Paradise Lost
Beginning of paper
- Speech of Belial
Here is the speech, rewritten in modern prose (lines 108- 225):
On the other side of the hall, Belial stood up. He was a graceful and fair person and was high in dignity. He was an incredible rhetorician by and could sway the minds of people through his speech.
"I agree w ....
Middle of paper
.... Hell and that we should attack Heaven for that reason. I can surely think of some things worse. Do you think that sitting here with each other, talking to each other, and being armed is the worst thing possible? I think not. What about when we laid in the burning lake? That surely was worse. What if the air that keeps those hot fires going blew seven times as hard and covered us in flames? Or if, from above, vengeance's arm should come down upon us and plague us? What if all of the hol ....
Word count: 689
Page count: 3 (approximately 250 words per page)