Why People Dye Their Hair
Beginning of paper
Many people of different ages ask of teens the question, "Why do
you dye your hair?" It's a valid question. It seems like the fad these days
is to have a different color of hair every week. Red, purple, blue, green,
orange, it doesn't matter, as long as it's new. The crazier the better, the
brighte ....
Middle of paper
.... maybe how "gross" it is,
depending on how it turned out. You could look like a way cool punk rocker,
really trendy, or like your hair grew some major mold. It can depend on the
dye or the way you dye it, or sometimes on pure luck.
Sometimes people dye their hair because they need a change. They're
sick of the brown-haired, boring old person they see in the mirror every
day, and want to add a little spice to their look. It's really hard to be
boring looking when your hair can be seen from a blo ....
Word count: 921
Page count: 4 (approximately 250 words per page)