Chicken Pox
Beginning of paper
This common childhood disease has syptoms such as:
- Fever
- Weakness and fatigue
- a red, itchy rash
Caused by a herpes virus called 'Varicella' this disease is very contagious. When an infected person sneezes, coughs, or breathes, the virus enters the body through the mouth and nose transported ....
Middle of paper
.... with the disease is more serious in adults. Varicella can also cause 'Shingles' in adults. When people with suppressed immune systems are infected, the disease can become quite serious. If a pregnant woman contracts the disease during the first or second trimester there may be a congenital birth defect. If the disease is contracted within five days of birth the child risks being infected seriously with the disease and should be vaccinated immediately. The disease usually runs its course ....
Word count: 346
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)