes and the judges swore that they would compete and judge honestly. On the second, .....

Chinese Communist Influences
Words: 1984 / Pages: 8

.... than those of the modern West. China developed an elaborate and effective political system resting on a remarkable cultural unity, the latter in turn being due mainly to the general acceptance of a common, although difficult, written language and a common set of ethical and social values, known as Confucianism. Traditional china had neither the knowledge nor the power that would have been necessary to cope with the superior science, technology, economic organization, and military force that expanding West brought to bear on it. The general sense of national weakness and humiliation was rendered still keener by a unique phe .....

The Borderlands: 1880 - 1940
Words: 1608 / Pages: 6

.... and did not end until President Diaz was overthrown. The United States and its border towns were heavily involved in the conflict. The fighting was mainly in the north and they need supplies. The majority of the weapons and supplies for the Revolution was brought in the United States. The border cities in the United States became the chief suppliers of guns to the Revolution. This form trade was illegal and mainly done on the Black Market. The legal trade that existed before the Revolution disappeared with the outbreak of war. Mexico had closed the border during the conflict to prevent the supply of arms. The United States had also tried to stop t .....

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