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World History Essay Writing Help

History Of Computer
Words: 2469 / Pages: 9

.... abacus. These date back to almost 2000 years ago. It is simply a wooden rack holding parallel wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to "programming" rules that the user must me! morize, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed (Soma, 14). The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first "digital calculating machine". It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal’s father who was a tax collector (Soma, 32).In the early 1800Õs, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an autom .....

History Repeats Itself
Words: 1697 / Pages: 7

.... expeditions and explorations to conquer territory in the New World. Once it held its new established territory, Spain relied on the influx of gold and silver from the New World. Spain was the first country to start an empire and consequently started a trend. Once HOLLAND gained their independence from Spanish rule, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it moved on to become a great power. Holland had relied on seafaring and the economic success of Amsterdam until around 1620. "By mid-century, however, they had used their technical sophistication and control of vital raw commodities to build successful industries . . . and suppor .....

Jewish History
Words: 1158 / Pages: 5

.... no longer citizens,could not attend public schools,engage in practically any business or profession, own any land, associate with any non-Jew or visit public places such as parks and museums. The victories of the German armies in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city. Hitler's plan of genocide was carried out with efficiency. The total number of Jews exterminated has been calculated at around 5,750,000. In Warsaw ,where approximately 400,000 Jews had once been con .....

Athens Vs. Sparta
Words: 1128 / Pages: 5

.... and had the same education. As well, drunken soldiers would make it easier for heliots to revolt so prohibition was practiced in Sparta. Family Life was almost nonexistent. Sparta resembled more an army camp. Males of all ages were kept together and spent a lot of time with each other. This was meant to make them grow similar in character as well as devoted to each other so they would be an efficient fighting force. Family life would breed diversity and the Spartans believed in unity to be more important than families. At a very young age boys were taken from the home to train together. Girls might sleep at home, but during the day they worked .....

Crusades 3
Words: 1771 / Pages: 7

.... the leadership of Christian society” 1 The original object of the First Crusade was to free the Holy Land from Muslim control, especially Jerusalem. When Jerusalem fell to the Turks, pilgrimages to the middle east became dangerous. Pope Urban then called “for a great Christian holy war against the infidels.”2 Reclaiming the Holy Land, from the Mulsim’s fulfilled the ideals of the Christian knight, thus appealing to many. Papal encouragement, and the offer of indulgences also motivated thousands to enrol in this cause . “Undertake this journey for the remission of your sins...with the assurance of everlasting glory in the kingdom of hea .....

Origins Of Communism
Words: 1534 / Pages: 6

.... and to establish a simple administration for food supplies, which will take note of all individuals and all provisions, and will have the latter divided according to the most scrupulous equality.” - “Plebeians’ Manifesto”1 Because of this and other acts considered to be threatening to the Directory, Babeuf was executed in May of 1797. Babeuf was not forgotten though, others followed in his footsteps. Another 19th century French reformer, Charles Fourier, shared many of Babeuf’s ideas, but where Babeuf favored immediate political change, Fourier was for longer-term social reform. The Comte de Saint-Simon, another political thinker of t .....

The Spanish-American War: What It Meant For Cuba And America
Words: 706 / Pages: 3

.... They reported that the Maine had been sunk by a torpedo from a Spanish ship. This was the final straw for the United States, and also a reason for them to engage with the Spanish. And so it was, the short war which was to only last for a couple of months had begun, the Spanish-American War. One account of the explosion on the Maine comes from Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee, he said: I laid down my pen and listened to the notes of the bugle, which were singularly beautiful in the oppressive stillness of the night. . . . I was enclosing my letter in its envelope when the explosion came. It was a bursting, rending, and crashing roar of immense volume, larg .....

Geographical Analysis Of Early Civilization
Words: 1572 / Pages: 6

.... of geographical influence. Chronologically, the area of Mesopotamia, the land "between two rivers", seems an appropriate starting point for such analysis. Mesopotamia lies in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, often referred to as the Fertile Crescent. Although this area receives little rain, the sporatic and frequently violent spring-time flooding of the two rivers provide for the replenishment of the regions soil. Harsh deserts border Mesopotamia to the south and west, and perilous mountains separate her northern and eastern extremities from the outside world. In order to survive the perils of their environment, the Mesopotamians .....

Watergate Scandal
Words: 1995 / Pages: 8

.... involved in the crime. The reporters suspected that the break-in had been ordered by other White House officials. In a press conference on August in 1972, President Nixon said that nobody on the White House Staff was involved in the crime. Most of the public accepted Nixon's word and dropped the questioning. But when the burglars went to trial four months later, the story changed rapidly from a small story to a national scandal. It ended only when Richard Nixon was forced from office. Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff were found to have sp .....

Causes Of World War 2
Words: 1411 / Pages: 6

.... through Germany. Giving Poland Sea access split Germany into two parts, the main part of Germany, and a small portion to the North of the Danzig corridor. The Danzig corridor really inflamed Germany for many years, but they really could not do anything about the situation because they lost world war I. Another country that was angry over the Versailles Treaty was Italy. They were angry because they thought that the land that they had received as a payment for their participation in the Allied effort against Germany did not offset the cost of the war, nor did it satisfy their ambitions to grow. The final country that was angry over the Versailles Treat .....

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