Koreans: When And Why Did They Come?
Beginning of paper
At the end of the 19th century the USA received it's first refugees from
Korea, three pro-Japanese activists seeking exile after an unsuccessful attempt
to over throw the government. (Moynihan 45) They were followed by 64 students
between 1890 and 1905 to purse further education in the USA. Betwe ....
Middle of paper
.... this time, rumors spread among the plantation owners
that Koreans were more industrious then either the Chinese or the Japanese.
After consulting with the US ambassador to Korea, recruiters became journeying
to the peninsulas. (Moynihan 45)
The Hawaii Sugar Planters Association struck a deal with David Declare,
who was paid five dollars for every laborer he lured to the Hawaiian Islands.
(Moynihan 45) Deshler even offered unsuspecting Koreans loans of $100 so they
could travel to Hawaii and g ....
Word count: 422
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)