Smoking: I Can Stop Whenever I Want
Beginning of paper
Good afternoon,
I can stop whenever I want. Does that sound familiar to you? if it does you are
probably part of the 80% smokers who are teens. And studies show, that young
smokers are likely to start doing drugs, selling drugs, and so forth. Young
smokers start smoking at 12 or 13 just to get a t ....
Middle of paper
.... and they usually lead the
smoker to marijuana use or to other kind of drugs. That's why I think that young
teenagers shouldn't start smoking at young age. All of you people out there who
think that they can stop whenever they want, well I have news flash for you. 1
out of 10 smokers succeed in quitting smoking in United-States. Everyone thinks
that they have an iron will and they keep on delaying the time to stop, I'll
just stop as my new year resolution, I'll stop in a month, a week, a year. ....
Word count: 432
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)