Rites Of Passage
Beginning of paper
When an individual experiences movement, or a change from an affixed
position in society to another position, that individual can easily describe
their change as a passage into a new realm of living. A new realm of living is
the way in which the individual and society views, acknowledges, and proc ....
Middle of paper
.... affects that particular individual as well as their society. Finally,
the essay will explore possible reasons as to why these initiation rites hold a
deep meaning in their respective societies.
The Kurnai of Australia have an initiation rite for the sons of married
men in their perspective villages. Within a section by A. W. Howitt, in Eliade's
book, From Primitives to Zen: A thematic Sourcebook of the History of Religions ,
a ceremony known as the "Showing the Grandfather" is descri ....
Word count: 1619
Page count: 6 (approximately 250 words per page)