Beginning of paper
in·tel·lect 'int-¶l-,ect\ n [ L us , fr. -,
intellegere to understand ] 1 a: the power of knowing b: the capacity
for thought esp. when highly developed 2 a: a person of notable
- Websters New World dictionary.
"Intellect is and always will be of high statue. At least it should
Middle of paper
.... is logic, reason, and judgment. Intellect is logic,
reason, and judgment. The power of knowing is logic, reason and judgment.
Intellect is the power of knowing, intellect is common sense.
log·ic: the science of correct reasoning; science which deals with
the criteria of valid thought. Intellect is logic. The intellect will
always make logical choices or decisions. Logic is the key point in
intellect. To have intellect one must have logic. The intellect has
certain principals he or she mus ....
Word count: 696
Page count: 3 (approximately 250 words per page)