Beginning of paper
An ongoing research project headed by associate professor of
psychiatry Harrison Pope had one subject who had smoked every
day for a long time. To participate in the research-which actually
concerned not drug use but testosterone-he had to stop his use.
The man had been such a heavy use that, ev ....
Middle of paper
.... the cultivation,
distribution, possession, and use of marijuana. Marijuana has many
nicknames, including grass, pot, and weed. It is also called cannabis, a
word that comes from Cannabis sativa, the scientific name for hemp.
Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals. When smoked, it
produces over 2,000 chemical that enter the body through the lungs. These
chemicals have a variety of immediate, short-term effects. In addition,
the repeated use of marijuana has been linked ....
Word count: 735
Page count: 3 (approximately 250 words per page)