Waiting Lines And Queuing
Beginning of paper
Why would I decide to write my paper on waiting lines? It is estimated that an average person spends a full one tenth of his or her waking moments waiting for things. That is a powerful figure and that is why this was so interesting to me. When it comes to the business aspect waiting time can me ....
Middle of paper
.... the customer has to wait for a product or service that is ready, paid for, in transit or possibly even right in front of their face. Though waiting is a very important part of internal operations, the focus of my paper and research was geared towards the average "Joe Q. Customer." More specifically, any in person transaction rather than the waiting commonly associated with waiting for a back order or something to get shipped out. Mostly having to do with randomly arriving customers. Wai ....
Word count: 1171
Page count: 5 (approximately 250 words per page)